【CALIBRATE Android Battery】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Although it is true, mobile phones contain extremely important components that are durable over time, be they cameras, processors or screens. Nevertheless, there is another absolutely essential element of these devices and it is the batterieswhich are inside it and unfortunately, They degrade as time goes by.

In this sense, there are many myths and rumors in reference to said component and because of it, the breakdowns that commonly occur with the battery of a Smartphone are of great concern to users. Since, once the useful life of this element begins to decrease and be affected, it is likely that the phone stops working normally and in effect, in no way will you be able to get the most out of your terminal.

In this way, there are several tricks that allow you to keep the battery of your Smartphone safe and sound, but the best known and most effective of them, refers to calibrating this element so that it lasts longer than expected. That is why, below we will let you know What is this procedure about and how does it work?as well as its advantages, disadvantages, all the steps to follow and, if that were not enough, the most recurring reasons why this internal component of the mobile is out of calibration.

What does it mean and what is the use of calibrating the battery? Advantages and disadvantages

Generally, when loading an Android device, there are several algorithms that the same system executes by itself and this is based on battery capacity, charging point, charging time and other aspects that allow you to know the status of the device’s battery and with it, check if it is balanced.

Which means that if during a circumstance any of these factors fails, it can be said that the battery is out of calibration. With this, we want to indicate that By saying that a battery is calibrated, it is confirmed that said element is balanced and thanks to this, it manages to avoid the aforementioned failures..

In this way, calibrating the battery serves so that the battery indicator that your Smartphone contains, can show the real information regarding the loading status of said element. With which, you prevent the mobile from turning off when its battery is low or that while you have it charging, it indicates that it is fully charged but it really is not.

So the process allows to extend the useful life of said internal component and so, prolong the ideal operation of the device in general.

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However, in addition to this, it is valuable know the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure of calibrating an Android mobile battery, in order to be aware of everything that happens while this is being carried out. Therefore, Below we detail the most notable benefits and drawbacks in this regard:


Knowing that it is a process that manages to increase the useful life of a battery, it is logical that it exhibits advantages for mobile and of course, for you.

So, we present the most relevant ones:

  • The readings carried out by the operating system they are more precise and therefore more reliable.
  • you can make sure that the operating system tells you an actual remaining battery level. So you can get rid of the headache of not knowing exactly how much battery time your device has left.
  • You can use your Android mobile without any concern regarding the amount of battery that your phone has left. This, by knowing its exact percentage.
  • Your cellphone will not have sudden blackouts. With which you can also prevent the operation of the device from being affected.
  • Already you will not see freezes in the percentage displayed by the Android system.
  • You may prevent the permanent degradation of the mobile battery.
  • Thanks to the calibration, the battery will maintain optimum performance throughout its useful life and you will be able to .


Although it may be a necessary process for an Android device from time to time, it still It has several disadvantages or points against that must be taken into account when deciding to do it..

For this reason, we have pointed out the most outstanding disadvantages and they are:

  • Calibration of a battery it won’t fix your battery instantlyespecially if it already shows some age.
  • When you just buy a mobile and it presents problems of this type, calibrating your battery is absolutely useless. Therefore, it does not make sense to do it in these cases.
  • If you abuse these practices, it is very likely that you will negatively influence the performance of the battery and even the mobile. So it could be somewhat dangerous.

How to calibrate Android phone battery and make it last longer?

Before indicating the step by step to follow in order to calibrate the battery of your Android mobile, it is worth noting that This procedure should only be done every three months (minimum), since you must let the same battery run its course and in case you do it every week or every month, it won’t work at all and rather, it could affect the device.

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Also, It should only be run when you notice failures around a bad battery reading by the Android system itself. Thus, the procedure is:

  • To get started, connect your Smartphone to the charger or you can do it with an external chargersince both tactics work the same way.
  • Afterwards, wait for the device to fully charge. That is show 100% battery, in order to wait a while after said percentage has finished. This, in order to make sure that the mobile charges completely.
  • Now, once the battery is fully charged, proceed to disconnect the device from the charger. And in case of having done it with an external charger, just insert the battery into the device.
  • Then you have to take care of download mobile completely. Which means that it’s time to use it until the battery runs out completely. This step is very relevant, since forcing the phone to turn off is a key point during the calibration process. Once it reaches 1%, let the device power down on its own.
  • After that, with the phone fully discharged, you have to wait about four hours (It is an average time, but you can check the exact time depending on the manufacturer of your cell phone). Since, it is what they recommend for to be able to release the residual energy it contains since the last charge. If you don’t, the procedure will be ruined.
  • When four hours are up or the most opportune time, reconnect the mobile to the charger or failing that, insert the battery into the external charger.
  • A) Yes, wait for the mobile to fully charge the battery up to 100% and as in the previous step, let a few minutes pass after that to be able to ratify that the device is fully charged.
  • Finally, Disconnect your phone from the charger or reinsert the battery in this, in order to verify if the calibration process of the battery of your mobile was correctly fulfilled. That is, It should no longer show problems in reference to the state of charge. That’s it.

What are the reasons for a battery to decalibrate? Tips to make it last longer

Despite a large number of uses of the mobile can cause the battery to go out of calibration, this is a normal course that such device component must follow. As, it is impossible to prevent this from happening and therefore, calibration is required from time to time in Android terminals.

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However, there are some specific reasons that the same experts have pointed out as the main actions that manage to decalibrate a battery. These are:

  • The most powerful is keep the Smartphone connected while its battery is already fully charged, that is, it is at 100%. As, causes a rise in temperature and in such a way, generates short-term battery degradation. Therefore, it is advisable to keep an eye on the phone when it remains connected to the charger so that, disconnect it precisely when it contains 100% battery.
  • Another cause with great power are the fast charges, which also manage to increase the degradation of the battery of a mobile. For this, It is recommended to use the normal loadhim, whenever possible.
  • When you use wireless charging for your mobile, there is also a noticeable rise in temperature and that is why it is preferable not to use the well-known charge by induction because although it seems harmless, it is one of the main causes for which the life of a mobile battery is shortened.
  • When you don’t use the original mobile charger, your battery can be significantly affected. Indeed, it is relevant to use the indicated charger or at least, have one that is certified and compatible.

Other tips to make the battery of an Android mobile last longer are the following:

  • When you just buy the mobile, no need to drain your battery completely or charge it for a large number of hours. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the first charge of it.
  • Full downloads are not recommended, as this can negatively influence the performance of the device. Thus, it is advisable keep the battery level between 80% and 30%.
  • It is good that preserve the battery level of your cell phone around 40%especially, if you are not going to use it for a considerable period of time.
  • Although it is not dangerous to leave the mobile charging overnight, It is not indicated that you connect it to the current for so many hours. Consequently, it is preferable that you carry out partial charges.
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