Why Are WhatsApp Audios Not Playing? Solutions

WhatsApp audios are one of the most important features on this platform, due to how much they facilitate our communications. For this reason, that they have any problem represents a huge inconvenience.

But it does not have to be like that. Although there are a large number of reasons for why the WhatsApp audios are not heard, The truth is that most of them have an easy solution. Just tap on the right place and you’re done.

So that you don’t get lost in the sea of ​​possibilities that could be generating difficulties, I have grouped them according to their complexity. I also include the most feasible solutions for each problem. Let’s get down to business.

I can’t hear WhatsApp audio: Hardware

If the WhatsApp audios are not heard, they are heard low, with a beep, in short, they do not work well, it is good to start looking from the outside in.

Indeed, there are many more possibilities that the deficiency is in the peripheral elements of your device, than in software issues. That is to say, you must verify, from start, your speakers, headphones and microphone.

To do this, you can use any other application, available on your phone, that records and plays sounds. With the use of it, make test recordings, both with the phone’s microphone and with the headphones’ microphone.

Subsequently, test the reproduction of the audio, first with the speakers of your terminal and then with the headphones. The result of these tests will tell you if there are problems with these attachments and, specifically, with which one.

Change your headset or have your device serviced to resolve issues with the microphone or speakers. If, on the contrary, they work optimally, you can confirm that the problem is deeper.

WhatsApp audios are not heard: Software

Don’t worry, deeper does not mean difficult to solve. Anyone is scared because the WhatsApp audio is not heard, especially if the problem is software, but I guarantee that you can solve it in no time.

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Many details may be influencing your application, or the operating system of your phone, not reproduce the audio well. Luckily, the vast majority of them are tweaks and therefore easy to fix.

Before continuing I tell you that, when WhatsApp audios are not heard, Android and iPhone share problems and solutions. Only in terms of storage does the first offer arrangement possibilities that the second does not.

Lack of storage capacity

And while we’re on the subject, let’s start here. If your phone does not have free storage capacity, it will prevent WhatsApp audios from downloading. Logically, much less will you be able to hear them. So it’s time to free up space.

On Android, you can go to the storage manager, either on the device or on the MicroSD card, locate the folder corresponding to WhatsApp and manually search for the files you want to delete. You can also delete them all.

The iPhone doesn’t have that option, but you can clean whatsapp chat to chat. Click on the conversation that you want to do without and choose the option “empty chat”. All files and messages from it will be deleted immediately.

If you don’t want to lose everything outright, remember that you can make a (Google Drive for Android) before deleting the files. To generate space, you can also use files that have nothing to do with WhatsApp, such as photos and videos.

sound settings

Many times it happens that WhatsApp audios are heard low, simply, because the volume is low. It also happens that the user turns up the volume of the phone to the maximum and, even so, the audio is almost inaudible, or not heard at all.

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The thing is that, when we think we are raising the volume of the audio, we are actually raising the volume of the ringer, resulting in the WhatsApp audio not being heard on the speaker. To avoid this, turn the volume up and down while the audio is playing.

A longer way is to go to “Settings” of the phone, locate the “Sound” section, choose “Multimedia volume” and set the volume at a comfortable level for us.

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Internet connection

In this regard, there is not much to say. If your link to the network of networks fails, your wait will be endless to be able to listen to your audios. Check your connection, whether by data or Wi-Fi, and put an end to your problems with WhatsApp audio.

speed issues

That your WhatsApp audios sound like squirrels? Speed ​​is your problem. And as fast as your audios go, you can also solve it.

In any voice messages you’ve received or sent, notice that when you press play, a button is generated that refers to one of three options (1x; 1.5x or 2x). The first represents “normal speed”, the second “medium speed” and the third “high speed”.

If your interest is that your audios are heard with total normality, press until it is on the 1x option. However, keep in mind that listening to the audio in one of the other two options can save you a lot of time.

Audio playback vs. motion

Most of the time that a user claims: “I can’t hear WhatsApp audio in my ear” it means that they haven’t noticed that other systems that interact with this platform work on your phone and, therefore, they should be taken into account. account.

Such is the case with the motion sensors that most devices have. When you hold the phone to your ear to listen to your WhatsApp audio, the front sensor is almost certainly activated, which is an important protection measure.

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That is why, sometimes, when you listen to a WhatsApp audio, the screen turns off and the playback stops. So that this does not happen, take care not to activate the sensor with your face or your hand when listening to the audio.

Another solution is to use headphones and thus dispense with bringing the device closer to your face. That, if the hearing aids are your preference, which we know is not the case for all users.

Stay updated

An important question to remove from your head the Why can’t WhatsApp audios be heard? is to have your app always updated to the latest version, because functions that require updates may be included or discontinued.

It also does not hurt to read from time to time the news that comes out with what is new on this platform. I mean, to be aware of the new features and, above all, how they are configured.

Frequent questions

Below, I answer the questions most frequently asked by users of the network of networks:

What to do if WhatsApp audio is not heard?

If WhatsApp audio is not heard, you should check the peripheral elements of your phone and, if they work properly, check the settings of your device and the application. In this article I talk to you in depth about the subject.

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