【Free Up Space in Windows 8】Step by Step Guide▷ 2022

One of the most common ills facing a computer is have little capacity . Therefore, it is essential for every user to know how to free up storage space on a hard drive. If you want to know what to do, continue reading this step by step guide to .

Photos, videos, text documents and programs They occupy a huge portion of the disk. Excessive weight can cause unpleasant situations such as computer slowdown.

For this reason, we want to offer you a series of tricks and useful tools to clean up your hard drive quickly and easily.

Why is it important to remove unnecessary files from my PC?

Users download new content to their computers every day. On many occasions, they do not stop to delete those that they no longer use. However, you should know that It is important to delete unnecessary files from the PC for correct operation. First, free up storage space on your hard drive means keeping only what is necessary.

The cleanings work for get rid of corrupt files or damaged, virus-infected, junk or temporary files. In this way, you favor the maintenance of an orderly work area. Second, a hard drive with enough storage space makes the computer work more efficiently. Slowdown is minimized considerably, plus you’ll have more memory to install programs or download new files.

Learn step by step how to free up storage space in Windows 8

View a system message that alerts you about how little space is left on HDD it can be exhausting. However, there are many ways to recall memory quickly.

Next, learn step by step how to free up storage space in Windows 8:

Hard Drive Check

Before carrying out any cleaningit is necessary to check the available hard drive space.

To do this, carry out the following steps:

  • Go to the section of “Setting” and click on “Change PC settings”.
  • Click on the button “PCs and devices”. Next, click on “Disc space”.
  • Finally, click “Free up space on this computer”. The screen will show the total capacity and how much memory is free.

Uninstall rarely used programs

It is likely that you no longer need to use many of your . Old or useless programs only consume space on the computer, so it is recommended remove them.

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You can do it in the following way:

  • from the button “Start”, click on “Control Panel” and then in “Programs”.
  • Accede to “Programs and characteristics”.
  • Select the program that you want to delete. The vast majority of applications provide the option of “Uninstall”. Some others also have the buttons “Repair” Y “Change”.
  • If the program you are looking for does not appear, you should check with the application documentation to proceed to uninstall.
  • If you want to delete a program from the store windowsyou must access “Change PC settings” and select “Search and Apps”. Then click on “App Sizes”.
  • Select the program you want to delete and press “Uninstall”.

delete media files

Accumulation of images and videos they can quickly fill up hard drive capacity. For this reason, it is convenient delete or move such files. In case you want to keep some, you can resort to saving it in the cloudor move it to an external storage drive, such as a CD, DVD, USB or external drive.

However, if you want to delete it, proceed to:

  • Through the box “Search”, write “This team” to open that window.
  • in the bar “Search this computer”enter “size:huge”.
  • Then, it is necessary to display the menu of “Watch”. click on “Sort by” and select “Size”.
  • The first files that appear are the largest. You can right click on them and select “Remove”.

Delete junk, temporary or duplicate files

computers usually accumulate temporary files and junk files that end up limiting hard drive space. Therefore it is necessary to make use of disk cleanup to clear the memory.

The steps to follow are those:

  • Click on the start button. then write “Disk Cleanup” and click on the corresponding button in the list of results.
  • Select the hard drive you want to clean, if prompted. press “To accept”.
  • A pop-up window will appear on the screen starting a dialogue with the user. In the description box, click on “Clean up system files”. You may have to re-indicate which drive you want to clean. finally press “To accept”.
  • In the next dialog, you must check all the boxes that correspond to the files you want to delete of the computer.
  • If you want to delete data from a previous installation of windowsyou need to check the box “Previous Windows Installations”.
  • In the last dialog box, you must click on “Delete files”.
  • Finally, return to “Equipment”select the drive you cleaned up, and click “To update”.
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For complement the action of the space liberatoryou can use other tools, such as CCleanerto make a much deeper and more efficient cleaning.

Add more storage capacity

If you need more space, either for personal or work reasons, a good alternative is increase storage capacity. You can make use of a removable drive, such as a device USBcard SD, CD or DVD, external hard drive or opt for the cloud of OneDrive.

Keep in mind that documents saved to OneDrive can still consume space on your computer if the option to keep documents available is enabled OneDrive Without connection. To avoid this, you just have to deactivate this option. In this way, the files will only be available when the computer is connected to a network.

List of the best programs that will help you free up space on your PC

Though Windows 8 has a space cleaner, you can always choose to download a program to free up hard disk space.

If you do not have references in this regard, here is a list of the best programs that will help you free up space on your PC:


Is a free closed source app that fulfills the function of improving the performance of computers windows. It is one of the best known programs at present, because it is a fairly reliable space liberator.

Through CCleaner, you have the function of:

  • Delete temporary files and unnecessary Windows.
  • clear history from the browser.
  • Delete the data of plugins and applications.
  • Repair invalid entries from the Windows registry.
  • Adjust the programs according to user preferences for automatic system startup.


It is a free storage analyzer. takes care of provide explanatory graphs about the capacity of the hard drive, folders, SSD, removable drives or network. In other words, Xinorbis provides a complete view of the content of any team. It is a tool aimed at experts in the area or administrators, but some of its functions are sufficient for the common user.

Some of its features are:

  • Analyze content from a wide variety of deviceseven those that are connected to the network or to the PC.
  • Produce custom reports regarding storage space and computer performance.
  • Generate a copy about folder history.
  • It has an independent search system to locate file names, size, date and time, categories, file owner, and file attributes.
  • It is available in several languages.
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It is an optimizer program for Windows. It is responsible for freeing up space on the hard drive by means of the elimination of temporary documents, recent, empty the recycle bin, clipboard, cache, error reports, among others.

Other notable functions are:

  • Optimize the Internet connection.
  • It is responsible for cleaning and defragmentation the system.
  • Offers the ability to manage programs for automatic start.
  • Improves computer performance for work activities or video games.
  • It is a light and easy program of using.


Like CCleaner, is an application to free up hard disk space. Likewise, it is also in charge of optimizing the system, regardless of the version of windows in which it is installed. It allows you to delete the internet cache, the recycle bin, cookies, temporary files and applications that you no longer use.

Its characteristics are the following:

  • It has automatic emptying of the recycle bin. It also removes debris from installations.
  • You can delete history of each user on the computer.
  • Delete registry entriesas well as event logs from windows.
  • you can scan in depth his HDD.
  • Allows you to rearrange files for easy access.


CloneSpy is a program specialized in remove duplicate files on computer. Its analysis function is in charge of scanning all the system folders to locate those duplicate files, or those that are unnecessary for the user.

Other of its functions are:

  • Provide information about which files should be removed.
  • Can move duplicate files to a specific folder.
  • Informs the user, through a listof all redundant files on the system.
  • Replace duplicate files with shortcuts.
  • It is an easy tool to use, and it is light. works for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10.

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