【 DELETE JOB TODAY ACCOUNT 】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Internet and new technologies have changed so many things that they are already a revolutionary phenomenon. Our day to day is completely different from what it was a decade ago thanks to everything that both fields, closely linked, have brought to our lives. In fact, even looking for a job is already something really different from what it was a while agoat least in the way that companies and candidates approach each other.

Now it is not necessary to go business by business resume in hand, there are platforms that ensure that companies post their job offers so that those interested can offer their candidacy. Job Today is one of the most prominent today, like the well-known . The company of the same name launched this platform back in 2015 in order to make job search easier, and since then it has only grown, to the point of reaching four million registered users.

A large group of people interested in being aware of any possible job offers, as well as a group in which there are many companies trying to find the best workers for the vacancies they have. Despite the facilities it offers and the positive of its intentions, know how to delete a Job Today account It is a question that flies over the minds of many of the users.

Steps to cancel the Job Today account permanently

The motives? It may be that someone has more than one profile and wants to focus completely on one, that has already been found or that they don’t even find any offer that fits. There are many reasons that can lead to closureand this guide is for you to get down to work to unsubscribe the profile you want in the shortest possible time and in an easy and simple way.

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To permanently cancel your Job Today account, you must follow a series of steps that are quite similar on both PCs and mobile phones. Take a look below and pay attention to the guidelines that we indicate in each case to achieve it quickly.

Delete from PC

  • Open the email platform you usually use and enter the email with which you registered your Job Today user.
  • Send a message to the following email address: support.es@jobtoday.com. Indicate in the subject that you want to request the removal of your profile and write your case in the body.
  • In a short period of time, the platform team will contact you to request a document that proves that you are the user you want to unsubscribe. Follow their directions.
  • Soon, your Job Today account will have been closed completely and seamlessly.

Unsubscribe from mobile (Android and iOS)

  • Like on PC, open the email app to access the email with which you registered your user profile on the employment platform.
  • Once inside, write a new message to send to the support team at the following address: support.es@jobtoday.com. You must mark the subject that you want to unsubscribe and explain it in detail in the body of the email.
  • The Job Today team will contact you in relation to your case and will ask you to follow a series of instructions. Do what they ask you to be able to end the loss of your profile.
  • Your Job Today account has already been completely removed.
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