【Linux Console】What is it? + How to Use ▷ 2022

Today, It is ranked as one of the most powerful operating systems in the world. Since, in a environment of integrates complete independence, security and adaptability, in addition to It is a multi-user and multi-tasking system. which provides significant benefits. Thanks to that, it has been estimated as a free software that has excellent prospects for the future.

For his part, one of the most unique features of Linuxlies in the fact that it offers the possibility of interact with the system through which is normally called “linux console”. Which is capable of receiving all the inputs made by the user with the keyboard in order to provide a better experience.

Now, although many believe that working with the Linux console is a task that requires advanced knowledge, the truth is that it is not. As, it works like any other program and thus, it simplifies the execution of actions in the system. That is why, in this post, we will detail What is the Linux console, how should it be used and what are the most useful commands?.

What is the Linux command console and what is this tool for?

Basically, the Linux command prompt refers to a computer program in which the user can interact with Linux through a window in which written orders are given in the form of commands, using the keyboard. Thus, it consists of an operating system device that receives and delivers messages to both himself and the user.

In that sense, it is a Linux program that provides a path for the kernel to and other processes send text results to each user and, apart from that, receive text input from the user. Thus, while the user will be able to enter text using the machine’s keyboard, they will also be able to read the results as output text on the computer monitor.

Now, in general, the Linux command console It is a tool that is used to install things on the system, as well as to change folder permissions, configure certain aspects of the system, easily move files, etc. Well, in summary, said console it is used to perform tasks faster than through the graphical interface of the operating systemthanks to the fact that it allows executing all kinds of actions in text mode.

Functions and Features of the Console What can be done with it in Linux?

In principle, the Linux console had an original use based on file management. Which, despite the fact that at this time it continues to be the case, the truth is that the operating system has established more functionalities for this very helpful tool for users.

Therefore, it refers to a utility that facilitates several functions, from which you can carry out different tasks such as:

  • Manage files, both to optimize and to undo changes.
  • Manage the system in general terms.
  • Install and uninstall programs of any kind.
  • Sort out problems that cannot be solved from the Linux graphical environment.
  • To create directories and move through the existing ones in the system.
  • Watch the state of the operating system.
  • Erase files or files quickly.
  • Modify file permissions and users.
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On the other hand, beyond these functionalities, the linux console exhibits certain peculiarities or characteristics which is essential to know closely.

Therefore, below, we highlight the most relevant of all of them:

  • It is a powerful linux tool that allows you to interact with the entire system in the form of a command.
  • It is easy to handle and/or usesince you only need to know the main commands to activate it.
  • It is very practicalgiven that it works through commands that are entered using the keyboard.
  • It is truly quickbecause it manages to execute the necessary tasks in a matter of seconds, once the user tells it what to do.

Console vs Shell vs Terminal What are the differences between each one?

Although it is true, it is common for users who start in Linux and manage computers under this OS, assume that both the term “console” and also “shell” and “terminal” are synonymous with each other and refer to the same element within the system.

Therefore, they use these words interchangeably to describe the same Linux tool. However, the truth is that these three are completely different things. Therefore, to make use of Linux and its console in a relevant way, first of all, it is essential to be able to differentiate said interface from what is actually the terminal and the shell of the operating system.

So, to begin, we will define each of them concisely, and then explain how they are related and/or distinguished from each other:

  • Console: This is the physical Linux terminal.
  • Terminal: It is the text input and/or output environment of the system.
  • Shell: Refers to the command line interpreter.

In that sense, the console and terminal They have been closely related from the beginning.. Because, they are parts of the equipment from which you can interact with a computer that works under Linux. Well, while a terminal is a particular type of device file which implements a number of additional commands beyond reading and writing, a console is a terminal in the physical sense which is directly connected to the machine.

Secondly, one is the command line interpreter or the main interface that users can see when they log in and their goal is to start other programs. Thus, basically, the Shell is the command line interface with which people interact with the system.

Consequently, all this leads to decipher that, by default, the terminal is the one that connects to the console where you can use the Shell. Thus, although the three terms can be related to each other, they are actually independent of each other and they have different functions. However, taken together, they are responsible for Linux users have an optimal experience when executing commands.

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Learn step by step how to use the Linux console with some basic commands

Beyond knowing what the Linux console consists of, what its functions are and how it can be distinguished from other similar elements; it is essential to know how to use it in this operating system to be able to do it correctly.

That is why, in this section of the post, we proceed to explain step by step what you have to do when using this utility:

Access the console

The first thing you should do to use the console in Linux, is to enter it and for this, there are two different ways. The first of these ways is to enter the Menu for later choose “System” and then, select Konsole (Terminal Program) from the desktop menu system.

On the other hand, you can also using a keyboard shortcut on this operating system. Which is: Ctrl+Alt+F1 which automatically allows you to move to the first console. That done, it will be necessary to log in by entering your username with the corresponding password.

Interact with the shell

Once you are inside the Linux console, you can start interacting with the shell using the commands most basic to familiarize yourself with this environment.

Thus, among the most basic commands of this OS, we find the following:

  • pwd: It is used to get the path of the current working directory in which you are.
  • cd: This is a useful instruction for navigating Linux files and directories. For that, it will request the full path or name of each directory with the .
  • cat: This is used to list the contents of a file on standard output. Thus, it refers to one of the most used in Linux.
  • ls: Allows you to see all the contents of a directory, specifically, your current working directory.
  • locate: It is used to locate a specific file and it is ideal to find it even when you do not remember its exact name. Well, with the argument “-i” it is not case sensitive.
  • sudo: It is a command that allows you to perform super user tasks, that is, those that require administrative or root permissions.
  • find: Works like the “locate” command, in that it provides the ability to easily search for files or directories.
  • mv: This is the main Linux command to move files and is even used to change the name of the files.
  • diff: It is in charge of comparing the content of two files line by lines. In addition, it generates the mismatched lines after parsing so that you can make modifications to the program without rewriting the source code.
  • jobs: Shows each and every one of the current jobs with their statuses. Which are processes started by the shell.
  • kill: It is useful to close any program that is not responding. Well, it sends a signal to said program and tells it to end automatically.
  • uname: Prints detailed information about the Linux system (machine name, kernel, OS ID, etc.).
  • hostname: Basically, it is a command that allows you to know the name of your host or network, directly.
  • history: This is particularly effective if you want to review the commands you’ve previously entered.
  • Top: If you want to monitor the use of system resources, this command is perfect. Since, it takes care of presenting a list based on the running processes and the amount of CPU used by each of them.
  • echo: This is a command that is used to move some data to a file without further effort.
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List of the most useful commands you should know in Linux

Now, in addition to pointing out some of the more useful Linux commands in the previous part, it’s also worth learn about other instructions that the Linux console supports to optimize the experience for each useraccording to your interests.

Therefore, here we will introduce you to several of them in a categorized way:

Commands to manage and obtain system information

They are those orders that, basically, allow you to manage the system efficiently. Either to shut down or restart the console system, also to program different actions that are very helpful and even to obtain interesting information about Linux.

In this category are the following:

  • reboot: It is used to reboot the system automatically. Assessing that, in order to run it, it is necessary to have root permissions.
  • rtcwake: Corresponds to an instruction that manages to start and/or shut down the system automatically. Well, it allows you to program both the startup and the shutdown and suspension of the computer.
  • shutdown: This is a command that deals with shutting down the system immediately. To use it, you need to have administrator permissions.
  • logger: Specifically, this instruction is the one that is responsible for creating log records that are generated in the system log file.
  • whoami: It consists of…
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