【Being an Influencer on Instagram】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022 ◁

Currently, with a monthly average of over 1 billion users. This huge traffic makes it an ideal platform for the mass dissemination of content.

Some people use this traffic through the application of certain techniquesto attract a large number of followers to their . The term that has been coined for these users is “”.

In the next few paragraphs, we will show you step by step how to use traffic from the Instagram platform to attract followers to your account, and become an influencer in this community.

What is an influencer on Instagram?

On the Instagram platform, An influencer is a person who has an account with a large number of followers., on which he exerts a charismatic or intellectual influence derived from the content he shares. Becoming an influencer requires amassing a large following, which takes a great deal of time, work and effort. This effort gives them a certain authority and reputation, through which they can convince their audience to perform certain actions.

Influencers are highly sought after by companies for advertising purposes, since they can directly reach a real audience that corresponds to the company’s target audience, which is why marketing strategies in collaboration with influencers are very common.

Types of influencers on Instagram and other networks

The main factor that determines the category in which the types of influencers on Instagram are divided, is the number of followers each one has.

Based on this metric, influencers can be divided into five categories:


Nano influencers are users who have a slightly higher than average number of followers, between 2,000 and 5,000 followers, and they have a great influence on opinions within social networks, both on Instagram and on other networks in which they have an account. In this category you can find many users who are, for the most part, aspirants for further growthso they are quite active when it comes to disseminating content, and really receptive when it comes to advertising deals.


This category is made up of users who, although they do not have celebrity status, They have great authority in their respective fields, so their opinions are highly valued. The volume of followers of Micro-Influencers ranges between 5,000 and 100,000 followerswhich makes them very solid marketing options for businesses, thanks to their authority over their followers, who have great trust in their recommendations.


The range of followers necessary to consider yourself a Macro-Influencer is between 100 thousand and 500 thousand followers, and currently this category is made up of users who have known how to take advantage of the Instagram algorithm, positioning themselves as specialists in a specific topic. Among the Macro Influencers you can find very diverse users such as bloggers with famous pages or pages that generate great interest in their users, and specialists in requested topics such as nutrition, fitness and fashion, etc.

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The range of Fame Influencers it is occupied by users whose accounts are between 500 thousand and one million followers, And what characterizes these influencers is that they have already had some diffusion in other media outside of the Instagram platform. They are usually people who were already known before having an Instagram account, as journalists and politicians, for example, and their previous fame gave them a shortcut to reach the number of followers they have.

Mega Influencer

The accounts of these people far exceed one million followersand this category is made up of users with great international public exposure, giving them celebrity status and, consequently, such a large number of followers.

They are among the influencers with the greatest authority over their followers, although being full-fledged celebrities, they will have the influence that their image gives themin addition to the fact that they do not exert the same influence on all their followers, since they come from different social classes, countries and ideologies.

Benefits of being an influencer on Instagram

Yes ok it is not easy to acquire the notoriety required to consider yourself an influencer on Instagramthe reality is that it can offer great advantages once you have gathered the necessary number of followers.

Among the main benefits of being an influencer on Instagram, we can mention the following:

  • It does not require many studies: More than specialties, the key to becoming an influencer is to generate quality content that allows you to empathize and relate to your followers. However, it helps a lot to have RRSS and online marketing.
  • You will gain popularity and credibility: Becoming known on social networks to hundreds of people will inevitably give your words authority, which is a great help if you have some field of expertise, since you will be able to reach large audiences that will believe in your word.
  • It allows you to do what you like: One of the best features of being an influencer is that you can get support from your followers to pursue your hobbies and even generate income from them, depending on the content you post and the receptivity of your followers.
  • You can generate income with your influence: Being an influencer gives you direct access to an audience that is willing to listen to what you have to say, which is an invaluable resource for companies looking to advertise their products, so you can generate great revenue by offering advertising for companies.
  • You can get sponsorship from companies: In influencer marketing, you can develop very good relationships with companies, which can become a sponsorship contract, through which companies can give you products as gifts, invite you to events and trips in exchange for promotion of their products and services. .
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How much money can an influencer earn?

The amount of money that can be earned as an influencer varies depending on the category you are in. This is because the influencers with the most reach they have much higher rates to make publications for advertising for companies.

Sponsored posts are classified by price according to the influencer’s category, so the earnings per post for each category are as follows:

  • Nano-Influencers: can cost between €10 and €100.
  • Micro-Influencers: can win between €100 and €500.
  • Macro-Influencer: your sponsored posts can generate €5,000 and €10,000.
  • Mega Influencers: the costs of publications with promotional content can reach, on averageat a minimum of €10,000.

Learn how to become an influencer on Instagram

The possibility that each person has of becoming an influencer is quite high depending on the quality of your content and charisma that projects in the interactions with its users.

The actions you can take to increase your chances of reaching influencer status are the following:

Create quality content

While the content you can post is incredibly varied, in order for it to grab public attention and build a following for your account, you want to make sure that the content is as professional as possible. Regardless of the theme of the content, It is a good idea to invest in professional or semi-professional cameras, to take good quality photography and video that attracts the attention of users and that they follow your page.

Take advantage of all formats

the instagram platform offers its users a large number of resources to make and publicize their publications, in order to reach as many users as possible.

The publication formats that Instagram offers us are the following:

  • Photos: are the posts that Instagram has always promoted. If you use high-quality photos, you will attract the attention of users.
  • : They are 15-second posts that can be viewed for a maximum of 24 hours by followers of the account. You can share photos and videos to share moments with your followers.
  • : basically, these are videos with a duration of 60 seconds. They are very useful to increase user interaction with the account.
  • : In the same way as the reels, it is a function that allows you to publish longer videos, which can reach 60 minutes.
  • live streams: It is one of the best options for content creators to interact with their followers directly.
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Use the Hashtags

The most common and useful social networkswhich will allow you to reach a large number of people, since they are displayed in the Instagram feed. These tags are available on virtually all of the most popular social networks, It allows you to display a certain type of content, related to the tag used.

Focus on a theme

Users are more likely to follow and interact with accounts dedicated to topics that interest them, so focusing your account on a subject in which you have extensive knowledge is a great way to attract followers. You can choose a large number of topics on which to focus your account, from professional advice to leisure topics, since there is a huge audience for all kinds of topics on Instagram.

Socialize with your followers

Charisma and a positive attitude are key characteristics that influencers need when interacting with their followers.and they are attitudes that you must demonstrate by socializing with the people who interact with your posts.

Instagram offers a plethora of means by which you can communicate with your followers. The most effective are direct messages, interactions on posts through comments and live broadcasts.

Keep a posting rate

For users with a large following and high influence on Instagram, keeping your feed active is a task that requires some planning in order to keep your followers interested. Among the parameters used to plan a publication itinerary, the most useful data to know are the days and hours of greatest activity of followers on your pageas well as Maintain a rhythm of between two posts a day and one post every two days.

Learn how to earn money being an influencer on Instagram

Be an influencer on Instagram can become directly way of earning a livingsince it allows you to generate considerable dividends depending on the strategies that you apply to your account to monetize it.

Let’s see some of them:

get sponsor

One of the best ways to generate income with your Instagram account is to get a sponsor, which will give you monetary compensation for exposing your products and services to your audience of followers. The amount of money you can generate with sponsors varies depending on the size and scope of your accountthough…

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