【 Broadcast in Groups with Facebook Live 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Live videos They are a very positive strategy to grow within any web platform, because you generate empathy and closeness with your followers. In this sense, .

Through this functionality, people can run a broadcast on various topics, as long as they comply with the platform’s policies. Therefore, in this post we are going to teach you How to broadcast live videos in groups with and create my live videos?.

Added to that, you will learn about some aspects to take into consideration when choosing an ideal group for the live ones. Finally, we share a series of tips to increase the audience of your videos and manage to grow within this platform.

What should we take into account when choosing the ideal group for our live broadcasts?

The Facebook Lives are a perfect opportunity for meet your customers or followers, discover their needs, interests, etc. This makes it a powerful tool to improve your brand. However, to achieve your goals you must ask yourself the question of What to take into account when choosing the ideal group for transmission? Through this question, you can segment your audience and select the one that suits you.

In case you are new and do not have followers, analyze what are the interests of your potential audience, location, age range, gender and other specific details. Once done, you can run to promote your lives and attract new followers. When creating your campaigns, set your custom audiences.

These are created from the information you already have about your customers on or off Facebook. This causes the contents to be shown to them, to invite them to join your group. If you already have a number of followers, you can create a lookalike audience of Facebook. With this option, a search is made for people similar to your users and who are likely to be interested in you, based on your interests and demographics.

Learn step by step how to make a Facebook Live broadcast from a Facebook group

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The live broadcasts They have become the day-to-day of users of social networks today. With the help of Facebook Live, you can do them from groups of this social network. It should be noted that, depending on the privacy of the group, it is determined who can see or not the transmission.

Bearing this in mind, the way to start this procedure is:

  • Go to the news section and click on groups, specifically in the menu on the left. Once that’s done, select in group from which you will make the transmission.
  • Click on the option What are you thinking?.
  • enter the icon with the three horizontal dots and, after that, in Live video.
  • Choose if you prefer stream now either Schedule a live video for a specific date and time. That option is located in the menu on the left.
  • Put the title you want and a description. In addition to that, it allows you to tag friends, add a feeling or activity, and check in to a location.
  • press on To transmit at the bottom left and you’re done.

If you are going to broadcast a game of a particular game, you can tag the title of it. What you should do is open the menu on the left and go to Videogames. Locate the name and select it. One thing to consider is that the transmission must comply with the policies established to carry out Facebook Live. You can keep an eye on those regulations from the Facebook Live policies website.

The best tips to increase the audience of your Facebook Live videos and grow on the platform

Doing lives on Facebook does not in itself guarantee that you will get visibilitysince there is another series of procedures that you must execute so that you really impact your target audience.

For that reason, we will give you the best tips to increase the audience of your videos and grow organically on the platform:

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Includes a call to action (Call to Action)

It is essential that use the live ones on Facebook not only to get visibility, but also to achieve a specific goal on your page or company. For example, if you have a website, always make sure to leave a link to information that may be of importance to viewers.

In this way, you guide them in that direction and generate greater conversion. In case you sell a product or service, place a link to a page that has all the detailed information. The way to do it is by including this element in the stream description or in the comments. Remember to take advantage of that moment, to invite users to review the link that you left them and thus make a call to action.

keep creative

Another valuable tip that you can take into account is to always stay creative. Live broadcasts are characterized by being dynamic and spontaneous. In addition, they are the perfect opportunity to connect with your audience. Starting from that, we recommend you run dynamics that generate interaction such as questions and answers at the end of the live, etc. Added to that, you can conduct interviews that are interesting according to your type of business, live stream an event of which your company is a part, and much more.

Check all your equipment

To do Facebook Liveit is not necessary to have a whole professional recording equipment. Just have a few basics on hand that work very well and ready.

So, if you want to guarantee the success of your transmission, you must have at least the following components:

  • Camera: It should not be a state-of-the-art camera, since an HD webcam is enough. If you don’t have one of these, you can also take advantage of the one on your mobile. Most of today’s smartphones offer excellent video quality.
  • Microphone: In order for your followers to hear you clearly, it is ideal to have a microphone. Similarly, if you use your mobile it is best to connect headphones and transmit the sound from them. It sounds much better that way.
  • Good lighting: If you do not have artificial lights, use natural daylight. It will be your best ally, as long as you keep facing the light source.
  • Good internet connection: This is a must for any live you’re going to perform. Make sure you have a good connection every time you go live, as no one likes to be left on air in the middle of a broadcast. Apart from that, your connection will affect the image quality.
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Be consistent

Many times we overlook certain marketing strategies due to lack of organization. In this sense, if you want to guarantee success you have to be constant. For this reason, we recommend establish a calendar where details the days in which you will be on Facebook Live. Remember to inform your audience in advance, so they can schedule that event on their calendar. The ideal is that you make this type of content At least once a monthalways selecting a convenient date and time for the hearing.

Analyze the results

The most effective way to assess if you are doing things right is to analyzing the results. When you finish a live broadcast, Facebook offers you a series of metrics that will be useful for you to study and improve more and more.

Some data you will get are:

  • The peak audience higher than your transmission.
  • Average time in which users stayed connected.
  • Total of views.
  • Reactions, sex, age range and other information about the public.
  • locations from where they connected.
  • Number of people achieved in transmission.
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