【Configure Operating System Security】Guide ▷ 2022

At the moment there is no operating system that is not vulnerable to certain security issues. For this reason we will show you in this article how to configure your operating system to make it more secure and keep your data protected in a simple way.

we will teach you vulnerabilities in Windows, MacOS, Android and iOSso you should be attentive to learn every detail according to the OS you have installed.

Also, you will know the step by step to configure each OS to make it more solid. Do not miss anything if you want keep your private information safe on any device.

What are the main vulnerabilities of modern operating systems?

The vulnerabilities of modern operating systems that you can find today are the ones that we detail below:

Windows 10

On a computer with you can find that the update code does not contemplate the protection of the files against a new malware. This is very common in almost all OS, but it is accentuated in the one of Microsoft. To solve this inconvenience it is necessary to periodically update the operating system.

You can do this by downloading the so-called security patches, also known as Hotfixs. Cortana is another weak point that W10 has, since it is known of cyber attacks that were carried out through this virtual assistant. The best way to avoid this is disable cortana so that you do not have access to private information. Cross Site Scripting or also called script crossings are also points to take into account in Windows security.

These programs are hosted on the computer through the browser and can work to spy on the information that you carry out on the Internet. While browsers are not part of Windows, it can be taken as an operating system vulnerability. that it does not detect and eliminate the cookies and the advertisement that can significantly impair security over the Internet.


macOS is a much less vulnerable OS than Windows, but this does not mean that it does not present weaknesses when it comes to cyber attacks. This is the case of the cookies, the scripts and the advertisements what the user has every time he browses the Internet. For this reason, it is convenient to work with trusted browsers (especially Safari) and customize it to avoid this type of checkout.


The vulnerabilities you will find in an iPhone are related to Internet browsingevery time you download applications you must do it from la, which controls that all the apps that are uploaded to the platform are safe and comply with the terms of conditions and services of Manzana.

As with all operating systems, when you browse with your iOS mobile you will not be able to avoid being tracked. For this reason it is convenient to use VPN to encrypt the IP adress, become invisible and work with a geolocation different from the real one. In addition, cookies are installed on the phone, unless you customize it to the browser so that you are not monitored.

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While is true that Android offers users great security resources both to access the mobile and not to be located through the real location, it also has security vulnerabilities in its operating system. This is especially due to Internet browsing. As it happens with ios, the OS fails to prevent the user from being tracked and third parties from not knowing about the activity carried out on the web. This can be solved by browser customization.

Learn step by step how to configure Windows to make it more secure

The step by step that you must take to configure Windows to make it more secure is the following:

Download all updates from Windows Update

You must not forget that have the operating system updated reduces the risk of any malware join your team.

To know and update this part, you must do the following:

  • enter a Setting from the button beginning.
  • Choose the option Update and security.
  • head over to the tool.
  • Check if there is any update that you have not installed yet by pressing the option Search for updates.
  • In case there is any of these, click download and install.

Disable Cortana

It has been found that the has vulnerabilities that allow attackers to break into computers.

For this reason, it is convenient to disable this assistant by following this guide:

  • head over to the button beginning and click on Setting.
  • NextChoose Cortana.
  • press in Search and Cortana settings.
  • Search the function Allow Cortana to respond when you say Hello Cortana Y turn it off
  • Also You will have to to disable field Let Cortana listen to my commands when I press Windows logo key + C.
  • And finally, disable field Use Cortana even when the device is locked.

Configure diagnostic data

Microsoft gather information about the activity you do on your computer. This function comes enabled by default, but you can disable it to strengthen your privacy.

You will have to do this step by step:

  • enter a Setting and select Privacy.
  • Next, choose Windows permissions.
  • press in Comments and diagnoses and check the box Necessary diagnostic data.

Customize activity history options

What you should do now is avoid sending your activity history to Microsoft.

To do this you will have to follow this guide:

  • When you are in Windows settings go to the section Privacy.
  • Choose the option activity history.
  • disable the tool Send my activity history to Windows.
  • It also removes activation Store my activity history on this device.
  • and finally deactivate Show the activities of these accounts (of e-mail).
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Remove permission for apps to access your location

You must go to Settings and follow this step by step:

  • Choose the option Privacy and then choose Location.
  • then deactivate the tool Allow apps to access your location.
  • Also click on the tool for clear location history that you have saved on the device and if you prefer, choose what type of app can know where you are.

Customize the microphone and camera

You should not forget that any untrustworthy user with a bit of computer knowledge can access your computer’s microphone and camera with operating system Windows.

To avoid this problem, continue with these steps:

  • press in Start and select the option Setting.
  • Choose the tool Privacy and look for the option Microphone Y disable field Allow apps to access the microphone.
  • You will have to do the same with the camera accessing the function that bears this name and then disabling the tool Allow access to the camera on this device.

configure your browser

You should not forget that there are browsers that are not safe, so they can be vulnerable to the intersection of the information between your computer and the hosting of the web page in which you want to visit.

For this reason, we recommend that you use recognized browsers for their security, such as Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Tor and Opera. In this case we will show you how you can configure chrome to strengthen his security. The first thing you should do is clear history What do you have up to now?

The steps are:

  • Open the browser and go to the menu to select Record.
  • Search the option Delete navigation data.
  • click in basic.
  • Choose field Time interval and choose All.

What you should do now set up what for your activity is not saved at any time.

To do this you must follow this guide:

  • head over to option Data and personalizationlocated in the menu.
  • press in activity controls.
  • Choose the tool manage activity and choose Plus.
  • Look for Save activity for and click on it.
  • choose the option Never and finally click on Following Y To finalize.

Next, you will block third party cookies so that these programs do not affect your privacy.

You can do this by following this process:

  • Search in Chrome the option Plus and click on it.
  • Select Settings.
  • Choose Advanced Settings.
  • click in Privacy & Security and then in content settings.
  • You will find a list where you will have to select the tool cookies.
  • Choose Disable cookies.
  • disable the box Allow sites to save and read cookie data.
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Discover how to configure your MacOS to be much more secure

As it happens with windows you can also set up your mac to make it more secure.

You will have to do this step by step that we show you below:

Configure cookies

The first thing you will have to do is configure the cookies that are installed on your Mac so that they do not deliver information without your authorization to third parties.

What you should do is open the Safari browser and follow this guide:

  • head over to option Menu and then select preferences.
  • Next, look for the tool Security and click on it.
  • Choose Show cookies.
  • press in delete all.
  • To end the process, click To accept.

Block banner ads

Open Safari and follow this step-by-step to block pop-ups:

  • press in the menu of Safari.
  • Select Preferences.
  • click in function Security.
  • Choose Block pop-ups and click on it.

Steps to configure your Android mobile and protect your personal data to the maximum

To configure your Android mobile and make it really secure you will have to follow these steps:

Set the lock method

What you must do to hardening your Android operating system is modifying the settings to access your phone when it is locked. You will need to use the method of fingerprintsince this mode is the most secure.

You will need to perform these steps:

  • head over to android settings.
  • Choose the option security and location.
  • click in device security and look for the tool Fingerprint.
  • If you have a recorded footprint To authorize purchases and access applications, it is ideal that you delete it by clicking on the trash can and then save it again by clicking on Add a fingerprint.

Perform a credential encryption

This action will cause privacy increase for those card lock management apps They need a key or credential to access it. If you use this configuration mode, what you will do is encode the access method so that it is not decipherable with any attack method.

The steps you must follow to carry out the encryption of credentials are:

  • press in the tool security and locationwhich you will find in the menu setting.
  • Next, Choose Privacy and then choose Advanced.
  • Search the tool credential encryption Y…
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