【Recover Clash Royale Account】Step by Step Guide▷ 2022

Since the beginning of 2016, Clash Royale has been a free video game with integrated purchases that has given a lot to talk about. Which was produced at the end of 2015 and in January 2016, was presented for the iOS platform in its Beta phase only available in some countries.

For its part, in March of the same year, it was officially launched worldwide and since then, it has managed to obtain a large number of users who have enjoyed, day after day, the experience in this game that they could download directly from and the . Taking into account that, currently, this strategy and action game in real time continues to be a good alternative for entertainment.

But, unfortunately, many users have lost their Clash Royale account and for this reason, they want to specify the steps to follow in order to recover it quickly and without any type of complication. so that they do not lose their progress in which it exhibits great difficulty. Thus, below, we detail what can be done in such cases.

When is it possible to recover a Clash Royale account?

Before letting you know each and every one of the steps to carry out to be able to restore your account and with this, recover all the progress; it is highly opportune to tell you when it is possible to redeem said account easily.

In this sense, you can perform the restoration of your account if it is affiliated with a Google Play Store, Game Center or Facebook account. In other words, if you have previously linked the game with one of these accounts, it will be much easier to restore it.

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Otherwise you will have to do this contacting SuperCell support which is the game developer company. Being that, a much more tedious procedure to carry out and of course, it will require more time to recover your video game account, since you will have to provide various data and confidential informationlike wait for SuperCell to give you an answer.

Steps to recover your old Clash Royale account easily and quickly

In order for you to be able to restore your account quickly and easily, we want to tell you what the procedure is to do so. via the Google Play Store, Game Center (or the App Store) or Facebookinstead of contacting the SuperCell help center.

That said, let’s start with the steps to carry out:

Access Clash Royale and select the Options menu

To start, you will have to enter the video game using a new account. Thus, after creating and opening said account, proceed to click on the gear icon located at the top of the screen on the right hand side, in order to access all the options found within the video game.

Proceed to choose the appropriate selection for your situation

Once the above is done, they will show you a box on the screen and from this, you will have to visualize each and every one of the available options through which you can connect the data of an old Clash Royale accountin order to restore it.

As you will see, the options you find in this box are: “Connect with Game Center”, “Connect with Game ID”, “Connect with Google Play” either “Connect with Facebook”. If you are an iOS customer, you need to choose the first selection indicated and if you are an Android user, decide to connect with the Google Play Store. However, you can also choose to do it with your Facebook account associated with the video game or through the SuperCell ID.

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Then, once you select the option indicated for your situation, the system will proceed to open and connect with your old account created in the game and in this way, you will have managed to recover all the progress and in this way, continue advancing in this entertainment experience.

On the other hand, if when selecting the option in this step the system does not recognize your old account and the procedure does not work, it is most likely that you are using the wrong account to reset the game. In some circumstances, your account progress may even have been removed by mistake, and because of this, you will be entering a Clash Royale experience from scratch.

Can I lose my Clash Royale account due to inactivity?

However, whenever errors appear to enter an old account during the restoration process, many users wonder if it may have been closed due to inactivity.

Well, given this doubt, it should be noted that it is impossible to be prevented from accessing the experience in Clash Royale due to inactionsince that account will always be linked to the associated account that you entered during the creation process.

In this sense, the reasons why you can lose your account They are different and, below, we will tell you about the most important of them so that you know what to do in case this error occurs when you try to restore your old account:

  • Once the game is installed and you start playing the tutorial, the same system indicates that you have another account and so many people decide to click on “Continue with current account” and for this, the video game will decide to store the data of the new account and replace old account information. So, you will be losing your account in this way. To try to figure it out, you will have to contact SuperCell support.
  • When you change your mobile device, be it Android or iPhone, game data is completely lost, since these were saved in the Play Store or Game Center and for this reason, there will be no way to recover the account with the new device. So the only solution would be reuse the mobile in which the Clash Royale account was created.
  • By mistake, you yourself could have decided remove advance in game and just like that, it looks like you’ve lost your account from having to start from scratch, again. Taking into account that, if this is the case, there will be no way to restore the progress you had in Clash Royale.
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