【How Instagram Works】Interface + Types of Accounts ▷ 2022

It is one of the most used social networks today due to its feature of showing graphically.

If you want to become an Instagram expert, First you must know the anatomy of the interface of this social network and know what are all the sections that it has. You will also need to know the types of posts you can share.

Do not miss anything, if you want to be a true professional and earn money with your company through instagram. This is because you will also find information about what a and how to perform .

Anatomy of the Instagram interface What are all the sections in it?

The Instagram interface is divided into the following sections:


Stories are videos or photos that disappear after 24 hours of being posted. You can find them at the top of the screen and they are made up of a red circle that surrounds the profile photo of the user who has uploaded the story. Videos cannot be longer than 15 seconds, but several can be joined to form a longer story. can be added that will help improve the aesthetics of the story.

story chamber

Whenever you want You will have to go to this section of the Instagram interface. To do this you will have to click on the icon +, located in the center of the lower part of the screen. Once you choose this option you can upload a story from your mobile gallery, take a photo or record a video. For each of these actions you have an icon available.


The feed, or home screen, It is the interface section of Instagram that shows at a glance all the stories that your contacts have uploadedthe messages you have received, the new publications of your contacts and also the advertisements that hire different accounts.


Instagram offers you the possibility of record a video, send a photo or text and send it privately. To do this, you will have to press the icon located in the upper right part of the screen represented by a paper airplane.

You will then be able to choose the tab Major in which you will find the most frequent contacts that interact with you or select the tab General. In this you will find the general messages that have notifications disabled. When you want to send a Direct you will have to click on the name of the contact and then select if you want to send a video or a text message. You can also add a photo taken directly from the camera or choose a link.


You will find this section of the Instagram interface at the bottom of your mobile screen, represented by a magnifying glass. You will have the possibility to see Reels, images or videos of . These elements are stories that different users uploaded and that, due to the algorithm of instagram, they might interest you. You can also include names in the search bar to find that person’s account on the social network.

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instagram camera

To access the camera instagram You will have to press the icon located at the top left of the screen of your device. When you click on it, the camera of your mobile will open in which you can add different effects to personalize the story. You will have a timer so you can use both hands, various filters and the possibility of including texts. It is a very useful tool every time you want to upload a story to your account quickly.


When you want to know what activity you had on the social network, you must press the icon represented by a heart, which is located at the bottom of the screen. You will be able to find all your actions and those of third parties that interact with you.

That is, you can know who started following you and the posts you made a year or more ago. You can also find suggestions of the social network in which it will show you profiles that may interest you. In this section you will also learn about the I like it that you got in your stories and your new account follow-ups.


In this section you will find all the information related to your account, To access it you will have to click on the icon of your profile photo. There you will find the amount of posts, and accounts that currently follow you.

In addition, you can see the data of your personal blog, the promotions, the, you will have the possibility of add a store and see the mail. you will also be able from this option. Finally, you will have the group of featured stories. You should keep in mind that from this section you can also upload a story by accessing the instagram camera.

Instagram Posts What are they and how do interactions with them work?

Next, we will show you the different types of publications that exist on Instagram:

Types of publications

Among the types of publications that you can make on Instagram are the following:

  • Photos: It is one of the most used by all users. You can incorporate filters to highlight its design. You can upload square, horizontal and vertical photos of up to 2048 pixels.
  • Videos: Instagram allows you upload videos up to 15 seconds, but you can upload a complete story divided into several videos. If it exceeds that limit, you will have the possibility to use instagram tv.
  • Carousels: this function is related to a storytelling. That is, you can group photos or videos to tell a story divided into parts. It is ideal for displaying products in which the user must swipe the screen to find more content.
  • Sponsored Ads: you have the possibility of hire on instagram ads to appear in the feed of other users. They are characterized by having a label called Advertising.
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Post Interactions

The interactions that occur in the publications of other users can be:

  • Comments: You have the option to leave a comment on each post or story that other users upload. For this you will have to choose the publication you want, click on the description and then write in the bar Add a comment. This information can be seen by all the followers of the user who has uploaded the story. You can also press the icon represented by a conversation call.
  • Likes: these are actions you can take on a user’s post. To do this, you will have to go to the icon located below the story and press the Heart.
  • emoji: under the story you have the bar for add a comment and next to it you will have different emojis that you can use to react to the publication. For example, you can add applause, hugs and wish him strength, among others.

Share Posts

When you find an attractive story you can share that post with your followers using different alternatives.

These are:

  • By Direct: As we showed you before, this option is a private message that you send to your contacts. To perform this action you will have to press the icon located in the upper right part and send an audio, a photograph, a GIF, a video or a heart. If you want to share a publication, you will have to go to it, click on the 3 vertical points located above the story and then select the option share link. Next, choose the contact you want to send to, click on the send message bar and press Paste. To finish you will have to click on Send.
  • Share to story: It is another alternative that you have to interact on the social network. To do so, you will have to follow the steps that we show you in the previous point. Another way you have is to choose the option Share on… so that the story can be seen on external platforms. For example, WhatsApp, Telegram, LinkedIn, Gmail Y Twitter, among others.

Instagram Business Account What is it and how is it different from a normal one?

An Instagram business account is a possibility that your company has to show its products and services that lends through this social network of more than 1 billion active people. This will allow you to use tools and functions other than a personal account.

Between the One of the most outstanding options is the possibility of including an address, telephone numbers, email and directions to access your business premises.. To get such an account, you must first create a personal profile and then.

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If you want to get this benefit, you will have to do the following:

  • open your profile and go to the menu located at the top right of the screen.
  • then choose Setting and select Bill.
  • Next, you will have to choose the option Switch to business account.
  • Write all the details that you need to highlight your new profile. For example, category, type of business, telephone, etc.
  • When you’re done, click Clever.

Advertising on Instagram How does it work, how much does it cost and what do I need to advertise on the platform?

Another of the great advantages that instagram as a social network is that it offers the possibility of post advertisements for a company’s products and services so that users of a certain profile can see these publications in their feed.

If you want to know how advertising works on Instagram, you can see it below:


The Instagram advertising appears between the stories and can be of different types.

Which we show you below:

  • Images: It is one of the best-known advertisements in which companies upload photographs in horizontal or square format of their products.
  • Videos: you will be able to hire advertising in instagram when you want to reach your target market highlighting the advantages of your products through optical elements. The duration of the content may not exceed one minute. In recent times this type of advertising has increased considerably.
  • Stories: They are full-screen animations, through a video of no more than 15 seconds or an image, showing people who are viewing the stories of the accounts they follow.
  • Carousel: When you want to show a story in two or more images or videos, you will be able to use this type of storytelling advertising to impact buyer personas.
  • Collection: This type of advertising is ideal for companies that want to show the design of their products and attract the attention of the market. They are characterized by having a link to buy on the company’s website.
  • Presentation: It is nothing else that you have to show them in the form of a video and with background music.

Once you have established the commercial objectives, you must indicate the people you want to reach with your publication.. Therefore, you will have to choose the location, behaviors and interests that users of the social network have in common. All this data will have to be included in Instagram website and then select the button create ad. This will take you to choose the type of bid you need and at what time…

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