【Use CHKDSK Command in Windows 8】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

hard drive of a computer is one of its fundamental pieces. It stores the most valuable: from the operating systemgoing by and even our personal documents. For this reason keeping it healthy is essential.

This is one of the reasons why developers add check and repair tools. Especially for the magnetic type. However, although most run automaticallya manual check is recommended.

That is why we need commands which we will discuss in this post. If you want to know more about the repair and maintenance of your disk, we invite you to read it.

What is CHKDSK and what is this tool for in Windows 8?

In early operating systems windows based in MS-DOSa software called scandisk. It was used to perform checks on computer disks. He did it in terms of physical integrity as logic. However, from the versions supported in Windows NT (Y XP onwards) no longer include the mentioned program. but they use one developed by called CHKDSKalso know as checkdisk.

The function main of this utility It remains the same. That is, to scan and analyze the disk sectors in search of damage or corrupt files and then try to repair them. In the same way that the SW of Microsoft they have evolved, they left adding enhancements and additional features to this program. Specifically, from and with respect to w7 added more modifiers to the function. Which we will mention in the next section.

Learn step by step how to use the CHKDSK command in Windows 8

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There are different methods to run this utility. It can be done through the properties of “This team” or using the file .bat correspondent. However, the most recommended way and with which we will have more tools is through from the “Command Prompt”.

Let’s see the steps below:

  • That is exactly what you should write in the start menu search engine. that in the case of Windows 8 it is also the main screen. Once you find it, run it as administrator.
  • Type the command “chkdsk”, a space and then the letter of the drive you want to analyze followed by “:”. For example, for the disk “C”, “CHKDSKC:” and then “Enter”.
  • Doing so will perform a brief analysis of the disk. In case no error is found, the message will appear “There is no list of previously identified issues associated with this unit. No further action is required.”.

To analyze the hard drive

If you want to perform an analysis on greater depth and more exhaustively you can add “SCAN”.

Following the previous example:

  • If you prefer this same analysis to be performed once rebooted the system add “forceofflinefix”.

Correct the errors found

By adding certain parameters to the mentioned function, it is possible that after executing the analysis we can indicate to the system that try to repair it. For this you must add “F” to the line. CHKDSKD: /f

To get data from the hard drive

In the event that you have executed the previous function but the damage is irreparableyou can at least recover the information containing. It is important that you have another disk in your computer, preferably not using another partition of the same hardware. CHKDSK D: /r”. You should also know that this tool will save a copy of the healthy files. Unfortunately damaged or corrupted ones will be skipped. Although you can use an external program to try to recover them.

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quick analysis

If you do not have much time to perform a detailed check of each disk you can use the command “he”. In this way, a quick analysisthough superficial of the disk. “CHKDSKD: /l” Another option for this is assigning greater resources by the computer to the search. It is not recommended if you are using other applications. In this case we will use the modifier “perf” added to “scan”. “CHKDSK D: /SCAN /PERF”


A command that can save you with this and other functions in the command prompt is the help. It is as simple as indicating a question mark. Thus, the application returns all the additional parameters. In the case of checkdisk it looks like this: “CHKDSK/?”

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