【I Can’t Send or Receive Emails in Gmail】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

The Emails are an essential part of the communications we have today., the information that we can send from these platforms is of great value. In this sense, the situation may arise our emails cannot be sent or there are certain difficulties to receive them on our tray.

For this reason, we must identify the causes and reasons for this situationand also know what we can do when this inconvenience occurs.

In the following text, We are going to know in detail the main reasons why you do not send emailslearn step by step the process to acquire more storage, and the Tips that we must apply to solve Gmail synchronization errors for receiving and issuing emails.

What are the main reasons why my Gmail account does not send or receive emails?

The problems so that your emails cannot be sent or you cannot receive any type of information are usually very varied, everything will depend on various factors that you must have fully identified in order to apply the correct solution to your problem.

Next, we will see the reasons why the Gmail account does not send or receive emails:

Free storage space exhausted

Gmail offers free storage of up to 15 GB so you can store all kinds of files such as photos, documents, videos, high-quality images, and many more, for this reason it is pertinent to carry out a periodic monitoring of the storagesince if we exceed this limit the platform will prevent sending emails and receiving them.

To avoid this type of inconvenience, It is recommended to back up our emails in the cloudor if this information has expired and is no longer useful to you, it is preferable to delete it from your storage and thus free up space in your tray.

Synchronization errors with the app

It is likely that the mobile app does not have the correct configurationand for this reason do not allow receiving or sending messages, in this way, It is important to check the synchronization of Gmail on your deviceand thus have all the settings fully updated to avoid setbacks.

Filter configuration error

Filters are a very important toolas These allow us to discriminate in an orderly manner all the emails that reach us according to their origin.an error in the creation of this when configuring it from the platform, can cause the received messages to go directly to the “Spam” so you will not be aware of the emails you receive from your contacts.

Expired corporate domain

This case occurs when the owners of the domain have not renewed it on the corresponding date, resulting in its expiration, which prevents sending emails to that address or receiving them from the samecausing a bounce effect of the email, since the address has stopped working.

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Learn step by step how to acquire more storage space to continue using Gmail without problem

gmail It has a storage space of 15 Gb, shared mainly between mail, and . Now if you want to expand this space, The platform offers various paid plans to add more storage capacity to your account. But not everything is there, There are other free methods in which you can clear information from your mail and thus have more space.

Next we are going to show you a small guide on how to acquire more space in a simple way to perform:

Delete larger emails

To run this option, you should look for which emails contain the greatest weight or sizeand once you have identified them, proceed to delete them.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Go to the search field which is located in the upper part of the tray, on the right side of the field you will see some buttons similar to the shape of several arrows, press it.
  • You will automatically see a box, look for the word “MB” and on the right side of it, place the number of space you want to get, for example 10 MB and click on “Search”.
  • You will see how it unfolds on the screen all the files you have stored of that sizewhich represent the heaviest on your tray.
  • Finally, there is only delete the emails you select and that’s ityou will have deleted all the larger emails in your Gmail account.

Delete the oldest emails

It is no secret to anyone that in our tray there are emails dating back many months or years, and that this undoubtedly affects the storage capacity of our account, to delete the oldest emails you must do it as follows:

  • Go to the search bar located at the top of your Gmail inbox and press the buttons in the form of “arrows” which are on the right hand side.
  • A box will appear where you must select the section “date range” where various options will appear from one day to 1 year respectively, choosing the data you want to delete (for example, one year).
  • In the Click on the left side and a calendar will be displayedwhere you must press the date of the year prior to the marked one.
  • Entered these data press “Search” and all the emails of the indicated dates will appear.
  • There is a manual way to perform this search, in the search bar place “Despues de:” with the indicated date andBefore:” with the date you stipulate for example “After: 2020/01/01 Before: 2021/01/01”the old emails will also appear, and so you manually configure this search.
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Delete emails from the Spam folder

This folder stores advertising content, some irrelevant information, ads or files that take up significant space in the Gmail account storage.

To delete this content you must perform these steps:

  • Open your Gmail account and on the left side of the inbox you will see the system menu, there press the tab “Plus”.
  • the folder will appear “Spam”enter and select the emails you find to delete them, this will allow you to free up space in Gmail.

purge trash

Usually the files that are stored in the trash have a duration of 30 daysafter this time they will be deleted automatically, but it may happen that you may need to delete that data before that date to free up space.

Here we will show you how to do it:

  • In your Gmail inboxgo to the menu located on the left side, press the tab “Plus” and other labels will be displayed between them “Paper bin”.
  • Go into this folder and delete the emails that are stored to free up space.

Delete or download photos or files from Google Drive

Gmail shares storage with these two applicationsfor which it is also important to take a look and see how they are storage, that is why It is recommended to delete that information that you think is convenient or download it to the device.

To achieve this you must do it as follows:

  • You must enter “Takeuot” and select the files that you want to include that are stored both in Google Drive like in google photos.
  • decide which of these you want to download to your device and what files you are going to delete to free up space in your account.

These are the steps you must follow if you want to solve synchronization errors with the Gmail app to be able to send and receive messages

If you have problems with the synchronization of gmail on your device, you will not be able to send messages or receive emails, since this error directly affects the performance of the App. But do not be alarmed, remember that everything has a solution and here we will tell you how to solve this problem. We are going to show you, step by stepwhat should you do if you have problems with Gmail synchronization so that you can send and receive emails normally.

Go for it:

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You must update the app

It is possible that the application has some discontinued data that prevents its normal operationFor this reason, it is essential that you update the App to correct any errors that may exist. To do that you just have to go to Google Play search for “available updates” and there you can update Gmail whenever you want.

restart the device

Many times the system usually collapses due to excessive tasks and that usually affects applications such as Gmailpreventing either opening the application or sending and receiving emails, in this sense the most recommended is “Restart” the device from the “ buttonSwitched on”, so that in this way all the data is adjusted again.

Check the settings

You should be aware that this function is activatedotherwise there may be problems in the full operation of the App.

Reviewing the configuration is very simple, you must do it this way:

  • Open the Gmail app on your device, already in the inbox, locate yourself in the upper right part where the “three horizontal stripes”.
  • A menu will be displayed, go to “Setting” and go to this tab.
  • Already in the configuration section you will see three options including your Gmail account in which you use the mailenter this.
  • You will see the whole menu, scroll down until you find “Gmail sync” and check if the tilde is marked on the right side.
  • If it is not checkedyou must do it and thus synchronize the phone to the account, in this way it will allow you to send and receive emails perfectly.

Free up device space

Having too much space will prevent the device from working properly, causing it to synchronization with the App does not workFor this reason, you should remove large information that affects the amount of space and storage. For this you must delete applications that you do not use, delete large music or video files, large text such as magazines, books and tutorials, among others.

Data verification

you should always be sure that the data you enter into the account is correct so that synchronization can exist without any problems, correct username and passwordand checking that the configuration is in order are two aspects that must be taken into account so that this procedure occurs without setbacks.

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