What Is The Chmod +x Command In Linux | Tutorial 2023

Linux gives you the command Chmod which is used to change the permission of files and folders, which is provided by all major Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Mint, Kali, RHEL, SUSE, etc.

This type of command has different options and parameters, but Chmod +x It is one of the most popular and used options for chmod. Therefore, in this article we will explain it to you to know executable and run directly with the name of the script file.

Linux Operating System

Linux It is the predecessor of the operating system Unixwhich is the mother of operating system families such as Linux, BSD, Solaris, among others

In this way, Linux is a system that was born from the combination of several projects, among which stand out GNU and the Free Software Foundation in addition to the Linux kernel itself headed by Linus Torvalds.

Its development is one of the best examples of the free softwarewhere all its source code can be freely used, modified and distributed by anyone under the terms of the license GPL or GNU General Public License and other licenses.

Therefore, this command “Chmod +x” can be easily applied to all operating systems Unix and related variants such as BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, MacOSX, Unix without or with little difference.

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Linux Features

Among the main features of Linux the following can be highlighted:

1. It’s free

One of the main reasons why many users choose Linux or at least give it a chance is due to the fact that it is a free operating system.

In addition, there are a lot of distributions so you can choose the one you like the most or the one that best suits your needs.

2. It is Open Source

The creators decided that Linux would be an open source system, which led to its release. source code so that anyone can develop new capabilities or functions and make them available to everyone.

3. It’s Safe

Security is one of the most important features of Linux, because it is a free systemthere are few who are interested in creating viruses for this system.

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Furthermore, it contains an architecture for managing files, processes and memory which does not easily allow viruses or malware to persist.

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4. It’s Multitasking

The fact that Linux is an operating system multitask It means that it allows you to run several programs simultaneously.

Therefore, it allows you to use numerous applications to browse the Internet, process documents, watch videosjust as you can do with other systems such as Windows itself or macOS.

5. It is Multiuser

Another characteristic of Linux is that it is a system multiuserthis means, multiple users can access the Linux resources and applications simultaneously and always safely.

6. It is Customizable

You can use this operating system fluently, since you can prepare and modify whatever you want

7. High device control

The Linux operating system, unlike other systems, offers you the possibility of having drivers of each device and to be able to install new drivers when we incorporate new elements into the system.

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This allows you to have greater independence and capacity to maneuver in the face of any problem or for the simple fact of thoroughly controlling each device.

8. He is Independent

Another of the great characteristics of Linux is that it is an operating system that can be freely modified and distributed.

That is, anyone can access your code, modify or develop new capabilities without the need for prior permissions or protocols.

9. It is stable

Linux is considered one of the most robust and stablewhich is why it is the most used system in servers and computers that have to always remain on without anything failing.

10. It is Scalable

It is an operating system that, largely due to many of the features mentioned above, has great reaction capacity and adapt to needs.

Furthermore, it can manage continuous growth and can grow quickly without losing quality without any problem.

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11. It has applications for users

GNU / Linux has been a reference in many aspects compared to the Microsoft or Apple platforms. Specifically, the different formats in which the Applications led to the creation of the first repositories or application stores, in this case, always free.

What is the chmod +x command in Linux

The chmod command is used to change file or directory permissionsIn Linux and other operating systems like Unix, there is a set of rules for each file that defines who can access that file, and how it can be accessed.

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These rules are called file permissions or file modes, and the command name chmod means “mode of change” and is used to define the way a file can be accessed.

For its part, the parameter +x is used to add the x permission, which is the symbol for execution permission. The execute permission will grant the ability to execute to the user or group that owns the file. + Will add the skill provided and less – remove the skill provided.

Features of the Chmod +x command

This type of command has various functions that we will list below:

1. List the current user and group permission for a file

Before you start using the command “chmod +x” for user, group and others, you usually need to use the command ls to list the current permissions for the user, group, and others for the specified file.

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Just add the option -l in the permission of the order list, the user and current owner group, among others.

$ls -l

Given this you can see that there is a file called backup.sh what is a file bash script. Its privileges are like the following, where there are no execution privileges for its owner, group or others. As explained, the character “x” is used to express execution privilege.

2. Chmod +x allows you to add execution privilege for the user

He chmod +x can be used to add execution privileges to the current owner user of the specified file, such as add the privilege execution for the user ismail to the file called backup.sh. like this example: $ chmod u+x backup.sh

Additionally, you can easily configure multiple executable files using the global operation, such as doing it on all script files or files with the extension “ *.sh that are executable for their owners or users. Like in this example: $ chmod u+x *.sh

3. Chmod +x allows you to add execution privilege for the group

In Linuxallows you files to also have a property group that is similar to owner user where users in the group have granted privileges on the file.

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He chmod +u can be used to add execution privileges for the file’s current group using g before +u . Like in this example: $ chmod g+x backup.sh

4. Chmod +x allows you to add execution privilege for others

He chmod +x It can also be used to add execution privileges for others for the specified file.

Therefore, keep in mind that this can create security issues because all users can run the specified file without any control.

Like for example: $ chmod o+x backup.sh

5. Chmod +x has a numeric permission

He +x is used to express the execution privilege as a letter, there is also a numerical presentation of the chmod +x where the x is valued as 001 in binary and 1 in decimal. the chmod +x can be expressed as numeric as the following commands: $chmod 001 backup.sh

How to make executable through file manager

Not only is it a command and it provides you with all the file managersyou can also use it as the file manager to make a script file be directly executable by changing the properties of the given file.

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For it :

You have to click on the Properties from the script file

Then you go to the tab Permissions.

After this you have to choose a configuration like “Allow file to be run as a program”then simply enable it by checking the checkbox.

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How could you see the command Chmod +x allows you to give permissions in the operating system Linux, helping all applications and functions work at their best. Therefore, follow the explanation given in this article and thus avoid problems with your PC.

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