What Is The Wifislax Geminis Auditor And How To Use It | Tutorial

For many users, both personal and business, one of the most delicate points when working connected to the Internet is the security and vulnerability that these networks can present. In this sense, today you counters that is the wifislax gemini auditor and how you can use it.

One of the most recurrent and feared ways in which our connection networks can be violated is through the Wi-Fi password, which, depending on the person’s cunning or having the appropriate programs, can be violated in a more or less way. simple and thus all our vital information is exposed.

What is wifislax gemini auditor

Therefore, one of the main tasks we have when trying to protect our information and the access that third parties may have to our network is be able to define the levels of security and protection that our company has . In that case, one of the best methods to do this is through the wifislax gemini auditor.

The wifislax gemini auditor is an application in the form of operating system that is based on Linux Slackware technologyso it has been created from open source, thus guaranteeing its constant development and adaptation to the different technologies that may emerge over the years.

In this sense, the wifislax gemini auditor has been developed in the first instance as an efficient mechanism to support and manage the different Wi-Fi networks that we can count on, its main function being to audit the security of said networks and thus check the quality. and the power of the passwords we have created.

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At the same time, with this application we can also recover and reset the password of our network, this being one of its most controversial, since it can also be used to access passwords and keys on third-party networksso the recommendation is to use it only on our own networks.

Can wifislax gemini auditor be used to hack networks?

As we have indicated, one of the main functions of the wifislax gemini auditor is to be able to discover and decipher the Wi-Fi keys of the networks to which we can have access and thus be able to use them without any restriction or impediment.

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In this sense, although it was not designed for this, it is clear that the wifislax gemini auditor can be used by unscrupulous people pto steal the access codes of different Wi-Fi networks and make illegal use of them.

We must take into consideration that this form of network piracy is punishable under the legislation of many countries, so beyond the fact that you can certainly have the possibility of doing it through the wifislax gemini auditor, we strongly recommend that you do not do it so that you do not have no legal risk in this regard.

However, it is also important to clarify that the use of this program on your own networks or one to which you are authorized to access will notor sends any hint of illegalitysince the procedure to use it is totally legitimate and supported by law.

Therefore, the security and legality in the use of the wifislax gemini auditor depends strictly on who is running it, this being a very efficient tool to establish the security and vulnerability levels of our own networks.

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Step by step to use the wifislax gemini auditor and audit your wifi networks

As mentioned, the wifislax gemini auditor is a specialized program for auditing your wifi network so that you can know, among other things, the password of your network, its complexity and vulnerability levels, connection security, among other essential parameters when establishing the security of your network.

Therefore, in order for you to use this vital tool, you must follow a series of corresponding steps that will help you use it correctly.

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Step One. Download

As it should be, the first step you must take into account to use the wifislax gemini auditor is to download it from its website, for which you must take into consideration whether your operating system works at 32 bits or 64 bits and the capabilities of what your computer has.

This is because the program comes in different versions and has considerable weight, about 1.9 GB on average, so you must make sure that you have the necessary space to download. Once this download has been completed, you must send the file to a pendrive which must have a minimum capacity of 2GB to contain the program.

Step 2. Format the pendrive

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Once you have the wifislax gemini auditor file on the corresponding pendrive, we must format it so that it can be executed, taking into consideration that said application behaves as if it were an operating system as it comes in an ISO image file.

To do this, in the first instance we must resort to a Linux installation program for pendrive, the most recommended being , which allows you to create said installation disk in very simple steps without any major inconveniences.

After having this program installed, we open it and we must select Wifislax as the source to start from the computer and upload there the ISO file that we have previously downloadedand then choose the pendrive disk drive where you must be careful to choose the option We Will Format Drive as Fat 32.

So, you just have to start the process by pressing the button Create Wait for the charging to complete, which may take a few minutes. Once the process is finished, you must restart your computer making sure you have the pendrive correctly connected to it.

Step 3. Start the wifislax gemini auditor

Once the computer has restarted and if you have carried out the previous step correctly, it will open directly in the wifislax gemini auditor, without your original operating system running any risk or damage in this process.

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So, after starting the program you must press the key Enter twice to be able to choose the option indicated as Wifislax with Desktop. By doing this, the program will start and take you to a menu in the form of the typical window of any operating system.

There, you must choose the Geminis Auditor option, which is located in the following route: Wifislax – Wireless – Geminis Auditor. This is the tool you will need to be able to audit your Wi-Fi network and verify its security.

Already within the Gemini Auditor, you must choose the alternative of Scan for targets for the program to audit your network, which may take approximately 30 seconds to complete the process.

After this, they will give you a series of results and there you must choose the network for which you want to decrypt the Wi-Fi key. It will appear indicated in green. After having chosen it, you must select the option Attack Selected Target which will begin the process of decrypting the WiFi keys, which will appear reflected in the following window.

There you can check how easy or difficult it can be to decipher your password and if it is necessary to change it both on your as in the network in general.

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