【Nanobots】What is it? + Applications and Global Impact ▷ 2022

Nanotechnology studies matter from a nanometric point of view. We are talking that corresponds to one billionth of a meter, which means that you can change the structure at the molecular level and applied in various fields.

In fact, Due to their size, they are capable of easily solving hundreds of problems in the field of technology., health and science. Nanotechnology operates through nanobots, and this is precisely the topic that we are going to focus on.

Here you will learn first-hand about What are nanobots, what are they for and how useful is this technology? This is a topic that will give you the opportunity to open your mind to the future and that will help you understand nanotechnology from the ground up.

What are nanobots?

The concept of nanobots is simple, It is a kind of “nanoscopic robots” that is nanometer in size and is capable of detecting equally small problems and changing the structure. Also known as nanoids, nanomachines or nanoagents, they are endowed with autonomous movements and a navigation system that are used for different missions.

In short, they are nano-sized robots that work in coordination and under proper supervision with microscopic tasks in conjunction with other nano systems. They are usually made up of nanosensors and nanoparticles.

How are nanobots made?

To build a nanobot requires knowledge and techniques of biochemistry, genetics and physics. In addition to needing certain building materials that allow them to move, bend, and perform what they were designed to do. Many of the materials used in manufacturing is a fusion of silicon with oxygen. Both have qualities that provide thermal stability, 3D structured shapes, are easy to polymerize and are compatible with other materials.

Having the materials, then a molecule with two poles is created: one biological and one synthetic. The first pole uses the enzyme to extract the energy, and the second pole is the engine of the nanobots. From there the functionalities are deployed, the applications are programmed and other systems come into play.

History and Evolution of nanobots Who created them and when were they made?

For many years the origin of nanotechnology was credited to Richard Feynman. Because in the middle of a conference “There is a lot of room in the background” she made a speech where he spoke of a world where it was possible for miniature machines. These could be codified and developed at a technological levelpaved the way for the resolution of hundreds of problems.

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But actually, it was Eric Drexler in 1986 who had raised this possibility, and even went much further, he envisioned nano machines with the ability to self-replicate and be able to build other machines. He also opened the doors to a fascinating world and aroused the curiosity of the scientific community when he talked about nanobots.

Drexler stated that in the future, they could build whatever they wanted and even undo from the atom any type of material such as water, earth or air, among others. In fact, he gave some examples and stated that these could be the long-term solution to clean the environment and even improve the air condition, eliminating pollution. From there, many scientists have joined the investigations and Although there is still a long way to go, nanobots are already a reality.

Utility and applications of nanorobotics

It is fascinating how nanotechnology is going to be in the near future in almost all commercial, industrial and health areas. So that you have an idea, we are going to leave you some utilities and applications of nanorobotics.

Among them are:

in aeronautics

In aeronautics there are many possibilities to take advantage of nanobots, from sensor detectors, control technology designs to determine and increase flight safety, are some of the applications. There is also a reduction in nanomaterials, which are much cheaper than those currently used.

In a state-of-the-art commercial plane electrochromic material that serves to avoid the use of blinds and that the windows of the plane go from transparent to opaque when the sun’s rays hit In a direct way. In the same way, it is possible to include nanotechnology in navigation instruments and achieve greater precision. Even passengers benefit from being applied to personal entertainment screens to give them many programming options.

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In medicine

As mentioned in the previous blocks, medicine has been one of the fields where nanotechnology has supported large-scale. Until now there are dozens of applications in various areas of health, and the list continues to grow.

The most prominent are:

  • Allows identification of Carcinogenic cells
  • Help with disease prevention and control through drugs that go directly to where the problem originates.
  • The nanoparticles meet for recreate an image diagnosis with magnetic resonance imaging that by scanning the body is capable of detecting chronic diseases such as diabetes.
  • The nanobots can be transformed into health sensors to notify about inflammations, uncontrolled blood levels and possible thrombosis

These are just some of the actions that nanobots perform in these areas. The functionality is almost unlimited, even for a machine as complex as the human body.

in computing

The future of nanobots in this field is infinite, they are already talking about unlimited storage devices. In fact, it is predicted that nanobots can connect brains to the internet in no more than 10 years if the nervous system can be connected to the cloud.

In the same way, At present, nanobots are being created to help the performance of the equipment while they execute their processes, reduce the emanation of energythey make possible the lightest devices and lower the manufacturing costs of devices such as mobile phones and computers.


Starting from origami DNA, a group of mechanical engineers They have designed some parts of the pieces at the nanoscale to be able to apply them to the DNA of the nanobots. They are capable of controlling them and guaranteeing mass self-replications.

This has been an advance that not only contributes to engineering, but is applicable to nanotechnology in general. In the same way, With nanobots, methods have been developed to power by batteries and detect obstacles that may be in the way. The latter are a work of engineering, but they benefit the field of medicine directly.

ecology and biology

One of the best applications has occurred in these fields with the creation of micro sponges to clean the oceans. These are capable of eliminating the remains of pesticides, fertilizers and other components that do not allow the water to be clean. Of course, this directly affects marine life, plants and millions of species of terrestrial animalsapart from humans. This may be the solution to guarantee water for future generations.

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Future of nanorobotics What can we expect from this technology?

Nanobots currently They are benefiting the medical field and developing various industries at the same time. Obviously, the costs are somewhat high and in many fields it can be a limitation. However, in order to ensure new applications, It is being included in many plans by large companies. The future of nanorobotics is not very far away, in fact it is being explored and researched to determine in which projects nanobots can be integrated.

One of the sectors that will benefit the most will be environmental protection. In the same way, it is estimated that very soon nanobots will form an active part of our lives. Until now, The only limitation that nanotechnology has is to be able to provide the nanobots with autonomous movements and a navigation system. Once this happens and the correct method or technique is found, the scope will be limitless.

The truth is that in the short term what is currently an uncertain future will be a reality and all living beings on the planet are going to benefit from nanobots. Nanotechnology has the capacity and potential to improve human performance, it also allows conflicts that affect the masses to be resolved. Imagine being able to clean the oceans, purify water, perfect food, ward off deadly bacteria and viruses that fuel pandemics, and even prevent disease and extend people’s life years.

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