【 Make Gantt Chart in Excel 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

When you have to track execution of different plans or activities that a Projectit is convenient to use a Henry L. Gantt chart.

With this type of cascade you can have control of all the stages necessary to carry out the project. This is why, use MS Excel to create a Gantt diagram It is a good idea.

If you want to know how you should design this dashboard you will need to read this post. We will show you all the steps that you will have to do and we will show you the benefits that you will have when you choose a clip art.

What are the advantages of using a Gantt chart to present data?

The Gantt chart can be created in Microsoft Excel quickly and easily. This makes it a useful tool that manages to expose the information of the total activitiesover a certain time, divided into sectors or tasks that are necessary to meet the main objective.

In this way, With very simple steps, different projects can be planned to establish critical paths that the activity can have. It is also useful for budgeting labor hours and other resources to complete tasks.

This is possible thanks to the diagram can expose all the dependencies that exist between the work units.

Steps to make a Gantt chart in Microsoft Excel like a pro

If you want to use a Gantt chart for different activities you will have to follow this guide:

  • The first thing you should do is establish all the processes that you will need to achieve to obtain the final objective. This set can be called variable units.
  • Nextyou will have to prioritize the assignment of each of the processes that you have identified in the previous point to certain people, time or any other variable that you consider important for the efficient execution of the same. To this, you can call time variable.
  • Once you have established the set of the two previous steps, You must write in a column all the variable units that you have detected in the first step. Do not forget that you will have to start writing from A2.
  • Later, you will have to enter in the same row, starting from B2, all the time variables. You must not forget that you will be able to write works, days, people, departments or any other unit that executes the tasks.
  • Right now you must arrange the rows and columns by right clicking on their headers and choose the option Format cells. In this way, you can line up the words and fit them according to their extension.
  • It’s time to incorporate columns to establish the budgeted start time of each plan and their duration. Next to it you will have to leave two columns to establish the actual start and the actual duration that it had.
  • You will have to add an extra column to show the percentage of compliance of each activity.
  • Once you have this determined it should be assigned each of the activities, which you wrote in the first column, to all the time variables.
  • If you prefer, you can incorporate different execution colors to fill in the intersection between the activities and the duration of the plan. In this way you will know the degree of progress that the project has in total.
  • you can also select different areas of the diagram and choose a border so you can have one best read. Another thing you can do is fill cells with various colors to highlight groups of tasks.
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List of the best customizable templates to make a Gantt chart in Excel

We will show you below the best templates that you can use to customize a Gantt chart in Microsoft Excel:

project planner

with this template You will be able to plan and diagram all the activities that a certain project has. You will have the possibility of incorporate columns to establish control over the start and duration of the plan. In addition, you will have various colors so that you know quickly at what stage the execution is.


Is a very simple template that allows to know and have effective monitoring of the entire project at a glance. It has various colors that allow to find tasks in a simple way.

plain diagram

Their model is ideal for have precise control of activities that must have few steps for its execution. Provides a 3D designso you can incorporate a little more 5 plans and adapt them to your needs.

daily work schedule

when you need have control over events that happen every dayyou can use this type of excel templates that will allow you accurately know the daily and weekly tasks that you can have in your company or studio. You can edit it with very simple steps.

Project following

You will have the possibility of use a calculator that is integrated by means of conditional functions. It is ideal for use in Projects that have a large number of steps or plans needed to perform efficiently.

The different colors they will allow you to assign categories, employees and start and execution times.

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