【Merchandise on YouTube】What is it? + Pros and Cons ▷ 2022

is the platform that, together with the social networkshave more impact worldwide, The 100 million daily visits confirm this, in this sense, it is not just a website where you can watch videosIt also allows you to monetize through them, carry out live broadcasts and even sell merchandise.

And it is in this last option where perhaps many people do not have a broad knowledge of what it is about, since most prefer to resort to recognized e-Commerce or specialized pages for the purchase or sale of productswell, through Youtube You can also do it, offering very good profits.

On the next note, you will know what merchandise is on YouTube and how it worksthe benefits of selling merchandise on this platform, in addition, you will know how much money you can earn selling merchandise on YouTube, in the same way, you will find out what you need to sell merchandise in YT, their challenges, what kind of items can be sold and examples of successful YouTube channels that are dedicated to this activity.

What is Merchandise on YouTube?

It consists of allowing all content creators to sell articles of various types through an instrument that is integrated into the with the purpose that the youtubers can offer some of the more than 20 products that are valid for sale. This entire process is achieved through a collaboration between the platform and a marketing site called teespring.

doing that custom objects are made available for all users interested in acquiring them. However, there are certain rules that all channels must apply respective to develop this activity, for example, the final price of the product is set by the person who creates it and can adjust it according to the profit margin they want to achieve, on the other hand, the merchandise will depend on the type of user and the audience that the channel has.

How does merchandising work on YouTube?

The merchandising on Youtube it works in a simple way, and that is that there is a fixed price for each item available for sale, where a portion of that profit belongs to teespringin the same way, the creator of the product can set the price he deems convenient for his creationand YouTube, in agreement with Teespring, must receive a small portion of each sale produced.

In this sense, This commission granted to YouTube is returned to the creator of the product in order to encourage these people to sell their merchandise through the respective channels on the platform.achieving that each fraction received for the sale obtained is greater than those offered by other websites that are also dedicated to this activity.

Benefits of selling merchandise on YT

Youtube It is a platform that has a wide reach, being able to reach an infinite number of people around the world, for this reason, it is an excellent showcase when selling your products. since it has all the necessary marketing and dissemination elements to attract customers and create a community around the creation made.

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Another factor to take into account is that YouTube channels They are a very interesting springboard, since through them you can make different types of publications, promoting each article, pointing out all its virtues. and explaining its use and benefits in detail, so that the user has a clear idea of ​​the product they are going to purchase.

How much money can be made selling merchandise on YT?

You can convert your YouTube channel into a virtual store if you wishOnly this does not apply to all channels, which is why you must be clear about the direction that it should take, and design strategies for both product promotion and marketing. increase and maintain sales at levels that are really optimal and profitable.

For this reason, a YouTube channel that publishes a certain product several times, and it is successful in sales, can generate up to 1 million euros in earnings, depending on the type of article, showing an approximate average of monthly billing that can range between €500, up to €100 thousand, approximately.

What do I need to sell merchandise on YouTube?

If you want make this a formal business, that generates you good income and which you can maintain over time, You will need some tools that allow you to give the impulse you want, and become a very valid option when users require a specific product. In the same way, You must bear in mind that these tools must be taken care of and constantly supervise them, since they will be a permanent way of contact with users who are interested in your creations.

What you need to sell merchandise on YouTube is the following:


The merchandise will be your cover letter, It must be varied and of high quality, which adapts to what the user needsFor this, your channel must be designed to promote it properly, explaining all the aspects and every detail in a meticulous way, with the aim that the user can have all the information they need to know.

Use catalogs, classify your products by sizes, collection or modelsand carry out a good publicity of your creations, so that in this way all the people who view the content become potential buyers.


It is conducive that the products offered on the platform have the support of an online store, from where some type of claims can be channeled (if any), make payments, observe other models of a piece and thus learn a little more about the brand. This is the best way to advertise your ecommerce, since through the YouTube channel you can place the respective link which will direct people directly to the store, and check everything seen in the videos.

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This is the dedicated space for content creators to have contact with users, in this sense, this tool is essential for merchandising, since through this you will feel first-hand the interaction and the feeling that people have with the product available for sale. In the same way, users will help you improve thanks to their suggestions, this being the best way to create empathy between the merchandise and potential buyers of it.

Challenges when selling merchandise on YT

Sell ​​merchandise on Youtube It is not just placing the product on the platform and waiting for buyers to arrive on their own, all this leads to a process where planning is the primary factor, applying strategies that allow you to reach the user in the best way, and face a possible high demand for your creations. These are challenges that must be met as objectives, where if you want to be successful you must meet them and always keep them in mind for the proper functioning of the merchandise on YouTube.

These challenges are the following:

  • Create community: It is a very important element since in some way it will be the thermometer that will allow you to know how successful the marketing process is being within the platform, thanks to the opinion produced by the interaction with the users, for this reason it is essential to maintain permanent contact with your community, to make your brand grow every day.
  • Create production system: production systems encompass all the elements that allow the merchandise to be made in the best way and become a finished product quickly. That is why you must have a team that has all the necessary tools to meet the needs of the client in a given time.
  • Create sales funnel: This element is key to the process, since through the sales funnel you will be able to meet your customers, attract new people, as well as plan strategies that increase billing, turning the product into something attractive and interesting for the user.
  • Create distribution and logistics system: The payment methods to be used must be clear, as well as the methods of shipping merchandise purchased by customers, in order to guarantee an exact delivery date, avoiding inconveniences of delay in the delivery of orders.

What kind of merchandise can be sold on YouTube?

The type of merchandise that can be sold on YouTube are products that are generally for daily use, no fancy stuff like cars or apartments in Monaco, as in a figurative sense many users have made known through comments. People prefer to purchase merchandise that can be customized and taken anywhere, that sets a style, and that its price allows multiple units to be purchased.

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The type of items that can be sold on YouTube are:

  • Clothing: It is the type of product most sought after by users, from shirts, pants, dresses, to sports team jackets, all of this generates a large volume of sales and its logistics for both delivery and distribution can be easily coordinated.
  • custom shoes: sneakers of different models, designed with a brand or emblem that identifies the user is something very recurring, so when offering this type of garment you must have great creativity, since this type of shoe is manufactured by hand, for what are not found in any other virtual store or ecommerce.
  • Accessories: bracelets, stickers, personalized mugs, wallets and watches have a very good clientele, and it is a market that you must exploit if you want to be successful selling merchandise on YouTube, with the original seal and quality demonstrated by creators of this type of products.
  • Books: reading lovers have their space on this platform, texts on different themes, with a wide variety of authors, are a highly sought after product and whose sales volume is usually quite high throughout the year.

Examples of Successful YouTube Channels Selling Merchandise

This type of modality It is used by channels that allocate copyrighted content for , and in this way monetize within the platform, for this reason, they do not place ads on their videos, since they are clearly exclusive. They have a large number of followers, and their billing volume on account of merchandise sales is growing every day, managing to consolidate people’s taste.

Examples of successful YouTube channels that sell merchandise are:

blippi spanish

It is a channel for children, it currently has 13.2 million followers from all over the world, generating approximate income of 16 million dollars, it is one of the most sought after channels by this type of audience, basing its success on promoting values ​​and education to the little ones in the house. It sells merchandise related to the program such as t-shirts and hats, among others, with very striking designs and colors, which makes its turnover through this channel quite high.

DJ Mag

It is a channel of electronic music with more than 900 thousand followersthese DJs show their original compositions through their…

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