【Create Labels in Gmail】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Keeping organized is a challenge. especially if you have the same account for work and personal purposes. There comes a time when there are so many messages that have accumulated that the storage seems to be insufficient.

Starting to individually delete each item in the inbox, when there are thousands of messages, can become tedious., but sometimes it is the only solution to avoid losing important documents or contacts. None of this would happen if from the beginning organization methods provided by Gmail are used.

In this course you will learn the usefulness of email tools , the steps you must take to have your messages and contacts organized and some tips for you to manage your account like an expert. Do not miss any of our valuable tips.

What is a label in Gmail and what is this tool for in my mail?

Although many servers use folders to sort received messagesin gmail labels are handled, which they are classification marks according to aspects that users choose. They are normally displayed within the message at the top, next to the subject.

One of the advantages of labels is that there is not necessarily one per message, you can put several labels on it, either by contact, theme, occupation or any other aspect you want to create. So the labels serve to locate a message more quickly by simply going to the left bar of the mail or entering the search engine.

We teach you step by step how to use Gmail labels to have all your emails perfectly organized

Gmail brings some labels by default once the account is created, but that’s not a limitation, it’s just a guide to get started. starting from there you will be able to create all the ones you need to manage your mail more easily.

In this part, we want to show you some simple ways to organize your inbox by creating labels, accessing them, and sorting emails:

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create tags

Until now, labels are created only from the desktop version of Gmail or in the browser. This option is not yet available in the mobile application, so from there you have to enter the web as well.

The steps to do so are as follows:

  • Log in into your account of e-mail.
  • In the left side menuclick “Plus” and find the function “New label”.
  • click on “New Label” and a window will open, enter the name and click on “To create”.
  • So you will have an empty label created with which you can sort your messages.

access labels

Once you have created the labels, They will appear in the left side menu of the Gmail account. According to how you create, the list will grow.

To access the bookmarks you must follow the following steps:

  • Enter the left side menu from your account Gmail.
  • Click on the option “Plus” and enter in “Manage tags”.
  • There you will see all the labelsboth those that come by default and those that you have created.
  • you have the option of “To show” or “Disguise” in each one of them.
  • By default, most come with the option “To show” activated.

Move emails to a label

if you already have a list of unsorted email messagesNo need to worry.

The difference is that it will take you a little longer to order them, but it can still be done by following these simple steps:

  • enter to your inbox.
  • Select the messages that are of the same category.
  • In the top menu look for the option “Label”.
  • This window gives you two optionsCreate new tag” or use one of the ones that are already by default.
  • If you decide to create aenter the name and thus you will have your messages saved in a specific location.
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Learn the best tips and tricks to organize and manage your Gmail mail to the maximum like an expert

Gmail has dozens of free tools that cover the needs of almost all users, including the most demanding or those who have to meet with multiple functions at the same time. The detail is that they are rarely used, often due to ignorance. But, learning to manage and organize the email inbox is something that we should all know how to do.

Here are five recommendations that will help you manage Gmail like a professional:

Prioritize messages

Here let’s remove the default inbox order and place it giving priority to the most important emails.

To do this we use the configuration box and perform the following steps:

  • Enter to “Setting” and then mark “View all settings”.
  • Enter the section “Received”.
  • In “Inbox Type” Choose “Priority” either “Important first.”
  • It is key that you have the option to use the previous actions checked to predict the messages that are important.

Use the tags

We have already told you about this above and here we mention it again. Labels for your inbox will allow you to classify all emails and hide the less relevant ones. The function will make it easier for you when you want to focus on a particular theme. Labels can be automatically assigned to emails that arrive using custom filters. This will help you keep your Gmail inbox as tidy as possible.

Delete old emails

The best way to take advantage of the 15 GB of storage that Gmail gives, is by deleting old emails that do not fulfill any function or that they are there simply because we have forgotten to remove them. It is recommended to first look for those that have attachments, such as videos, photographs either audio They are usually very heavy. Go to the search field and indicate that you want the messages that have attachments. so your mail will not be saturated and you will be able to move around it more easily.

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Use automatic filters

if you have subscribed to several newsletters and wait for customer response Added to the notifications of pending projects, the inbox will be receiving hundreds of messages daily. In a few minutes you will have a bombardment of enormous information. But configuring the filters you can avoid all that.

The steps are the following:

  • enter a “Setting” and then to “View all settings”.
  • then touch on “Filters and addresses blocked”.
  • press in “Create a filter” and adjust the settings, including the words or senders you want to block.

Archive emails

This tool is very useful. since it does not mean completely eliminating the messages from the mailotherwise file them in a folder that allows us to see the inbox in order. Those that are archived will only become visible again on the main portal when someone replies.

All you have to do to activate this function is select the message and click on “Archive” on the right side. So your inbox will be less saturated with information and will be more pleasing to the eye. With all these tips and tricks you will keep up with all the tasks and responsibilities, but also you can manage your Gmail email like a professional and without many complications.

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