【 Read a PDF Book on Amazon Kindle 】 Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Technology has managed to transform all areas and the art of reading has not been left behind. Nowadays, reading lovers can access endless.

One of the platforms most used for this, is Amazon’s Kindle. It is a kind of netflix of booksbecause by paying a flat rate or a monthly fee, it provides access to a rich catalog of books that are hosted on the platform called “”.

However, many Internet users still have doubts about the operation of this service. Therefore, it is worth teaching how to read a book in pdf format on amazon kindle and all the steps you can find here.

Benefits of reading books on Kindle

The “ebooks” or digital books, by default, provide numerous benefits to their users.. Since they do not deteriorate or get lost, they do not take up space, they are easy to consult, they are portable and they adapt to each reader. Thus, the network gives you access to as many books as you want, from the year you prefer and in the language you want. However, beyond the pros that digital reading exhibits in general terms, it is important to highlight What are the main benefits of reading books on Amazon’s Kindle?.

While this is a tablet-like e-book reader that allows you to purchase, store, and read digitized books, through the Kindle Unlimited service. This platform covers all the books for sale on Amazon and many more options, with which it offers around a million books And the best thing is that it is kept updated.

For their part, these advantages of using the Kindle to read digital books instead of resorting to other devices (such as a tablet), can be summarized as follows:

  • High level of customization: Unlike other alternatives, the Amazon Kindle device allows you to customize the user experience in broad strokes. Either by customizing the design of the page, the size of the font, the thickness of the typography and other important aspects to enjoy optimal reading.
  • Great autonomy: This e-book reader is capable of lasting a whopping two months, on a single charge. Unlike conventional tablets that guarantee a maximum autonomy of 10 hours, since they can also be used for other activities.
  • Fully automatic synchronization: Another of the pros that it reveals is that the synchronization technology implemented by Amazon helps all your devices to be linked to each other. This means that, once you buy a book from Amazon, it is synchronized with your Kindle and the other devices that have the app installed. Thus, both in your ebook reader and in other devices, the last page you have read will be displayed.
  • Distraction Reduction: For readers, it’s satisfying to be able to enjoy content without distractions. Luckily, the Amazon Kindle allows you to do this by helping you disconnect from everything else and simply focus on presenting the digital book. Whereas, a tablet receives constant updates and notifications.
  • Does not cause damage or annoyance to the view: As if that were not enough, the iconic Kindle readers do not tire the eyes of their users, since the ebooks are presented through an anti-reflective screen and this guarantees remarkable comfort.
  • An ideal portability: These devices are easy to take anywhere, as they weigh 200 grams or less. Likewise, it is a manageable device to be able to transport a library made up of thousands of books in your pocket, without any complications.
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Learn how to read a PDF book from your Amazon Kindle

In the amazon digital readersApart from storing and reading the books purchased on the service, users also have the possibility of enjoy other formats from your device. Which means that this equipment designed by Amazon is not only compatible with ebooks, but also allows you to read other documents, as is the case with PDFs. Therefore, if you have a book in PDF format and want to enjoy it through your Kindle, you can do it without any limitation.

With this, in addition to importing your own books in said format, you will also be able to manage work documents, academic reading materials, designs, photos and more, in it. Nevertheless, the function to read a PDF in Kindle is not native at all, since it requires a procedure that must be completed perfectly. Although at first it may seem a bit complex, the truth is that it is simple.

Without further ado, here are the steps to add a PDF to your Kindle and read it as a book:

Verify that it is a PDF or compatible file

First of all, the first thing you should do is make sure that the file to be added to your Kindle is compatible. To do this, find the file in question from your computer, right-click on it and Click on the “Properties” option. Once the Properties window opens, from the General section, go to “File Type” and in this option, you can see the format contained there. For example, in this case, we visualize that it is a PDF File (.pdf).

Now, it is also worth noting which formats are compatible with Kindle, below: HTML, Word, JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and RTF. In other words, they cover the vast majority of the formats most used in the digital environment. However, in case your file does not have device compatibility, there is a solution at hand: Convert the item to one of the formats mentioned abovewith an online tool dedicated to this.

