【Arduino Data Types】What are they? + List ▷ 2022

If you like electronics and programming surely you are interested in knowing all the necessary details about the which is a board based on a hardware microcontroller and. This board has an integrated circuit through which instructions can be recorded.

It is worth mentioning that all these instructions are written on this platform through a system that allows the user to be able to establish programs that interact with said electronic circuits. It must be borne in mind that Arduino consists of a board that has all the necessary elements to be able to connect input/output pins of a microcontroller.

It is important that when working on this platform you can know all the necessary details about your programmingthis is how here we are going to teach you the different types of data that are handled in for this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you next in the post.

What is data in Arduino programming and what is it for?

When wanting to write a program with Arduino, it is necessary to take into account several types of basic elements in its structure, such as the following:

  • The processing directives: They are in charge of controlling the conversion of the program to machine code by the compiler.
  • Programs or functions: It is a set of instructions, there can be one or more, but in any case there must always be one defined as main by including the void loop call.
  • Instructions: They indicate how the Arduino should behave at all times.
  • Comments: They allow you to write what each line of the program means.
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Bearing this in mind, it is important to keep in mind what they are data types in Arduino, in this case the arduinos tend to be highly data independentsince in their nuclei exists the logical arithmetic unit named as ALU, and is in charge of executing simple operations in its memory. In this case to the logical arithmetic unit doesn’t really care that it renders the data types to the user, either text, integer or float values ​​or even the programming code.

Keep in mind that all the context for the operations comes from the compiler and the user, who is the one who ends up defining the values ​​and tells the compiler the instructions. In programming terms, computer data types or type is an attribute of data that tell the computer what kind of data to work with. In this way they can impose restrictions on datasuch as the values ​​that can be taken and what operations can be performed.

List of all data types used in programming Arduino projects

Currently the most common data used in Arduino are integers, floating point number, negative signed number, states (boolean) and alphanumeric strings.

With this in mind, here we are going to show you some of the most used data in C++ so that you can keep them in mind:


It is responsible for storing 8-bit numeric value without decimalsit offers a range between 0 and 255 without sign.


They are considered as a type of primary data that are responsible for storing 16-bit numeric values ​​are decimal included in the range 32,767 to -32,768. In the case of variables of type integer (int) they can exceed its maximum or minimum value as a result of an operation.

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Long (long integer)

The extended type numeric variable format “long” refers to integers type 32 bits = 4 byteswith no decimal places in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647.

Float (decimal places)

This is a data format of the type “Floating point” or “Float” as it is also known, it applies to numbers with decimals. Floating point numbers have a higher resolution than floating point numbers. 32 bit which occupies a range between 3.4028235E+38 to -3.4028235E+38.

In the case of floating point numbers are not exact numbers, they can produce strange results in comparisons. In this case floating-point math is also much slower than integer type, so its use should be avoided if possible. In the case of Arduino of the double data type is equal to that of the float.

In this case, floating point constants are used to make the code easier to read, even if they are not used, the compiler will not give an error and will execute normally:

  • 0 evaluates to 10.
  • 34E5 or 67e-12

So that all this can be understood in a better way, the floating point representation is a form of scientific notation that is used in the GPU, FPU, CPU, among others and with which extremely large and small rational numbers can be represented in a very compact and efficient way, with which it is possible to carry out arithmetic operations. As for the standard for floating point representations is IEE 754.

Char (character)

A char represents a character which occupies 1 byte of memoryin this case the single characters are represented with single quotes and for multiple characters or strings are presented with double quotes. It is important to remember that characters are stored as numbers using ascii encodingwhich means that it is possible to do arithmetic operations on the characters.

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In the case of boolean data they only have two true and false valueseach boolean It is characterized by occupying one byte of memory.

Data types in visualino

In visualino you can refer to data types in both local and global variables and you have the following data:

  • int,
  • bytes.
  • Long.
  • String.
  • float.

Type Conversions (Casting)

Finally we find the casting, which allow forcing the change of data and for this the following can be used:

  • Char.
  • Int.
  • Long.
  • float.
  • Byte.
  • word.
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