What Is Unsecapp.exe? And How to Know If It’s a Virus / 2023

The Windows Operating System is bombarded with a plethora of different features and services that work in sync in order to make your experience more enjoyable and smooth. Everything on your computer, from turning it on to shutting it down, is managed by the services. AND Unsecapp.exe It is one of them.

Although you may have heard very little or even nothing about this function, but it is very important for your computer. But according to many users, this Unsecapp.exe was found as a virus. In this article, we are going to discuss everything about this service and answer the question that every unknown service has to face”it’s a virus?“.

What is Unsecapp.exe?

Unsecapp.exe is often used as an abbreviation for Universal Sink to Receive Callbacks from Application. This service is used as a sink to extract asynchronous callbacks from client applications. WMI.

Although they may seem a bit technical and complex, they are very vital for your operating system. Most of the programs installed on your system respond to the SW thanks to this service unsecapp.exe. These services are then managed by the Windows Management Instruction (WMI).


When you install a third-party application on your computer, you give the installed application permission to use Windows features, such as the taskbar or notification panel.

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Unsecapp.exe is the service that manages the communication between installed application and Windows components. The WMI provides limited access to applications to carry out the task that accompanies Unsecapp.exe.

Is Unsecapp.exe a virus?

No, it is not a virus. It is a very vital feature without which your computer cannot function well. But sometimes, there are some malicious items that may be renamed as Unsecapp.exe virus. Therefore, in this section, we will check if Unsecapp.exe is a virus or not.

To do this, you must follow the indicated steps:

  • : Start the Task Manager by searching the start menu or right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting “Task Manager” in the list that appears.
  • Step 2: Now, from the Task Manager window that appears, you may need to search for the Unsecapp.exe (under the details tab) or Sync to receive asynchronous callbacks from WMI client (under the Process tab), right-click on either and then select Open file location.
  • Step 3: This will redirect you to the file location Unsecap.exeif the location is the same as the following then you know that the Unsecapp.exe It is not a virus.
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Now, as you can see in the above, the location is the same as mentioned, therefore it can be assumed that this Unsecapp.exe It is not a virus.

But if somehow the location doesn’t match then you need to do something. You can download an antivirus and an antimalware or simply opt for the Windows Defender Incorporated. In this section, we are going to use Windows Defender to completely scan your computer and remove the virus.

To scan your computer with the help of Windows Defender, you must follow the given steps:-.

  • Step 1: Launch setup either by searching the start menu or by right-clicking the start menu and then selecting “Setting” from the list that appeared.
  • Step 2: Select the updates and security from the screen.
  • Step 3: From the window that appears, go to the Windows Security tab from the left panel of the screen, and then click the button windows security open.
  • Step 4: This will redirect you to the Windows Security window, go to the Protection against Viruses and Threats on the left panel of the screen, and then click the Scan Options under the section Current Threats.

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  • Step 5: In the window that appears, select Microsoft Defender Offline Scan and click the button Scan Now.

This will scan your computer afterwards, you need to restart your computer and hopefully, this will remove the virus from your computer leaving you with the legitimate Unsecapp.exe file.

Can I remove Unsecapp.exe?

The simple answer would be, you cannot delete Unsecapp.exe. Synchronization to receive asynchronous calls from the WMI client or Unsecapp.exe is of utmost importance and removing it can cause your Windows to become corrupted.

If you want to finish the task temporarily you can do it with the help of the following two steps

  • Step 1: Start the Task Managereither by searching the start menu or by right-clicking on the taskbar and then selecting “Task Manager” from the list that appears.
  • Step 2: Now, from the Task Manager window that appears, you may need to search for either the Unsecapp.exe (under the details tab) or Sync to receive asynchronous callbacks from WMI client (under the Process tab), right-click on either and then select End Task from the list that appears.

But you should not do this as it is not good for your computer and also does not harm your system.

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Unsecapp.exe is causing high CPU and memory usage

According to many Windows users, Unsecapp.exe is causing high CPU usage and memory. Due to this, your computer slows down and can eventually corrupt your Windows.

But you have to understand the fact that since you interact with many different applications, therefore the problem may be due to a newly added application. In this section, we are going to fix this problem.

1. Update your computer

Many of the problems with Windows or any other operating system are due to errors. Therefore, it is possible that Microsoft has released an update that solves your problem. To update your computer, you must follow the indicated steps:-.

  • Step 1: Launch setup either by searching the start menu or by right-clicking the start menu and then selecting “Setting” from the list that appears.
  • Step 2: Click on the option Update and Security of the screen that appears.
  • Step 3: Make sure you are on the Windows Update and then click the button or on the button Discharge (if available).

This will download the update and then ask you to restart your computer to install it. Hopefully, this will eliminate the high CPU and RAM usage of Unsecapp.exe.

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2. Uninstall the newly installed application

One of the most important reasons why Unsecapp.exe is causing a high CPU and RAM usage is the newly added app. Since this process interacts with apps, your spike may be due to a newly added app.

To uninstall an application, you need to follow the indicated steps:-.

  • Step 1; Start the Setting either by searching for it in the start menu or by right-clicking on the start menu and then selecting “Settings” from the list that appears.
  • Step 2: Click on the option Apps of the screen that appears.
  • Step 3: Now, make sure you are on the Applications and Featuresselect the newly added app and click Uninstall.

After the completion of the process, you need to restart your computer and hopefully this will remove the Unsecapp.exe high CPU and RAM usage.

3. Scan your hard drive

Sometimes the problem may be external and not internal. But this can be resolved internally as well. To scan your hard drive, we are going to use the Symbol of the system.
For this, you need to follow the prescribed steps:-

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  • Step 1: Start the command prompt as administrator, either by finding it in the start menu or in the RUN box (Win+R)writes “cmd” and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
  • Step 2: On the screen that appears, type chkdsk d: /f /r /x and press Enter

Note: you must replace “d” for the disk you want to check.

Once the process is completed, you have to restart your computer and hopefully this will eliminate the high CPU and RAM usage of Unsecapp.exe.

4. Fix your Registry

A registry malfunction can be very irritating, can cause a lot of problems and cause a high CPU usage or memory is one of them. But luckily, we have the Windows operating system and Microsoft has given us the luxury of using the command prompt and fixing any problem.

For this, you need to follow the prescribed steps:-

  • Step 1: Start the command prompt as administrator, either by searching the start menu or by RUN (Win+R)writes “cmd” and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.
  • Step 2: Now type the following command and press Intro.

Sfc /scannow

This command will scan your registry thoroughly and after a reboot, it will fix all the corrupt files.


In this article, we have talked about one of the most important processes of Microsoft Windows, the Unsecapp.exe. We have also concluded that it is not a virus by just clicking on the process and seeing the file location, but there are some viruses that can change their name like Unsecapp.

Therefore, we have also learned to for Windows Defender: Settings > Updates and Settings > Windows Security > Open Windows Security > Virus and threat protection > Scan option > Microsoft Defender Offliine Scan > Scan Now.

We have also seen, how Unsecapp.exe causes high CPU and memory and 4 fixes for it.

If you want to know other articles similar to What Is Unsecapp.exe? Why is it causing high CPU usage? you can visit the category.

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