Locate the Kindle email address

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The next step to follow to continue, is to find the email address of your Kindle. If you didn’t already know, it is important that you are aware that each Kindle has a unique email address, which is completely personalized. That way, offers great ease and practicality to send files.

In this sense, to find your Kindle address on Amazon, this is the step by step to complete:

  • Sign in to your Amazon account linked to the Kindle device in question.
  • From the top right of the main screen, click on the option “Count and Lists”.
  • In this section, it is time to click on “Your devices and content”.
  • Then select the option “Manage devices”.
  • Now, you have to choose the Kindle you need to manageamong all displayed devices.
  • Finally, it’s time to take note of your Kindle emailthrough the device summary page (in this page various important data are detailed).
  • Optionally, you can save this email address as a contact in your email applicationin order to send the documents much faster.

Authorize your personal email

The third step to carry out, is based on authorizing the personal email account that you want to use to send PDF files (or other files) to your Kindle device. Which, it is done so that no one else can send these types of items to your Kindlethat is, for security and privacy.

Therefore, If you do not authorize a personal email account, it will be impossible to receive the PDF file. Indeed, it is essential that you always use the same email account to send documents to your Amazon e-book reader, otherwise it won’t work at all.

Next, we explain all the steps to follow to approve your email address from Amazon:

  • Login to your Amazon accountspecifically the one that is synced with your Kindle.
  • Now, go to the top right of the screen and click on “Count and Lists”.
  • In this section, click on “Your devices and content”.
  • Then proceed to select the option “Manage devices”.
  • It is time to click on the option “Preferences”.
  • In the list that they show you, scroll to the bottom and select “Personal Document Settings”.
  • After that, click “Approved Personal Documents Email List” to see the addresses that can send email to your Kindle.
  • Since your account is not stored, click on “Add a new approved email address”.
  • Through the corresponding field, you must enter the email address to use.
  • To conclude, you have to click on “Add address” in the lower right corner and it will be approved.

Send the PDF file to your Amazon Kindle

Finally, it only remains to do the easiest part of the whole process, that is, send the PDF book you want to read. To do so, proceed to log into your previously authorized personal email account, create a new message, and attach the PDF filein order to send it to the email address of your Kindle (if you wish, you can send several files in the same message).

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For its part, if you want to convert this item to a Kindle file, to be able to change the font size or annotate sections, you must put the word “convert” in the subject, without further ado. In this way, Amazon will carry out the conversion process automatically, after receiving the item in question. Then, from your Kindle, you will be able to access the PDF immediately, while the device is connected to the Internet. As you can see, it is not difficult at all to view a book in PDF format from this electronic reader.

The best books to read on Amazon Kindle

Want to get the most out of your Amazon Kindle? For this, the most fundamental thing lies in read the best books available in the catalog offered by the famous Kindle Unlimited service.

To give you an idea of ​​which are the most interesting, here are several alternatives from different genres:


If you are a lover of those literary works that are immersed in an imaginary universe very different from the real one, it is better that you choose to enjoy some of these 5 available alternatives:

  • ‘Harry potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’: It consists of the beginning of a series of books that will hook you completely. Since time immemorial, this work has been distinguished as JK Rowling’s most resounding success.
  • ‘Covet: Crave Series 3’: This is a sequel packed with shocking twists, high-stakes romance, and deep fantasy lore. It is a great alternative for fans of fiction and mystery.
  • ‘The Hobbit’: This is a magnificent adventure, full of suspense, fantasy and quiet humor. In it, the wizard Gandalf and a company of dwarves come to change Bilbo’s life.
  • ‘Dance with the Fae Prince’: In this romantic fantasy, Cinderella meets a cruel prince and this love will immerse her in strange rules, screams in the night and fairy attacks that she never imagined.
  • ‘Mocking Jay: The Hunger Games’: A burning girl survived, although her home was destroyed. But a new fact has changed everything, now there are new leaders and new rebels starting a revolution in the…
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