【 Sign Emails in Outlook 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

No matter how you use your email, personalizing it with a signature will give it a professional and particular touch when your contacts receive a message from you. This is one feature available on most mailboxesbut what few people pay attention to them to configure.

The signature is especially important if you use your email for commercial purposes or venturessince it will be the image that you will sell to others, visually identifying your brand or company to leave a positive impression that lasts over time.

You will get the steps to configure the signature of your Outlook email in this coursein which you will also know the benefits of activating it and You will learn how to do it through four wayseither from the mobile or on the computer.

What is an email signature in Outlook?

Some They call it a footer and it is that section in which details are disclosed to those who receive an email so that people identify your personal or professional brandoffering opportunities to strengthen digital marketing.

A good signature for your Outlook email should include information beyond name and title. of responsibility that you have, you have to put contact information, links to some social networks accompanied by a friendly, pleasant and striking design without falling into the exaggeration. In short, an email signature is the data that relates to a message and in which it is declared beyond the address of the writer and who you represent at the time of sending the email.

What are the benefits of signing my emails?

Add a signature to the email goes beyond an act of courtesy to introduce you to your contacts, is linked to marketing and .

Next, you will see some benefits with which you will surely be encouraged to use it from now on in your Outlook account:

  • Build trust in the recipient: upon receiving it, it realizes who is behind the message, it shows that you have worked on the details and that it is not a robot sending continuous information.
  • Help in sales: If you use an image or a gif as part of your signature, you can promote products or services in an attractive way. That captures the attention of whoever opens the message and will surely spend a few seconds looking at it.
  • You take advantage of the time: You do not have to enter your contact or referential data every time you send an email message in Outlook. Once the signature is set up, it remains permanent unless you make any changes.
  • It is a support for the brand: Whether you’ve just launched a website or a physical address change, it’s a valuable opportunity to make it known to all your contacts every time you write a message.
  • You make the difference: The tech world is competitive, and your email won’t be the only one arriving in an inbox. To be different from the rest, a good signature will give you your own identity.
  • Add value to your brand: With a well-designed signature, you give voice and strength to your business. It is a detail that seems simple but has a profound impact.
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Learn how to sign your Outlook emails from any device

Remember that the email signature will be permanently linked to your account once you set it up, so all messages that go out from that moment will have your personal brand.

In the following sections, you have four ways to create a signature for your emails easily and simply, starting from scratch:

With Images

The first thing you will see is the shape of insert an image as a signature to your Outlook email. Surely you have received a message that has a business card included at the bottom.

If you want to create one, you will do it as follows:

  • in the mobile app or from the web browser on your computer.
  • Search the sprocket “Setting”, at the top right.
  • Now select “View all Outlook settings.”
  • In the tab that opens, select the section “Write and respond”.
  • Choose “New Signature”.
  • At the bottom of the box, you will see the symbol of a photographclick there and select the image you want to place as a signature.
  • Once you upload it, will be saved as your new signature for Outlook email.

with a link

This time we will not place a static image as an identification signature email, rather we will use a link, in which relevant details will be providedAmong them, for example, the website they should go to in case they need more information or perhaps the promotion of a new product.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Once inside your account, go to “Setting” located at the top.
  • When loading, click on “View all Outlook settings”.
  • A new window is displayed, in it mark on “Write and respond”.
  • Now press where it says “New Signature”.
  • Look at the bottom for the symbol that indicates “Insert link”.
  • A window opens where you must fill in two fields, which are “Show as” which refers to what will be seen above the link and “Url address”, which is the site to which the clicker will be redirected.
  • You should Keep in mind that the address must be active and not contain any type of malicious link or whatever.
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use gifs

To make use of gifs either Outlook animated imagesyou have to get hold of the desktop app available for different operating systems or also as you were doing in the previous steps with the mobile app.

Let’s see next:

  • open the email and search to create a message in “New email”.
  • Choose the place where you are going to insert the GIF and click on “Insert images”.
  • Send a message as proof to confirm that the moving image is displayed.
  • These steps you must give them every time that you want to send an email.
  • Another option, is to save the GIF created on a web page for this purpose and keep the link.
  • After, do the following steps from any of the devices that you are using.
  • Search “Setting” and then “View all Outlook settings.”
  • Choose “Write and respond”.
  • Now, dial in “new firm”.
  • Look for the icon “Insert link”.
  • In the window fill in the fields “Show as” Y “Url address”, which is where you have saved the GIF file.

with HTML

In this last section, you will learn how to create the signature using the HTML code without being a computer expert. This will allow you introduce some special functions and features to your identification in an easy and simple way.

Take note of the steps you have to take:

  • Open your email account in the application of Outlook for desktop.
  • Once inside, click on “Format” and then in “Font”.
  • In the tab that opens, select “Signature”.
  • Default, signature is set to rich textbut in the inverted arrow you must select “HTML”.
  • Choose this dropdown menu and paste the signature that you have already designed previously in format HTML.
  • For create a signature in this format there are several options, one of them is use a free online tool that will write the code for you. Most have a layout in which you type what you want to place and in the end it passes it to you in HTML.
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For the firm to meet its objective, it is important that it is concise, that it highlights the contact information and that it has a logo that identifies you. That way, you will be successful in developing your image and meeting your marketing objectives.

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