【 Make Comments on YouTube 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Is streaming platform is currently one of the most widely used world levelthis is how today you can find a great variety video content in her. Where in addition to seeing each of these high quality reproductions you can leave comments on each post.

Reasons why leave comment on a video there are many, either because you want share your opinion about what is broadcast there, because you want add something additional on the topic or just for share similar experiences or tastes with the other members of the community.

However, despite being extremely simple leave a comment on any post on the video platform there are still many people who they don’t know how to do it. That is why we are going to teach you next how to perform this procedure in an easy and fast way, for this follow in detail everything that we will explain in the post.

Learn step by step how to make any comment on a YouTube video

Carrying out this procedure is very simple, for this the first thing to keep in mind is that you must have a of Googlethen the user who has uploaded the video that you want to comment have the option of comments enabled and second that your Google account is open. having all these points into accountthe process for leave your opinion in reproduction it is very simple.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • The first thing you should do is enter the YouTube platform since your preferred browser.
  • It is also important to verify that your Google account is open, to verify that this is the case, you must look at the upper right part of your screen that appears your account symbol How can it be seen on the screen?
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  • next thing will be search the video that you want to see and comment.
  • Once you have entered the publication you want to see, at the bottom of the video you will find the description of itand all the comments that other users have left on it.
  • Here you will find the option to leave your own comment. Once you have written it, you simply have to click on the option “Comment”.
  • When you have left said message in the publication you will see how the window is updated and then Your comment appears on the screen. as long as it does not breach any of the rules of the platform.

Can YouTube censor a comment on a video? platform policy

The streaming platform has their own privacy policies like any other Web page, where in it what they are is avoided inappropriate comments by some of the users of the portal. That is why on many occasions when it is performed some comments are not usually published once, this is due to the fact that they pass to a revision Status, either because they contain some expression or some word that he site takes as inappropriate.

The main reason why certain comments do not appear it’s because the platform system marks them as spam, rude, can be considered dangerous, among many other reasons. most of these blocked messages are because they contain certain words that are sensitive and which are used for censor certain types of languages.

It is very important to clarify that these comments are not deleted of the platform by the system, otherwise the opposite happens to the revision status to which you can access the owner of the videoso that he is the one who decides what he wants approve or reject the message that has been left for you.

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This will also let the system know what type of feedback you want the account ownerwhich will let you know which of them to approve and which not. In this way as a security measure YouTube is responsible for filtering each of the messages that its members leave in each of the publications, thus preventing them from reaching messages that are in bad taste or that are inappropriate.

Can my YouTube account be banned for making inappropriate comments?

if for any reason the YouTube platform has taken a lot of your comments as inappropriate surely you are very close to losing your account. This is because all these messages are classified as spam, so one repetition of them can be considered that it is a spam account that he is only looking for his own benefits.

Also, for security reasons for all users all these spam accounts are being removedso you should be very careful every time you leave a comment on the posts of other members if you do not want lose your account forever.

Tips to stimulate comments from your subscribers on your YouTube videos

When you have a YouTube account It’s very important interaction with the public since the success of the platform will depend to a large extent on it. Thus it is very important that both the public like you are very well connected, since this will allow them to interact with you through the comments of each of the videos. Nevertheless, achieving this is not an easy task, Therefore, its success will depend largely on all those measures that you take into account for it.

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In this way, here are some tips that you can take into account:

  • Post quality content that allows the public is interested in it.
  • Upload content at all times, this will allow you Have a constant connection with your followers.
  • Interact with your audience in each of your videosYou can do this in different ways, either creating content where you encourage the audience to ask you questions that you will answer in another videowhat do you Leave a comment on how you liked the reproductionamong many other options available.
  • It’s recommended that at the end of each video tell your followers that leave a comment about what did you like the video and on what other topics do you want to talk or share.
  • In order to achieve all this it is very important that you have a very well defined what is your target audience, since this will allow you create really interesting content that allows you to attract attention of all those people you need.
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