【SOLVED】My External Hard Drive Won’t Boot – Guide ▷ 2022

use a external hard drive or portable drives to store information, either files, documents, photos, videos, among others, has become something very common today. This in order to be able to transport them from one place to another in a much easier way. However, this type of device can cause you some kind of problem until you delete or lose all the information you store on it.

In general, one of the most common problems of these external teams is that are not recognized by the computer, they don’t start or begin to make a lot of noise, keep in mind that this last symptom is a sign that it may be close to being damaged.

Despite this type of failure, it is important to mention that if your hard disk does not boot may have a solution, In addition, it can be solved by yourself through some very simple methods to perform. Therefore, fixing and recovering information from these computers is possible. To do this, just Follow the methods that we will explain below.

Steps and methods to fix external hard drive when it won’t boot, make noise or click and recover data

Can fix or repair these devices is something possible nowadays, for this it will be necessary that you carry out some methods that will help you to solve problems such as the noise they emit when they work, when they do not start or to recover the data stored in it.

In such a way, that here we are going to teach you some methods so that you can solve these problems To do this, follow each of the steps that we will teach you.

Fix internal errors via CMD

The first step that we are going to explain to you in order to solve these types of problems is to fix internal errors using CMD. For this it will be necessary run the repairer discs to correct any internal error type of the external device.

In addition, this type of solution has two ways to carry them out, to do so, follow the instructions below:


  • The first thing to do is write the “Symbol of the system” in the search box and then select it.
  • The next thing will be to write “chkdsk /R” you must replace where “drive letter” is indicated by the letter that corresponds to your drive external hard drive.
  • Once this is written, we press the key “Enter” to start the verification process.
  • When the verification is finished you must write Exit and then press the key “Enter” for this process to finish.
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Automatically with free disk management software

  • The first thing will be to execute “EaseUS Partition Master Free” and then right click on the partition you want to check, there a menu will be displayed where we select “Check Partition”.
  • Now you will have to choose a form of verification, the following options will be shown on the screen:
    • “Check partition properties”
    • “Surface test”
    • “Require Windows Chkdsk.exe to fix errors”
  • Once one of them is selected, click on “OKAY”.
  • Finally, all that remains is to wait for the program to begin to do its job and automatically correct the errors that are causing damage to the external hard drive. Once the analysis has been carried out, select “End up” for the process to finish.

Uninstall the drivers or controllers

Another way to solve this type of problem in external hard drives is uninstalling the drivers or driver.

To do this, you will need to perform these steps:

  • Start by clicking on the menu “Start” from your computer and then type the following: “devmgmt.msc” and press the key “Enter”.
  • Now we start the “Device administrator”.
  • The next thing will be to select “Extend Universal Serial Bus Controller”.
  • We must check if any of the devices appear as unrecognized.
  • In the case that a device is shown as “Unrecognized” you must go to the tab “Controllers” there you must delete or uninstall the driver.
  • The next thing will be to check again if the external hard drive appears on the computer.
  • In the event that it is not detected, you must Restart the system.
  • If the equipment has turned on again and it already appears, but after a few minutes it is deleted again, it will be necessary for you to repeat the steps explained above and go to the “Disk Management”.
  • Once you are inside this section, you must change external drive letter. To do this, start a letter where it last appeared.

This method is not only used to correct the problems of external hard drives, but you can also use it to correct similar problems with SD cards, USB or hard drive partitions.

replace control board

In some cases, the problems generated in the external hard drive such as the noise that they begin to generate when they start to work, it may be because there is something that is causing a short or malfunction on the equipment control board.

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In such a way, that many of the experts in this area recommend their users to change this control boardwhich will make the disk start working again and in a correct way.

However, it is important to mention that when you want to change this plate you must do it by another one exactly like her. Especially since they exist disc models that, even being the same model, have different micros.

Keep in mind that if you change it for another controller board otherwise this change would not have no successful operation. Therefore, the problem in disk would continue to be maintained, even appear some new ones.

Put it in the freezer

Another of the ways that we can use to try to solve this type of problem with these external devices is putting them in the freezer. It is not a method that is certified and that guarantees that it is 100% real.

However, there are a large number of users who mention that this method is very effective. And it is that put the hard drive in freezer You can repair it especially if its fault is to make noise.

Please note that these external teams usually cause a noise due to a excess heat, which indicates that cooling down will allow the computer to read again and it can recover the data stored in it.

In order to do this, you will need to follow these instructions:

  • The first thing will be disconnect hard drive of the computer.
  • Then you must wrap in paper or cloth and put it in the freezer for at least a period of time of at least 12 hours.
  • Once 12 hours have passed and removed from the freezer, previously dried with a dry cloth, must be reconnect to the computer.
  • In this step, the hard disk should already work for you, but, if not, it will be necessary to repeat the process again. This time you should leave the disc for 24 to 48 hours in the freezer.

Is your external hard drive still not working? How to recover data from your external memory?

If you have already tried each of the methods explained above and your hard drive still does not work, you can try another way to be able to extract the data from your external memory.

It is worth mentioning that before trying this type of solution that we will explain below, you must make sure that your computer is already not under warranty If it is still in that period of time, it is best to take it to the store and they will take care of solving the problem. However, if it has already been lost, then you can try this method yourself.

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For this it will be necessary to be able to find the real problem of all this, in this way we must begin to rule out the possible problems that they may be generating external memory failure. Keep in mind that it may be a connectivity problemin this case it must check connection between USB/Thunderbolt since it may not be working correctly.

you can do this check using another USB cable, In the event that it works, you simply have to change the cable and the problem will be solved.

Now if the problem it is not the cable connection We must try another step to be able to find a way to solve the problem. In this case it is open hard drivefor this it will be necessary remove its casing from memory.

For this you have to be very careful not to break it, in the event that this happens nothing serious will happen, the important thing is that the hard drive is always intact and none of its pieces are affected.

Once the device has been disassembled, it will be necessary to check that the connector located inside the equipment is well connected to the hard drive. In the event that this connector is not correctly, you must accommodate it and try to use it again. the hard drive. In case you are successfully connected it is recommended try another new connector, these connectors are usually fairly low in price.

In the event that external memory continue to damageit may be that the disc is really damaged and irreparable, for this it will be necessary that you try to find a solution with an expert in the area. In this way you can try to recover all the data stored in it.

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