Why is my mobile data so slow? 11 Reasons and Solutions –

Nothing ruins your day faster than a slow Internet connection, especially if you don’t have access to one. . Web pages will take forever to load, you will experience, and it becomes almost impossible to watch online videos without buffered. Many applications that rely on the Internet may not function optimally.

Various factors can affect mobile data speed and vary depending on phone specifications, operating system, location, nature of mobile data plan, etc. In this guide, we will cover all possible causes of slow mobile data speed in no time.

1. Multiple apps use mobile data simultaneously

Running too many data-intensive applications and activities can clog network bandwidth and slow connection speeds. So if you’re streaming Netflix, downloading multiple files, and updating your apps simultaneously, pause some of these activities and run them one by one.

2. Poor connection strength in your area

Mobile data speed largely depends on the quality of your mobile operator’s network and the coverage of your location. A good way to determine network quality is to check the signal strength in the phone’s status bar. The higher the number of bars, the better the connection speed.

You should also check with other people who use the same network in your area. If you are having similar connectivity issues, contact your cellular network provider to let them know about slow mobile data speeds.

If the problem persists, you may need to switch to another provider with better network coverage. Be sure to do your research before making the switch; Ask people about their experiences and confirm network availability and speed in your area.

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3. You are using an old SIM card

This is another agent that causes slow cellular data speed on your mobile devices. Newer SIM cards are equipped to support new cellular technology, providing faster internet connectivity than older SIM cards. 5G is the latest cellular technology, but 4G LTE also offers ultra-fast network connectivity.

Using an old, outdated one will limit your connection speed, even if you have a high-end device. You probably have a 3G SIM card if you are between 8 and 10 years old; Upgrade to a 4G SIM card to enjoy high-speed Internet.

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Contact your service provider or visit a nearby store to confirm the network capability of your SIM card. You may need to provide your SIM card serial number, so make sure you have your SIM card package on hand.

4. You are not using the best type of network

Obviously, 5G is better than 4G and 4G is also faster than 3G. Although smartphones use the best connection by default, they still support older network types. This means your device will switch to a 4G connection if 5G is temporarily unavailable or to 3G if you lose 4G connectivity.

You may experience slow Internet speed if your device’s connection preference is not set to the best network type. Or if your device does not automatically return to the best network type after a connection failure.

On your smartphone go to Network and Internet > Mobile Network > preferred network type and make sure recommended option is selected.

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On iOS ( or iPad), go to Definitions > Mobile data (Where Cell) > mobile data options (Where Mobile data options) > voice and data and select the best network type.

5. Do you use a VPN?

A virtual private network (VPN) is great for bypassing geo-restrictions, protecting your online privacy, and staying safe on the Internet. However, the biggest disadvantage of using VPNs is that they often slow down your connection. Disconnect your VPN connection and see if of your mobile data.

6. Too many apps running in the background

As mentioned above, your phone’s connection speed may slow down if an app uses too much mobile data in the background. Review your data usage and check if there are background apps consuming mobile data unnecessarily. For Android users, go to Definitions > Network and Internet > Mobile Network > App data usage and review the data usage of all the apps on the page.

If an app you rarely use is consuming an excessive amount of mobile data, select the app and disable both background data and Unlimited data usage.

You can also check an app’s mobile data usage on iPhones and iPads, but there’s no option to restrict background data usage. iOS only allows you to disable the app’s access to your mobile data. We go to Definitions > Mobile data (Where Cell) and disable all data-intensive applications that do not require an Internet connection.

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7. Network congestion

Cellular connection speeds (and Wi-Fi too) are typically faster outside of business hours, such as midnight when people are sleeping. When many people use the Internet simultaneously, it can overload your provider’s cell tower and reduce the amount of bandwidth available to users on the network. This is especially common during work hours and peak times, such as holidays.

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In this case, there is nothing you can do other than inform your network provider about the slow connection.

8. Deprioritization of the network

Some network providers offer standard and premium mobile data plans. If you subscribe to a standard or basic data plan, your mobile operator may reduce your Internet speed to give preference to premium customers. This is called data deprioritization (or network deprioritization), a common practice among mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs).

The big cell phone carriers don’t prioritize their network, but you can’t be sure. Check the terms and agreement of your mobile data plan on the carrier’s website and see if there is any mention of “network deprioritization” or “data throttling.” You can also contact customer service or send an email requesting confirmation.

It is worth mentioning that the deprioritization of data is temporary; Connection speed will return to normal (for all users) when network congestion is resolved.

9. You have reached your data usage limit

Your ISP may throttle your Internet speed when you reach a certain usage limit on your monthly data plan. This is called data throttling. Check the usage policy of your internet plan and ensure that you have not exceeded the usage limit beyond which your connection speed starts to slow down.

Keep in mind that data deprioritization and data throttling are two completely different terms. Both are speed reduction techniques, but they occur for different reasons. Data throttling occurs when you reach the usage limit of your internet plan, while deprioritization occurs primarily during network congestion.

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10. Network configuration issues

You may not be able to access high-speed Internet if your phone’s network settings are not configured correctly. Or maybe some apps messed up your network settings.

Resetting all network-related settings to factory defaults can fix this issue. Start your Android Definitions app and navigate to System > Advanced > reset options > Reset Wi-Fi, Cellular and Bluetooth > reset options.

To reset network settings on iOS devices, go to Definitions > In general > Restart > Reset network settings.

11. Your phone is not updated

Devices running outdated operating systems may not have the software support necessary to enjoy a high-speed cellular (or Wi-Fi) connection. If your mobile data speed is still slow after trying all possible solutions, make sure your device is running the latest software. go to Definitions > System > Advanced > Upgrade system.

If you have an iPhone, go to Definitions > In general > Software updates and download the updates available on the page.

now you know why

Linking your internet connection to another device can also slow down your mobile data. If your mobile hotspot is active, turn it off and see if your connection speeds up. Ejecting and reinserting your SIM card is another proven solution worth trying.

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It is worth mentioning that a faulty cell phone antenna can also cause connectivity problems. Therefore, if the problem persists after trying all the recommendations in this article, go to an authorized service center to have your phone checked for possible hardware damage.

Be sure to refer your friends to this article the next time you hear them ask “Why is my mobile data so slow?” »

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