【Install Programs in Windows 8】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Computers have become a very important computing device for everyone, since thanks to them an endless number of activities can be carried out, especially for each one of them. the programs that are installed there. In the case of windows operating system users have a large number of software options available for the OS, so they can install a large number of programs of all kinds.

It must be borne in mind that the software installation process It can be very simple as it can have its little complications, since this will basically depend on the program that you want to install on your computer. It should also be mentioned that there are different ways to do this, either downloading it from the internet, one of the most common forms above.

Taking all this into account and knowing that the installation of programs in Windows It is extremely important to be able to maximize the performance of the equipment and thus be able to get the most out of it, here we are going to teach you What you can install any program on your Windows 8 PC from scratch. To do this, follow in detail everything that we will teach you next in the post.

What should I keep in mind when installing a new program on my Windows 8 PC?

Before carrying out installing any program on your Windows PC You must take into account several aspects that will allow you to know if said software is compatible with your operating system. Keep in mind that not all programs available on the market are compatible with all operating systems or with all Windows versions, since this can vary.

However, to know if it is compatible or not with Win 8It is important that you take into account what they are the system requirements of the application to Install. In these cases it should be taken into account that memory capacity requires said program to be installed, it is very common that it takes the 50% of the installation of an app and suddenly it appears to you that the memory is not enough to continue with the installationso you won’t be able to install it.

It is also possible that you end up installing software and it fills up all your memory, so your equipment will not work correctly and its performance will drop significantly. It is also important to keep in mind what kind of processor requires the program, just like him hard disk space. Being able to take care of all these details will ensure proper functioning of the software without affecting the performance of your team.

In the event that you want to install video games or design programs, it is important that you take into account the detail of the graphics card. In this case you must make sure that graphics card that your team has compatible with the program you are going to install, since this will be what ensures its optimal functioning. By taking into account each of these details you will be able to guarantee a correct installing and running the program on your Windows 8 PC.

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Learn step by step how to install any program in Windows 8 without errors or crashes

As previously mentioned in the post, there are different ways to carry out installing any program on Win 8, some simpler than others, as well as one more secure than others. Therefore, here we are going to teach you the three methods most common for install a program on your computer and thus begin to enjoy it.

To do this, follow each of the steps that we are going to teach you in detail below:

With a CD/DVD

The first method that we are going to teach you is perhaps one of the most common and most used some time ago. It must be taken into account that CD/DVD drives little by little they have been discontinued, but there are still many computers that have this type of reader. Also, if you have a program in a CD/DVD and your PC does not have a CD/DVD drivethen you can make use of a external CD/DVD drive in order to carry out its installation.

Taking all this into account, here we show you how to carry out this procedure successfully:

  • The first thing you should do is insert the disk into the computer and follow each of the instructions that appear on the screen. In this case you must wait a few seconds while the system recognizes the disk. When recognizing it, it may require a , this will depend on the software.
  • In the event that your installation does not start automaticallythen you must explore the disk, for this you must go to equipment and look for cd drive that you have entered There you must explore the disk until you find the program setup filemostly it appears as a .exe file called exe or Setup.exe. once you find it you must open the file to start the installation of the CD.
  • Keep in mind that if it does not play automatically may also be due to autoplay settings so you can review. To do this you must write in the search box “Autoplay Settings” and select it in the results.
  • At this point you must make sure that the box on the “Autoplay” is activated.
  • After starting the CD installation, you just have to follow each of the steps that appear on the screen, keep in mind that the installation of all the programs may vary, this will depend on it. In some cases you must insert a product key to be able to carry out the installation, so it is important that you take care of all these details.

Now if your team does not have a CD/DVD drivebut you want to install a program that is recorded on that drivethen you can do it using a external CD/DVD drive.

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To do this, you will need to follow each of these steps:

  • External CD/DVD drive can connect through any port USB available on your computer, so the first step will be to connect the USB cable to one of the available ports on the computer.
  • Once the team recognizes it you must do the drive installation disk to be detected by your operating system.
  • After installing the drivethe following will be insert the software CD and said unit and proceed with its installation by performing each of the steps mentioned above.

From a flash drive

As mentioned earlier in the post, the CD/DVD drives are increasingly scarce, since currently the majority of softwares are recorded on a USB to later be installed in these devices, mainly due to the ease of use of these storage memories and their large space capacity. Therefore, if you have a program recorded on your flash drive and you want to install it on your computer, here we are going to explain step by step how you can do it.

To do this, follow each of the steps that we are going to teach you below:

  • The first thing to do in this case is insert the flash drive in one of the USB ports of your computer and hope that it recognizes it.
  • Once it has been read and acknowledged the following will be access the menu of the memory and look for the icon of the software you are going to install.
  • when you have found it you must double click on it to run it and start with your installation.
  • From this moment the installation procedure will be the same as when performed with a CD/DVD, so you just have to follow each one of the instructions of the program. Keep in mind that this procedure will depend on each application, so some are possibly much easier than others and much faster.
  • After the program is installedyou can now delete said software from your USB drive if desired and remove it from your computer through a secure way.

downloaded from the internet

Finally, we present the method of install a program by downloading it from the Internet. It should be mentioned that this is the most widely used method currently, but it can also be one of the most dangeroussince if said program is not downloaded from a secure website, you run the risk of downloading one and thus putting your personal data at risk, as well as the performance of your computer.

However, carrying out this method will allow you to install a large number of software for free and especially when you want it. Also, you will not have to spend money buying such software in some store. The procedure for this is also very simple. In this case, the user only has to search for the program he wants in a secure website and official and download the software that is compatible with your operating system and its version.

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In this case, it is recommended to use the official pages of the programs, since this will prevent them from being download malicious code by mistake. Once the download has been made to the computer, the following will be to access the windows download folder and there double click on said file to execute it. After that, you just have to follow each of the steps that are indicated on the screen, just as it is done in the two methods mentioned above.

Therefore, the level of difficulty of the installation will depend on the type of program you are downloading, since some of them tend to install very quickly and easily while others end up being the complete opposite. As you can see with any of these three methods you can start to carry out the installation of each of the programs that you want on your PCthis will allow you to increase the possibilities of use of your equipment, as well as increase your productivity in it.

List of the best programs that you can install in Windows 8 to boost the operating system

If you have installed windows 8 as your operating system, then you will have the opportunity to install a large number of programs on it, since said system is compatible with a wide variety of software of all kinds. That is why here we are going to present a list of the best programs that you can install on your PC and so start boost your operating system to get the most out of it.

To do this, follow the list that we will show you below:

Metro Commander, metro-style file explorer

As everybody know Win 8 operating system does not have a file explorer like Subway/Modern. Although, if you can choose files from the applications, but you can not manage the folders in a program that is not the traditional Windows explorer, since from there it is the only place where you can manage all those files.

However, users have the opportunity to have another style of File Browser, something that is very important because this is a place where you spend a lot of time when working with these types of folders. In this case it is Subway Commandera Metro-style explorer which can be very interesting for you. It should be mentioned that it has a very simple interface.

there you will find two columns with two folders where you will be able to navigate and copy files between them. It can be considered as a explorer of…

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