Paypal problem from mobile

I have detected that when making the payment with paypal (both with paypal express and standard), the page that shows me from the computer does not have the same functionalities as if I do it from a mobile phone, tablet…
In the case of the computer, it shows me the image that I attached (you can see that it offers the option of paying by card, which interests me). However, in the event that I make the payment with my mobile, it does not give me that option. I have even tried to modify the standard payment so that it only redirects me to the Paypal card payment (modifying the landing page parameter); In this case the same thing would happen (from the computer it takes me to pay with a PayPal card without showing more options, but from the mobile it shows me the option to pay with PayPal or create an account. My question is… Is it my fault, plugins configuration or something like that, or is it a PayPal thing? Thanks

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Answered : 02/26/2016 2:50 am

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