【Super Chat and Super Stickers on YouTube】 What are they? ▷ 2022

is a platform that offers tools to generate good incomefor this reason, The are increasingly creative as far as their content is concernedin order to get the most out of these elements.

Such is the case of super chat and the super stickers of YouTubetwo very important ways to make money, which they allow you to gain new followers as well as interact with them directly and expand your channel towards new markets, having a reach that can cross the language barrier.

In this article, you will learn what are YT super chats and super stickers, how much are super stickers worth and the amount of money you can generate with themyou will see the requirements established to receive the super stickers, and the tips to earn more money with these elements.

What are YouTube super chats?

They are designed for users who live on YouTube, is a way for and where followers can buy chat messages in real time in order to stand outcan also be pinned to the top for a set amount of time during transmission.

The purpose of super chats is to increase the income of content creators with small contributions given in their live broadcastsand in the same way, that the followers are highlighted in the comments produced during the streaming.

What are YT super stickers?

They are virtual decals or stickers that users can buy, and thus show their unconditional support for youtubers or content creators. while performing a live, donating a small amount of money through these elements.

The stickers represent a direct way that do followers have to communicate with youtubersare in the form of emoji and produce an interaction through which both the positive and the negative in the transmission can be expressed, in addition to generating a high impact, and having more information about the users.

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How much are super stickers worth?

Your price may vary. they range from 99 cents to €50, Approximately, they are in several languages ​​among which English, French, Portuguese, Korean and Japanese stand out. In the same way, there are currently more than 100,000 channels of Youtube that have adopted the super chat modality, managing to generate up to €400 per minutethanks to the use of super stickers in the transmission.

How much money can you earn in super chats with super stickers?

This digit will depend on the donations made by the followersas well as the number of people dedicated to observing the live broadcast and its duration, that is, a live of only 10 minutes will not be able to generate the same as a streaming of one hour of duration. Another aspect that should be taken into consideration is that YouTube has among its policies to calculate 70% of the income registered by Googlewhich will be the billed amount respectively.

Well, the rates that are handled from the income originated with the super chat and super stickers of YouTube are the following:

  • 2 euros super chat goes from bottom to top.
  • 5 euros so that the message remains static for two minutes at the top.
  • 10 euros stays active for 10 minutes.
  • 50 euros and the message will be highlighted for 30 minutes.
  • 100 euros to leave the user chat for 1 hour.
  • 200 euros to stay for two hours on the live stream.
  • 300 euros and the follower will be able to stand out for three hours.
  • 400 euros to last four successive hours in the chat.
  • 500 euros to be active for five hours at the top.

Requirements to receive super stickers on YouTube

The platform has rules that you must comply with if you want to have super stickers, in addition, They are a sample of the impact you cause with your content on the platform, which you must give a lot of value to. These requirements must be strictly adhered to, otherwise you will not be granted these stickers.

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The requirements to receive YouTube super stickers are the following:

  • You should have monetization enabled on your YT channel through the program partners.
  • Exceed one thousand subscribers and four thousand hours of viewing during the last year of activity on the platform.
  • Be older than 18 years-old.
  • Live in any of the eligible countries to receive super stickers.

Tips to earn more money with YouTube super chats

The super chats They are an excellent option to publicize your content and generate income, therefore, You can use different alternatives to get the most out of it and in this way obtain very important benefits in Youtube. That is why you will see some tips through which and hand in hand with your creativity, they will help you to obtain profits through your channel.

The tips to earn more money with YT super chats are:

Interview specialists or personalities

An interview with a famous person or an expert on a subject is synonymous with attracting public attention, which is why they They are a very helpful strategy and ideal for live broadcasts and promote the super chat. Let’s take an example, a channel Youtube that talks exclusively about sports, and has Michael Jordan as a special interviewee, would undoubtedly produce a boomwhere thousands of users would connect to observe said transmission.

Hold special events

In this aspect, the type of channel you have is important, in this sense, if it is about video games, nothing better than carrying out a multiplayer game on a weekend, do a question and answer section, or talk about current issues. You must do this type of event on a specific day, and give it enough promotion so that your followers can connect and carry out an activity with many members.

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Offer different content

It is a way to get more followers and expand, all this with the purpose of obtaining better benefits, and that is that by offering different content from your regular theme you will provoke an enthusiasm in your subscribers by motivating them to observe your new material. Is a strategy that is usually done periodicallymany youtubers choose to choose a certain day to talk about that particular, and do things totally different.

Collaboration with other influencers

What is also called gatherings, and is that They are meetings held by YouTubers with channels with similar themes.addressing a certain number of topics that interest the audience, which causes a increase in visits and therefore more subscribers since you make yourself known in a different community than the one you own.

This technique is usually used by influencers from fashion, technology and entertainment channels, when there are events such as the Academy Awards ceremonyE3 in video games, or Paris fashion week.

Generate interaction with your followers

Feedback is very important, and it is that during a transmission it is recommended that you mention your followers, Ask them for suggestions, run contests and even invite them to your channel, this increases popularity and everyone wants to participate. The interaction makes the transmission not a monologue, but rather a moment of meeting between the youtuber and his followerswhere they will have a good time for a long time.

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