【Record Skype Calls】Step by Step Guide 2022

Calls over the Internet represent an excellent alternative to communicate with anyoneregardless of your geographic location. The most interesting thing about it is that in most cases you should not pay any amount of money to do it either.

For this reason, platforms have been created whose primary objective is allow users to establish communication with their contacts. An example of a well-known one is . Thanks to it, thousands of people speak every day by call, video call or text at no cost. They only require an account and an Internet connection.

In this order of ideas, you may at some point want to capture special or funny moments that happen. Because of that, in this post we will give you all the details you need to know about How to record my calls on Skype from any device?

Key features you should know about recording your calls on Skype

There are a number of things to consider when you want to record a call within Skype. So this platform allows you record your calls between Skype users directly from your application. It should be noted that its operation is based on the cloud, so you won’t have to worry about the storage space you have available on your device while recording, or its performance.

Starting from there, some features to consider about Skype calls are:

  • This function only is available for calls between Skype users.
  • Once you start recording the call, all users who are participating receive a notification of what is being recorded.
  • skype makes sure that all users’ video streams, including yours, are combined and recorded.
  • if any user share your desktop screen during the call, it will be included in the recording.
  • After stopping recordingend or leave a group call, the recording stops and the final recording will be posted on your behalf within the chat.
  • Regarding the maximum duration of the same, it is 24 hours. It should be noted that longer calls can be split into multiple files.
  • The recording remains available in the chat for the next 30 days after the call is finished. This material can be downloaded and saved to your device in that time frame.
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Learn step by step how to record your Skype calls from any device quickly and easily

if you dare to record youryou should know that the procedure is practically the same from all devices.

Consequently, we will explain step by step how to do it on Android, iOS, Windows or macOS devices:

record a call

  • While you are on the call with another user, Click on the three horizontal dots icon to display more options.
  • To start recording from your PC, click start recording.
  • For record from mobiletap the Start a recording icon.
  • Next, a banner to inform about the start of a recording. It is a way of notifying the interlocutors.
  • after the callthe recording file will be recorded in the chat for the next 30 days.

save recording

  • If you want to save the recording from the chat on computerclick More options. Choose Save in the Downloads folder for the file to be stored there. If you prefer it to have another location, select in Save as.
  • To save a recording from the mobile, long press call recording. Then select on save to download. By default, it is stored in your device’s camera roll.

share recording

  • From your PC: Go to More Options, which has an icon with three vertical dots. Click Forward so you can share your Skype recording in another chat.
  • From your mobile: long press call recording. Go to Forward to share the Skype file in another chat.

We show you other actions that you can perform in Skype calls from any device

there is another series of actions what can you do during a Skype call.

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If you want to learn how to run them correctly from any device, continue reading:

activate camera

  • look for the person you want to call in your Skype contact list.
  • Select it and click on the button that has the call icon to start it.
  • If in the middle of the process you prefer to activate your camera, to have a video call, you just have to click on the video camera icon.
  • Once you’re done, tap end callwhich is an option displayed with a reverse phone icon.

invite members

  • start the call as you usually do, that is, find the person and click on them. Later, press the audio button to start calling.
  • If you want to make a, add another participant.
  • When finished, click the button end call.

send feedback

  • Select the emoticon button, which is in the shape of a happy face. It is specifically located next to a message you have received.
  • A menu will open with the selection of reactions
  • If you are on mobile, slide your finger left or right or click on the arrows if you do it from the PC, to choose between additional reactions.
  • Select the smiley and it will be sent automatically.
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