Analyzing WordPress with WP Doctor free consultation!

A lot is starting to be talked about lately about how important it is to keep facilities not only secure and fast-loading, but also in good SEO health, with , having control over every aspect that makes up a website and that in this article we will learn more about it. What? analyzing WordPress with fashion tool: wp-doctor.

wpDoctor, wpDoctor, go to the operating room No. 5!! …hahaha, laugh because humor is health, and surely you have already imagined this phrase in your head.

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Whether you are starting a new project with WordPress or if you are a user with experience managing blogs or Stores with this CMS, It is a tool that can be very useful, especially if you take into account that it will be an ally to help you discover errors or configuration problems and improve the functioning of your website.

It is no longer enough to just have a blog, publish articles and have visitors, now you also have to like it! and not only to your readers, but also to the search engines that will be in charge of positioning your content so that they reach further. The good health of your WordPress will depend on whether you achieve that goal with greater success.

The tool was born with the need that many users have to take the real pulse of the state of their installations created with WordPress and be able to take full advantage of the CMS to increase traffic, improve CRO and other important aspects today.

An outdated website, with outdated plugins, without on-page SEO management and almost zero optimizations will result in any test with a score very lowlike the one you see in the screenshot, and consequently a very extensive ‘checklist’ of problems to solve.

Why do you need to analyze your website?

There are thousands of clients in who work with WordPress and it was becoming more and more latent to meet a demand that we could only feel through the Support channel, and that translated into daily queries about blog configuration problems, errors produced when applying ‘hacks’ in style files, in functions.php or conflicts between plugins.

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Most of these problems are caused by outdated installations, sometimes very outdatedobsolete plugins, very vulnerable and with deficient configurations or that gave room for other errors to be generated, non-existent or erroneous file upload paths to the media library, and a long etcetera that flooded the Support Department every day.

It was necessary to launch a tool that could be managed by the client, but that did not require having a technical profile to be able to use it, it was necessary to democratize access to error control, security analysis and other functionalities so that any user could access a report that is as complete as possible indicating the state of health of the installation.

It is when the development department of gets down to work and begins writing the code for WP Doctor, a tool for end users, also for developers or implementers of this CMS that allows them to know in detail that it is good, what is failing in an installation and how to correct those problems in the most precise and clear way possible.

What can you analyze with WP Doctor?

Mainly the security parameters, SEO and basic WordPress settings, as well as other important additional details, highlighting:

  • General information of the website.
  • CMS information: theme, child-theme, etc.
  • Plugins installed.
  • Some data from the server.
  • Security.
  • DNS and domain data.
  • SEO on page.
  • Load speed.

In these sections you will find specific information detected by WP Doctor with more detailed values ​​and recommendations that you can apply to problems found in your WordPress installation.

There are notices, such as the optimization of images that will be useful for clients who host their websites in because they will allow them to access their Client Area and carry out a complete improvement of all the images of the Hosting with the tool Image Optimizerfree and exclusive for customers, without the need to resort to plugins such as EWWW Image Optimizer or others.

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the current version ‘BETA’ analyzes a large amount of data from a WordPress installation and provides additional information, through the blog that makes the tool itself available so that we can learn more about certain errors detected and how to apply solutions that work.

How to analyze your WordPress?

Very simple, go to and write the url of your website, for example in the countryside URL of your website and click the red button ANALYZE.

The results will not be too long to wait, that is one of the great virtues of wp-doctorthe immediacy to return data on the status of your website.

And so on, by scrolling, you will be able to discover each and every one of the parameters analyzed on your website along with very useful warnings and additional information.

Solving detected problems

Everytime that detects a parameter, problem or configuration that you should improve it will show you a warning with a red question mark ? so that you click on it and get either contextual help or a link to an article that explains how to solve that incident.

For example, in the section Security warns you of the following:

X-Content-Type Header – Does not have X-Content-Type Headers

You click on the question mark icon and land on the WPDoctor blog article titled X-Content-Type-Options header to prevent malicious stylesheets or scripts from being loaded that explains why and how to solve it, in this case it would be enough for you to edit the file .htaccess of your WordPress and add the following code at the beginning of said file:

Header set X-Content-Type-Options nosniff

You save the changes applied to the file and if you run again wpDoctor.esfrom the top option of the current report obtained Refresh (circular arrows icon) you will see that this problem has been solved and your score will have improved compared to the previous one.

For each of the detected errors wp-doctor It proposes a solution for you to apply and correct the problem, which will undoubtedly help you improve the overall score.

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Remember that it is a beta and new help, links to troubleshooting tutorials, and other contextual prompts are still being added.

I would like you to spend a few minutes watching this video that I have prepared for you, where I give you an example of a website created with WordPress, which has problems that the detects so you know how to find the solutions and apply them.


A very interesting utility, especially for those who develop websites for third parties (Resellers or webmasters) are the historical ones that automatically wp-doctor generate.

These histories, accessible from the upper icon in the form of a trunk, to the right of the URL of the analyzed website, allow access to a log or record of previous analysis reports of the same website carried out.

The tool is protected, among others, against uncontrolled uses such as constant reloading or refreshing by a user (flooding), to avoid massive storage of reports in the database.

don’t forget that is in constant development, going through numerous improvements and corrections. You feedback will help David Noguera and César Maeso (Sysadmins, developers and parents of the creature), to improve it and expand the control points that can be analyzed in your WordPress.

Now it’s your turn to evaluate and discover all its features in order to help you solve them and make your WordPress website more secure, faster and accessible to visitors and indexing bots.

For us, making you happy is a goal, we leave the rest to you! for you to enjoy!

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Technical support in CyberProtector. Teacher at University

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