Windows 7 Or Windows 10 For Old PC. Best Decision

If we have a computer that has been running for several years and perhaps does not have the best hardware level features, but you are thinking of upgrading it to Windows 10 to take advantage of its great features, you should take into account some considerations before making the decision between Windows 7 or Windows 10 for old PC.

Windows 7 was a great advance in terms of security and stability issues in the of Microsoft’s operating system so over the years it has worked consistently for many. However, the arrival of Windows 10 represents a huge advance in terms of features and services, being the great revolution in Windows since the mythical Windows 95.

Windows 7 or Windows 10 for old PC. To be or not to be?

If you are at the crossroads of having an old PC, and not having the financial resources or out of nostalgia not wanting to buy a new one or update it, but still want to be at the technological forefront at the software level, especially try everything it offers Windows 10, the first thing to take into account is that there may be driver compatibility problems that would make the update impossible.

This is especially true in the case of Windows 10, which has presented a series of very strict minimum requirements in terms of hardware features so that your computer can be ready to make the leap to this new operating system.

These restrictions, which have even been criticized by some computer owners who are debating between Windows 7 or Windows 10, are one of the first things to review for those who have computers that have been in use for a few years.

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Minimum requirements for Windows 10

Among the minimum requirements to be able to update our computer to Windows we have:

  • Processor with a minimum frequency of 1ghz, a 2ghz Dual Core processor being recommended.
  • Support a minimum architecture of SSE2, although it is recommended that it support SSE3 or more for it to work correctly.
  • 1GB RAM, with a minimum of 4GB being the best option, both for 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
  • Minimum 20 GB disk for installation. The ideal would be 50 GB free exclusively for installation.
  • Minimum screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.
  • Nvidia GTX/RTX or AMD RX dedicated graphics card.
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As you can see, these minimum requirements rule out to a certain extent many of the older computers and there would no longer be much room for debate between whether to choose Windows 7 or Windows 10. However, if your old PC has these features, you should consider the advantages and disadvantages of both operating systems before making the vital decision on Windows 7 or Windows 10.

Advantages of Windows 10 over Windows 7

As we have said, with Windows 10 Microsoft has finally hit the nail on the head in terms of designing an operating system that is functional and at the same time attractive for both the average user and the most demanding professional, after years of successes and failures whose lessons have been been included in this operating system.

Therefore, we list the advantages of this operating system that can make you decide between Windows 7 and Windows 10. These are the main ones

Guaranteed updates

Updates are vital to know how long we can continue using an operating system. In this case, Windows 1o has its minimum update programs guaranteed until 2025. On the other hand, Microsoft stopped supporting Windows 7 updates at the beginning of 2020, so there will no longer be any official improvements in this operating system.

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Powerful Antivirus

The arrival of Windows 10 has represented a substantial improvement in terms of the improvement of the built-in antivirus, which has made it extremely difficult for hackers or other malicious users to violate this operating system, which also presents new features such as fingerprint unlocking, among others security system.

Although your old PC does not have these new security devices, it is always advisable to be up to date and updated against the threats that arise. Quite the opposite happens with Windows 7, which, since it is not officially supported by Microsft, depends on third-party antivirus such as Karpesky and Avast to stay up to date against these threats.

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Improved Functionality

Windows 10 has made installing and installing apps, updating drivers, and troubleshooting system issues extraordinarily simple. In this section, doing this type of work was somewhat cumbersome for Windows 7 users, so updating the control panel is a huge advance for users.

There are other important advantages such as support for touch screens or the incorporation of DirectX that make the decision between Windows 7 or Windows 10 seem simple in favor of the new operating system. However, there are also a series of drawbacks that can tip the balance.

Disadvantages of Windows 10 versus Windows 7

Over the years, Windows 7 has established itself as one of the best operating systems for PCs, especially in terms of security and stability, which allows even your old PC to function more than acceptable, with most of the features still available. everyday use programs for any average user,

On the other hand, the path of Windows 10 has not been a bed of roses either, since it has presented multiple criticisms, especially in the privacy section and its considerably exaggerated accumulation of data on our usage habits.

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Therefore, the decision between Windows 7 or Windows 10 can also come if you are one of those jealous of your privacy and security. Next, we present the disadvantages of Windows 10 compared to Windows 7.


While most of the most popular programs are supported natively in Windows 10, there are some programs that cannot run because their developers have abandoned them or have not yet updated them to this operating system.

Although Windows 10 has certain to mock said it can still become somewhat cumbersome to run old versions of programs or games that we would miss without updating to Windows 10.

On the other hand, having been released for so long, Windows 7 is compatible with almost all old programs or games and you would have no problem running it.

Windows Media Center

This popular program has disappeared from the Windows 10 version, as well as the photo viewer, so you will no longer have by default these tools that are something everyday for Windows 7 users and they can continue to enjoy them.

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Of course, there are alternatives to Windows Media Center like the one that fully complies with all the features of this program. However, nostalgia and habit always affect.


As mentioned, it is not clear how much information Windows 10 collects about user activity, but there are suspicions that they are substantially greater than those made with Windows 7. Therefore, this may raise suspicion since Microsoft does not inform what it is used for either. this information and what its purposes are.

Therefore, you can opt for Windows 7 if you don’t trust Microsoft’s plans with your data and you can still use your favorite applications.


Although it may be the case that your old PC meets the minimum hardware requirements and the decision between Windows 7 or Windows 10 would be opted for the newer operating system, the reality is that to fully use it you need some qualities of the equipment that you may not have. and you end up suffering more than necessary.

However, the advantages of having a functional operating system with guaranteed updates are incomparable in order to extend the useful life of your equipment.

On the other hand, if your old PC still works fully with Windows 7, it is recommended that you continue using it until you can improve its hardware features or until the applications you use every day are no longer compatible with it.

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Likewise, here is a video that explains how to upgrade your old PC to Windows 10 and make your decision a little easier.

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