【 GNU Linux 】What is it? + Features and Versions ▷ 2022

Today we cannot find exact figures that show the amount of in the world and making an evaluation is not an easy task. But, if we put together various sources found on the Internet, the sum could be between 10 and 20 million people who have a computer running on this operating system.

The numbers show that there are still millions of people who, although they have a computer and are connected to the Internet, they stay with the most commercial systems as are Windows and MacOS, leaving only around 3% of the quota for Linux, that although it has succeeded in other areas, at the desktop level they have not been able to do so.

In this guide, you will find many elements about this operating system that is already three decades old since its development. There are details of GNU/Linux functions, versions, evolution and programs that you should know to convince you that there is life beyond Windows.

What is GNU/Linux and what is this computer operating system for?

GNU/Linux is an operating system that provides the necessary tools for the computer to run the rest of the programs. In this case, Linux is the core of the GNU project who develop volunteers for free. Linux is used to run all the components of a computer, it is used worldwide to control servers and supercomputers dedicated to specific tasks.

The operating system is also used to recover lost data or to audit Wi-Fi networks, among many actions that it performs. In addition to being an operating system, they are a huge community of developers, designers and professionals of all kinds who try to make linux a stable, accessible and truly competitive tool with its colossal rivals.

History of Linux When was it created and how has this OS evolved so far?

The GNU project took its first steps in the 80s by Richard Stallman. By the year 1985 the Free Software Foundation, which gave the initiative a legal framework. However, it is in 1991 when the first version of the operating system appears presented by a computer science student named linus torvalds who lived at a university in Helsinki, in Finland.

As of October 5, 1991, updates begin to appear, until In 1992 the first commercial version came to light. under the name of yggdrasil. The first stable version was called Debian, that led the way to and from there a number of distributions have emerged that, although they are not so common on desktop computers, are popular on servers and in internationally recognized companies.

What are the most interesting features and functions of the GNU/Linux operating system?

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This environment has powerful features that have led most of the servers in the world to use it in their operation. But besides that, it is stable, free and lightweight.

Let’s see in detail its main features for users:

  • It is : Hundreds of people give it their creative touch, so no keys or licenses are required to install it.
  • Fits seamlessly: You can work with any type of device, be it mobile, laptop or desktop.
  • Provides security: Being free, it does not have virus threats and in the event that they exist, its architecture and processes do not allow them to remain active.
  • Offers stability: the failure rate is minimal, so it can work for months at maximum capacity.
  • It includes several distributions: Linux variants are found for particular functions and different devices.
  • It is multitasking: It has the ability to simultaneously run various programs without affecting the performance of the operating system.
  • Devices can be controlled: the user has the computer drivers and can install others if needed, which gives independence to solve a problem.
  • Can be customized: According to the needs and requirements, each user can adjust its interface and its source code.
  • It has network support: it easily couples with communications applications, supporting various physical and virtual network interfaces.
  • It is multi-user: simultaneously, users can access system resources and applications.

Versions and distributions of Linux What are they and which are the best that have been created so far?

A distribution or distro, as they are also known, is a fully customized version of the operating system built on the Linux kernel. It usually includes many applications that are included in the package and can be easily installed. There are hundreds of distributions available and talking about all of them would take a lot of time.

Therefore, here we will describe five of the most used and their main characteristics:

  • : It was released in 1996 and has been the starting point for other distributions. It is one of the main options in the installation of servers and workstations. Some programs that are already included are VLC, GIMP and various web browsers.
  • : distribution that is based on Debian and among its main features is the protection of user privacy. It is possible to run it from the USB stick if you don’t want to install it on the hard drive. The desktop is GNOME and some of the pre-installed programs are LibreOffice and Audacity.
  • : According to data collected, this distribution is currently the most downloaded by users. Its installation is simple, it has multimedia support from the boot and it is compatible with many environments. In addition, it uses few resources and its updates are well studied.
  • : For those who like to stay up to date with Linux, here is the right distro. It releases news a few weeks apart from the recent versions of the programs. On the other hand, it presents options for the cloud, servers and workstations.
  • Zorin: This distribution is perfect to adapt to Linux, what’s more, it was created so that you feel comfortable if you are used to Windows. It has a large store of apps that can be easily installed and is attractive to media creators for its pre-installed collection of solutions.
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Linux vs Windows vs MacOS What is the best operating system for computers that you can install?

Each operating system has its characteristics, differences and benefits. In the end, the decision it will depend on the use you are going to give it and of the budget you have available to invest in a computer.

What we will do now is see which one stands out in each of the following five points:

interface management

All three are capable of maintaining the user interface graphically. Nevertheless, the points are taken by MacOS, being more consistent and clean than the other options. The browser offers different preview options and tabs to navigate through the contents. The second place is for Windows that presents some inconsistencies in the control panels. Finally we leave linux, that in this particular it must still continue advancing.


As contradictory as it may seem, Linux is the most secure although it is the least used. It has fewer problems with viruses, it can be used on any computer, to use it you need to have some computer knowledge and since it is open source there are many people willing to correct its bugs. Windows and macOS they follow him in terms of security.


In this respect, Linux also has the advantage. Privacy measures give the user the option to browse the web anonymously without fear. Being open source, you can configure what data you share, a situation that is not possible one hundred percent in Windows, in which a lot of personal information is collected.


Here the first place is for Windows, because most programs are created for this platform, so it’s easy to get variety. Almost any software that is needed is available, since a large number of users have it installed on their operating system. Also, the developer community on Windows is triple the community on Linux.

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In the performance and optimization of resources, we also put the tab on Linux. It requires less amount of memory to run your operating system. For example, the heavier versions can work with a maximum of 2GB, Meanwhile in Windows and Mac is recommended to use 4GB. Even the minimum of RAM now that it is on the market Windows 11 is 4Gbso that 6 Gb is recommended for office tasks.

List of the best programs for Linux that you should install on your computer to get the most out of the operating system

Due to the popularity of Linux, new programs are released every day that are compatible with the distributions.

They are generally free and will help you get the most out of your computer:


This application turn your computer into a multimedia center with a configurable graphical interface. It has versions for different operating systems and gives the option to connect to Internet TV channels, as well like Youtube and SoundCloud.


The leading application for office functions on Linux is this. It is somewhat similar to Windows Microsoft Office with alternatives to Word, Excel Y PowerPoint. In each update it offers improvements to provide a pleasant user experience. It is also a free package and that makes it very attractive.


if what you need is a photo editor with advanced featuresyou should not stop installing GIMP. Edit the images regardless of the format and you can make the modifications and place the filters on them just as you would in Photoshop, placing layers and masks. When you’re done with the job, save the files in the settings you want.


This tool allows you to take screenshots to a specific zone or to the whole environment. After they are done, you can edit them, name them or write them down, with the large number of options it offers. It is also a free option for Linux users.

DaVinci Resolve

we end with this free video editor You have all the tools to do a professional job. Effects, animations and layout are some of the functions that are available in the free version of the program to Linux.

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