How to Move my Moodle to a new subdomain next to Wordpres…

Hello jhon:

So the change has not improved? I misunderstood? it’s all in

I copy the text of the article:
“Creating a subdomain for static content
We have already made many improvements in the optimization of our WordPress, and you will be able to verify it if you measure the loading time of your website. The step that I am indicating now consists of creating a subdomain of our main domain, which we will use to serve the static content (javascript files, css files, and images) of our website.

The advantage is that this subdomain will allow you to download this type of content with parallel connections, which makes them download faster.

We will have to create a subdomain in our hosting panel, and point it to the web that we are optimizing. In the case of cpanel, we will have to do it from the Domains> Subdomains section. “

The site load time tests have returned to the values ​​prior to the Moodle installation. With Moodle not being on the subdomain, that time had grown and I put it down to that…

A cordial greeting,
Pink Sanchis Cloths


Answered : 04/30/2015 9:06 pm

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