Why don’t Instagram notes appear? This is the reason

Some time ago Instagram added the «Grades«, a small function with which we can share short text (just 60 characters) to share it with our followers or with our best friends. However, this cute option not available to everyonemaking it possible for some users to see and send notes, while for others no trace of this news appears.

This has led many users to wonder why others do have the ability to read and create Notes, but they do not, wondering if there is an option or setting to activate them from the app.

What exactly are Instagram Notes?

As we said before, it is a messaging tool that allows users send short messages of up to 60 characters with text and emojis. This function recycles the essence of the Stories, since they disappear after 24 hours after having published them; or, when sending a new note.

Instagram Notes can be found within the Direct section, that is, where the app’s conversations and chats are stored. That is, in the main Instagram menu, tapping on the paper airplane icon that appears in the upper right corner of the interface.

To send a note, we simply have to tap on our profile picture and write what we want to share. Then we can select the audience that will be able to see it: followers we follow or our list of best friends.

Once published, your followers will be able to read your Note and respond to it by tapping on it, starting a private chat when they do so.

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Why don’t I get Notes on my Instagram?

However, it is possible that a friend of yours, or yourself, may not see Instagram Notes appear in the messaging section of the app.

First of all, it should be noted that Instagram itself has already notified that, for the moment, Instagram Notes . The company, as it usually does with other news, is testing this functionality on a select group of users before officially launching it.

At the moment there is no release date, nor is there any method to activate Instagram Notes, since it is the company itself that is in charge of enabling these functions remotely from its server side. In fact, if you have more than one device (such as a tablet and a mobile phone, or two smartphones), it is possible that you have them available on one and not on another, even if you use the same Instagram account on both devices.

It always helps though. have the app updated to the latest version available to ensure that the new options are functional in your app. Remember that to update Instagram, you can do it from the App Store on iPhone, or from the Google Play Store on Android.

With all this, it is possible that Instagram will enable Notes sooner rather than later for everyone. It was in December 2022 when they landed for most users, so it is possible that their official arrival is just around the corner.

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