【+10 Parental Control Apps on Android】List ▷ 2022

Mobile phones and the Internet have become two necessary tools for the human beingas Smartphones will allow you to perform a large amount of activity on them in just a few secondsEither for communicate with a family member or friend or just for establish an internet connection and enter your bank accounts, or perform any other activity on it.

Although be two very important and positive tools for humanityare also considered as dangerous in many waysand it is that so much smartphones as network connection they can make it end up making a misuse especially when browsing.

One of the big problems for parents today is what kind of content your children can see on these devicesTaking into account that there are a large number of XXX web pages, violence, devilish games, among others. According to this, here we are going to teach some mobile applications that will help you control the use of these devices for your childrenFor this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you below.

What is the ideal age to give my child a mobile?

If you are a parent and have one or more small children, you are surely wondering What is the best age to give him a mobile device? Especially since today these devices are very important for be able to communicate with each othereither to know where Is your son here, if he has already left school, if he feels well, among many other reasons. And it is that these terminals have gone from be a luxury to a necessity for human beings.

However, when it comes to a child, it must be taken into account that most of them they are not mature enough how to know what things are good and what things are not goodso a smart mobile device could be a real danger for them. The most advisable thing in these cases is that the children begin to have smartphones after the age of 15since it is considered that at that age have a slightly more mature mind.

In this type of case it is mThe communication of parents with their children is very important, since from here it will depart in large part the decisions that little ones make in their lives. If you have thought about give him a terminalit is recommended that this be a basic phone, that is to say, that it only serves to calls and send messagesas smartphones could become double-edged weapon.

And it is recommended that they use a basic phone for various reasonsone of them is that children ages 10 to 15 or 16 they are there to go out play in the park, practice some sport, make use of video games and study. Another reason why you shouldn’t give a smart smartphone it’s because these will make the child creates addictions at an early agewhich could have consequences in the future.

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List of the best parental control apps to protect your children on Android and iOS

It is worth mentioning that it is almost impossible to maintain a full control of your children’s smart mobile devices, so it is very difficult to know what websites visited from mobilewhat applications they use, what social networks they use, among others.

How do you know this is a difficult task to fulfill 100% for parents, Today you can find a large number of parental control apps that will help you protect your children from any danger or inappropriate content.

That is why below We are going to show you a list of the best apps of this type for both Android and iOS:

Norton Family

Norton It is one of the most important security companies on the webit is not only in charge of offering you security for your Windows and Mac computers, but is also available for mobile devices. This is how you have a mainly dedicated application for what it is parental control.

in this way with Norton Family you will have the opportunity to Your child’s smartphone has extra protection, where his specialty is to avoid any type of cyber Bullying, for this blogthat all access to inappropriate sites, preventing them from entering chat rooms to meet people.

In addition, it offers a tool for browsing historyso it will let you know what pages your child visits and which they have tried to enter but the system has blocked them. This app is available for both Android as iOSwhere it has a Free version and a Premium where security tools are more advanced.

Kids Place

This app is only available for the Android operating system, it takes care of apply maximum security to prevent the smallest of the house from entering the inappropriate websites or use of non-recommended mobile applications. For this it offers a configuration system where the father can mark the programs you want to be usedpreventing the teenager can install new apps.

also can restrict both phone calls and messages I send and receiveselecting you the numbers to which he can write, allows you to block connections from foreign networks, preventing him from having any Internet connection when he is not with you.

For maximum security the application has a security key that only parents should know, this will prevent the child can access it and make changes to its configuration. An ideal program for control the use of mobile and Internet from your children and prevent them from accessing dangerous or unreliable sites.

Qustodio Parental Control

Undoubtedly Qustodio It is one of the best apps to watch your kids, it works invisibly, which means that no one will know that is installed on the smartphone. With her you will have the opportunity to fully monitor your child’s activities with the terminal, being able to know who you interact with and what sites you visit.

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Among the main functions that it offers you, you can find to see which app you use and how many minutes you spend in each one, the searches you perform, the websites you visit, with whom you interact on the network and what social networks you use. As you can see a fairly complete information that will allow you to have a total control of all the movements that the adolescent makes.

KuuKla Ebeveyn Kontrol

KuuKla is another of the applications available in android operating system and with which parents go to have the possibility to restrict the use of the smartphone to his children. To do this they simply install the program on the mobile and the user will receive a email to activate the program. This will allow parents to start set it up for use.

This is how here you can place different usage parameters, one of them is to decide what apps can be installed on the computerthis means that only those programs that adults have installed. They can also add some filters to block access to XXX pages, chat rooms and any other wrong website. And finally they can set equipment usage limits.

Kids Shell

Kids Shell will allow you to have a greater control on your child’s smartphone, This gives you the possibility to be the one who decides what types of applications you can have or not in the terminal. This will prevent the little one from doing use of inappropriate app or social networks, considering that the latter It is not very favorable for minors.

However, this program is only found available in englishhas a free version and a paid version called Pro and which offers you many more tools that you can apply to increase the safety of your child at all times, especially when he is not with you.

Parental Control Screen Time

It is currently one of the most popular apps from the official Android store, it will allow you create a series of parameters in order to restrict the use of the terminal to the smallest of the housethus preventing it from accessing those inappropriate sites or that is not suitable for him or her.

In this way, screen time it will allow you set a smartphone usage time, preventing the little one from spending many hours using this device. It also has options for block websitesas well as restrict the programs that can be installed on it. One way to keep a greater control in these technological devices which are so necessary today.

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Family Time Parental Control

Like all the apps mentioned above, with family time you will have the opportunity to apply different types of controls to your child’s smartphone. In this way you will be able to make sure that none of your children is entering inappropriate websites or communicating with strangers through the network or social networks.

That is how family time takes care of block any type of cyber bullyingpreventing both your children and any other member of your family can be affected by this. When with an option of tracking that will allow you to know the location of the teenager at any timea way to realize if he is attending classes or not.

In addition, it has options such as that of an alert In case of access prohibited sites, call and SMS tracking, application blockingwhich will allow you to prevent it from using social networks, among many other options available. This app is currently in the official store for iOS and Android and which you can download completely free.

Kaspersky SafeKids

Available for both Android operating system like iOS and it is one of the most recommended applications currently to carry out this type of procedures security in the mobile devices of the smallest of the house. It has a free version and a paid Premium version where can you find tools more advanced in terms of security.

With Kaspersky adults will have the opportunity to create a list of websites your child can visit, as well as the applications that can be installed in the terminal. In addition, they can control all movements I do on the team, that’s how at the end of the day will receive a summary report of the adolescent activities on the device.

To prevent the program from reaching be manipulated by third partieshas a maximum security password that will make only the parents the ones who can access it. In the case of the premium version has extra features like a GPS locator to track you at all times and one supervision of social networks in case you already have them.


locationgy is nothing more than a family locator with parental control functions, This means that it will allow you keep track of your child’s location at all timesthis will let you know what places you visit while you’re not home. In addition, they can also limit the use of the device to a certain number of hours per day, preventing him…

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