What Is A P7s File And How Can You Open It | Tutorial

Within the business, commercial world, as in our daily lives, we must manage an infinite number of emails, which are one of the most used means of communication within various fields thanks to their flexibility and system of use. Therefore today we will show you what a p7s file and how it can be opened.

The management and optimization of the way we use emails is vital to be able to organize all the information that we can obtain thanks to them, since we can easily suffer some loss of vital information both for our work, studies or personal matters.

What is a p7s file

In this sense, one of the great concerns when managing email is being able to maintain and share them with the greatest security possible, therefore, one of the most used methods It is their encryption that allows them to comply with certain security standards that allow us to protect our information.

Among one of the encryption mechanisms we can find the p7s file which can be defined as this file that can be attached to an email that has encryption through the PKCS #7 standardwhich is characterized by having a digital signature that protects its content.

Therefore, the p7s file is used so that the content of the email can only be opened by the recipient who must previously know the key or have said digital signature in their possession to be able to access it. Otherwise, the email message is displayed as an undecryptable, intrusion-proof attachment.

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Thanks to the p7s file, the management, reception and sending of email messages is done through a strict security system for those documents that are validated or encrypted using this method and thus both the sender and the recipient can have a guarantee of the integrity of said messages.

Features of p7s file

The p7s file has become one of the best options to protect sensitive content within our electronics because it has a series of qualities that allow both easy handling by users and a strong load of protection to go further. of the usual procedures of the most used email clients.

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In this sense, the p7s file has among its most relevant characteristics its high level of security that makes it practically impenetrable to the different threats that we may encounter when manipulating our email.

Therefore, below we will describe the most notable elements that will allow you to opt for this security mechanism.

  • Your security system It is based on the use of a digital signaturewhich can be understood as an electronic certification that is used in various aspects of life and that has legal weight and that allows us to know in the first instance if our documents were violated or altered at any time after being sent.
  • This digital signature guarantees the integrity of our documentsthat is, after the email message has been converted, it cannot be modified or altered in any way without the recipient having the necessary permissions to carry out said procedure.
  • In turn, thanks to the digital signature we can have its authenticity guaranteedsince there may be a digital signature of each person, institution or entity, so when receiving a document that contains a digital signature we can immediately know its origin and authorship.
  • For another. On the other hand, if an email or p7s file has a digital signature, we know that the author cannot be separated from it and must be responsible for the content it possesses, since said digital signature is non-transferable or can be created by a specific author.
  • Another quality of a p7s file is to give the recipient peace of mind. the legitimacy of the document that you are receiving, so when you open it you have the guarantee that it is not a scam or a fraudulent document that is intended to be sent through a legitimate email.
  • It has a series of vital information for the email security and encryption process, such as the ability to show its source and whether it suffered any type of alteration during the sending or transmission of said message.
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Programs that allow you to open a p7s file

There are times when our email services may not be compatible with a p7s file and it will be displayed as an attached document with the smime.p7s extensionwhich cannot be downloaded by our standard client.

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Therefore, in order to open a p7s file, we must often resort to third-party applications that are compatible with them and that allow you to access their content with the greatest possible security. Here, you have a sample of the best programs that you can use for this purpose.

Microsoft Outlook

The email manager of the Californian company, formerly known as Hotmail, is one of the best Internet clients that allows you to open p7s files in a simple and direct way without major inconveniences.

On the other hand, this program has the ability to establish high security standards which adapt to the requirements and searches of users, who can be both personal and business, since said security parameters can be modified and adjusted by the user themselves. user.

On the other hand, it puts at your disposal a series of productive management tools since you can not only use it for your email but it has it incorporated into its application. the ability to create and manage a calendar so you don’t lose any of the information you require.

Among the different security measures that this program has is also theEarly detection of any threat embedded in the messages you receive, in addition to the recovery of files that may be accidentally deleted.

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You can download this application directly from its page.

Mozilla Thunderbird

Another email client that allows you to open a p7s file is the one created by the famous browser company, whose main features are its protection against malicious activities and blocking unwanted contentwhich allows us to have greater security in the handling of our messages.

At the same time, it has the advantage of having different extensions, plug-ins, and other elements that provide great customization so that any client can adjust it to their personal tastes and searches in a practical and simple way.

On the other hand, it is one of the best clients for the management and administration of large files thanks to its ability to upload or download said files through a provider. which allows a substantial improvement in the speed of handling said information.

You can discover these and other features.

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Finally we have the application created and managed by Apple, which can manage all of our email accounts very efficiently and effectively, in addition to having the ability to be compatible with the p7s file.

Also, thank you with your integration to iCloud service This client allows you to have all your emails on different devices, both desktop and electronic, whether from Apple or other companies, and thus always have your important messages at your disposal.

You can learn more about this application.

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