【 TERRA 】What happened? Origins, Rise and Fall ▷ 2022

Terra was part of one of the most important stages of the Internet. He managed to be the undisputed leader for a few years, even longer than many of those who hold that position today.

It was an integrated news portal where you could find information related to finances, free life, entertainment and many other topics. It had its decline due to financial and driving issues that caused mistakes to be made without being able to adapt to the needs of that moment.

In the following paragraphs you will find a little history of this Spanish-speaking Internet giant that was created in our country.. As well as we will show you which are the best alternative portals to Terra that you can visit today.

What is Terra and what could we do on this Internet portal?

Terra was a website that offered visitors access to services related to different themes. You could include links, forums, search engines, related images to download and any other useful information.

Among the most common topics that could be found were movies, sports, games, mobile phones, technology, email and music. This Internet portal belonged to the Telefónica de España group and it was founded in the year 1999. Creating several attached websites that dealt with financial issues, travel sales and even Internet television.

Origins of Terra How was the first Spanish-speaking digital giant born?

To talk about the origin of Terra it is necessary to go back to the year 1992 in Barcelona. At that time Pep Vallés created together with José Gaspa Rovira, olé. Which became one of the first portals of our country.

This platform was widely accepted by the public., since it showed different news from the leader at that time, Yahoo of the United States. But it had a drawback, since its owners found contradictions between the Catalan people and the name since they considered it to be too Spanish.

In this way, the foundation for which Valles and Gaspa Rovira worked sold, for an insignificant amount of pesetas, all the rights to their creators. It was then that Olé began to copy the good practices of Yahoo and AOLanother important portal of the American people.

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This generated even greater acceptance, which is why it began to attract the attention of different sectors of our country. At that time, Telefónica was working on a project to extend its own portal, but due to strategic decisions he decided to set aside “Telefónica.doc” and buy Olé from its current owners.

The operation was carried out for a sum of 3 thousand million pesetas, plus a part of the stock package of Terra, this would be the name of the new project. This is how Terra was born in 1998, being its main owner Telefónica.

Terra’s rise and growth. What were the best years of this portal like?

Within the incorporation of Olé, it was decided to put this project aside and absorb everything related to the purchased portal, remaining, after many efforts and negotiations, at I smelled like Terra’s seeker.

But this did not go entirely well, since the people who worked on the main Telefónica project, led by Antonio Sáez, began to have problems with Terra’s decisions, so they They took their project to Jazztel, which was called “Ya.com”.

At this stage Terra found the glow of its conquest in the world of the Internet. Olé was not the only company bought by Terra, since there were other Latin American companies that allowed it to have control over all the countries of South America. Thus, the Telefónica portal became the absolute leader for the entire Spanish-speaking market, thus becoming the first platform in our country to have a resounding success.

The Latino communities that existed in the United States had a great influence on the decisions made by Telefónica, so also decided to buy Lycos. Being a risky step by the then president Juan Villalonga, since its price was more than 12 billion dollars (years later, that portal was sold for a price of less than 1% of its purchase value).

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This caused the Telefónica portal, in a few months of life, to enter the stock market. It was decided to have a very strong debt strategy. The early days were good, since the shares traded at very good prices, but the structure that was maintained for this level of borrowing was not sufficient.

Crash and fall of Terra Why did it end and what is it now?

In a very short time, the crisis that existed in the United States over technological values ​​was important. This produced the Terra collapse on the Stock Market. In addition, he generated a racket everywhere.

One of the most significant losses of this portal was in September 2001, after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. This crisis was called in the stock market “Technological Bubble” either “Dot com”. After 2 hard years, Telefónica used one of its last weapons, which was present an offer of 100% of its capital in the hands of the stock market. Already in 2005, she stopped trading on the stock market.

A few years later, after different actions to regain leadership, land stopped working. Leaving aside one of the most important technological giants that existed in the history of the Internet, and that due to some internal problems decided to close all its portals, except those in Latin America, its main market being Brazil until today.

If you visit the Terra.com page you will find that it is redirected to its portal of the South American country.

List of the best alternative portals to Terra that you can visit online today

The alternative portals to Terra that currently exist are:


You can find all news related to our country and the world. You will have information about celebrities, sports, lifestyles and much more information. In addition, you will be able to directly access Facebook, Twitter, Skype and other platforms.

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You can also find weather information and access different sections. Where you can edit them so that they appear above or below those that are, or directly delete them.


It is a portal that presents a slightly more organized interface than the previous one. It has different themes that are located at the top of the portal.

It is characterized by having access to and have the most sought after sections. In addition, you will never reach the end of the site, since posts related to different topics will always be loaded. In this way you will not miss any information that interests you.


The portal of the public service of radio and television in our country It is not only intended for audiovisual content, but it is also a portal where you will find information from Spain and from around the world about technology, economy, culture and many other topics.

It is popularly known and is characterized by the diversity of topics, the vast majority of which have high-quality videos.


It is a portal based on the famous Internet search engine. On this platform you can find all the daily information about celebrities, lifestyle, fashion, news and also data related to cooking, travel and beauty.

In addition, you will have the possibility of accessing your Gmail in a simple way. To access this portal, you must register with your Google account.


Although this portal is in English, is one of the great platforms worldwide where you will find news, finances, lifestyle, games and even . Registration is free and you can use the Google translator to access our language.

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