Woo Commerce Product tab images are not displayed

Hello, very good, the images are not shown in the woocommerce in the product file. Yesterday I updated everything (WordPress, “the7” Template, and WooCommerce) and the strange thing is that there was a time when they appeared but by “magic” they did not appear again. I don’t think I have touched anything so that it cracks again, in fact last night I saw it with my cell phone and today it cracked?

I leave you an example link to a product so you can see what I mean.

If you go to the index, you can see the product, but when you enter the product, you don’t see the featured one or the thumbnails.

If someone can explain to me what casca I would appreciate it. Greetings and thank you

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Answered : 08/23/2018 1:43 pm

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