What is WinPcap and what is it for? Use Guide

There are many programs today, some developed for very specific segments, and among them is the tool WinPcapwhich is a very specific software that is designed to work under Windows 10.

In this way, being a tool widely used in the industry for the connection between network layers in Windows environmentsin this article we will explain what it is, what it is for and how you can uninstall it from your operating system.

What is WinPcap and what is it for?

WinPcap is an industry standard tool or software that allows you to access the connections between layers of a network, i.e. connectivity and selection between two host systems, in Windows environments.

In this way, it allows you to capture and transmit the network packets that bypass the protocol stack, including packet filtering at the kernela network statistics engine and support for remote packet capture.

Likewise, this software is designed for users with extensive network knowledge and that they know very well how WinPcap works, since it has a driver that expands the OS to provide low-level network access.

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On the other hand, it also has a library that allows you to easily access the low-level network layers. This library has the Windows version of the popular Unix libcap API.

In this sense, it can be indicated that this software has been the packet capture and filtering engine for many open source tools and commercial networks.

Also has protocol analyzers, network monitors, network intrusion detection systems, sniffers, traffic generators and network testersand some of these tools, such as Wireshark, Nmap or Snort, are widely used in network management.

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Disadvantages of WinPcap software

Although WinPcap is a legitimate and widely used software, it is not recommended to have it on your system, due to a method of distribution not very correct, since when it is installed, free programs or shareware are installed.

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Likewise, there are other characteristics that make it a not so reliable software, and they are the following:

  • Controls the actions performed by the user.
  • WinPcap redirects traffic to unwanted sites containing advertisements, occasionally quite intrusive.
  • It can cause various problems such as slowdowns, annoying pop-up ads, and other problems of this nature.
  • This software is quite resistant to removal.
  • Make changes to the system, inject components into Chrome, and generating annoying advertising, banners, pop-ups or hyperlinks.
  • It does not support PPP connections.
  • It does not allow VPN type connections.
  • Has with Visual Basic.
  • It does not work with personal firewalls as it cannot capture all or much of the adapter traffic.
  • It is incompatibility with Java.
  • It only supports physical interfaces, so loopback is not supported.
  • There may be incompatibilities with wireless adapters.

How to uninstall WinPcap on any operating system

The uninstall process WinPcap It is quite simple, by following the following methods depending on your operating system:

1. On Windows

In this case you must follow these procedures:

With Windows 10 and 8

You have to enter the Control Panel from the Windows search bar and press Enter or click on the search result.

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Then in the option of Programs you have to select in Uninstall a program.

Then in the from list option, you can find the entries related to WinPcapor any other recently installed suspicious program.

After that, you right click on the application and select Uninstall.

Then the User Account Control and you click on Yeah.

You have to wait until the uninstallation process is complete and click on Accept.

With Windows 7 and XP

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You have to click on Windows StartThen in Control Panel which is located on the right side, if you are a Windows XP user, click on Add/Delete Programs.

Afterwards in the Control Panelyou have to select the option Programs and then in Uninstall a program.

Afterwards you have to choose the unwanted application by clicking once.

At the top you click on Uninstall/Changeand in the confirmation window, you have to choose Yeah.

Then you click on Accept once the removal process is finished.

2. On Mac OS

In this case you have to follow these steps:

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You click on the button Go in the upper left corner of the screen and select Applications.

Then you have to wait until you see the folder Applications and you search for WinPcap and any other suspicious program in it, and you right click on each entry and select Move to Trash.

3. Restart MS Edge/Chromium Edge

In this case you have to follow these steps:

You have to click on Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager.

Then you click on the arrow More details at the bottom of the window.

Then you select in the tab Details.

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After that you have to locate any entry with the name of Microsoft Edge on it, and you right click on each of them and select Finish homework to make MS Edge stop working.

4. Restart Mozilla Firefox

In this case you have to follow these steps:

You have to open the Mozilla Firefox browser and click on Menu.

Then you go to the option Aid and choose the option Troubleshooter Information.

Being in the section of Set up Mozilla Firefox, you have to click on .

When the pop-up appears, you have to confirm the action by clicking on Restart Firefoxand this should complete the removal of WinPcap.

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5. Restart Google Chrome

In this case you have to follow these steps:

You have to click on it Menu and select the option Setting.

Afterwards in the Settingsyou have to locate the option Advanced and you click on it.

After that you have to slide and locate the section Reboot and clean.

After that you have to click on Reset settings and return them to default.

Finally you have to confirm with Reset settings to complete the removal.

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6. Restart Safari

In this case you have to follow these steps:

You have to click on and then you head to Preferences.

Then you go to the tab Advanced.

After that you go to the option Show menu Developer in the menu bar.

Finally, from the menu bar, click on the option Developer and then select Clear caches.

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As could be seen after uninstall this potentially unwanted program and fix each of your web browsers, we recommend that you scan your PC system with a good anti-spyware.

All this will help you get rid of the traces of the registry of WinPcapand will allow you to identify viruses that are related to other possible malware infections on your computer.

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