What is Whatsapp? Here we explain it to you

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What is Whatsapp?

It is almost certain that you have heard of WhatsApp. Even if you are new to the world of smartphones, surely some colleague will have even asked you to install it on your device to be able to chat without spending not a penny on old-fashioned SMS or calls. But do you really know what it is?

Whatsapp Messenger is a chat or messaging application, each one calls it in a way exclusively for smartphones. We can find it for iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone and even for Nokia with Symbian and Java. If you don’t get the idea, it is a kind of MSN, but with the functions customized for a phone. Some of these are the possibility of eSend the geographical position or add contacts from the phonebook itself.

whatsapp is free

In addition, this application has a rather important feature for the user, Downloading the WhatsApp application does not cost anything. We will only have to pay the symbolic figure of 0.71 euros per year to be able to maintain the company’s servers together.

Apart is this of course we will have to pay one rate that has an Internet connection from your own mobile. But although this rate is more expensive than the standard voice-only rate, it is worth having it contracted, since the savings you can get with WhatsApp is gigantic. Below you can do it.

No need to add our friends

One of the most common actions in this type of application is having to ask your friends for their contact information, but with WhatsApp this is not necessary since If your friends are already in your mobile phonebook, WhatsApp will automatically take them for your list. All your friends who have this program will appear on the WhatsApp list and from there you can send them messages. Those you don’t find on that list, you will have no choice but to send them an SMS or invite them to download WhatsApp.

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Another interesting feature is that when we send a message to a colleague who doesn’t have their phone on at that moment or is simply out of coverage, the application stores the message on its server so that it can be read once it is available.

WhatsApp is a very complete application

Also with WhatsApp it has other functions apart from sending individual messages to your friends. Chat groups can be createdan almost necessary utility today to meet friends. We can also send images, videos, audio noteswhich have become fashionable lately so as not to be writing and we can even share our location with you in case it is necessary.

The only problem with this application is that it does not allow you to make calls using the data rate. In this regard, there are applications such as LINE and Telegram that are hot on its heels. In addition, in terms of security, the application has many complaints, since it does not use encryption and our messages can be intercepted and read if we are connected to the public network.

We find alternatives to WhatsApp

If you don’t like this app, in the mobile app market we will always find some alternatives. Some of the best known are the following.


Line is one of the applications that competes most directly with WhatsApp. It is known for its funny stickers and unique emoticons that make the app more fun. In addition, this application does allow you to make calls with our data rate.

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This is known for its security encryption. In addition to that, it has group conversations and secret chats with which it makes the application almost unique.


This is an application that also competes directly with WhatsApp. It offers the same as WhatsApp but also allows you to make calls with our 3G or even WiFi.

Surely in the App Store we will find an infinity of messaging applications, but these are the ones that have caught our attention the most and the ones we use the most in our day to day.

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