Social media course #7. Advertising on social networks – .com

In the seventh class of the social networking course we are going to see the possibility of making ourselves known through advertising on social networks.

And it is that more and more, social networks are limiting the organic reach of our publications and rewarding those accounts that invest in advertising on a regular basis. This is why knowing how to manage campaigns on social networks is essential to achieve the best results.

Let’s start knowing the structures of the campaigns in social networks as well as the decisions that we must make at each level. Go for it!

As you can see, all social networks have the same scheme. Now we will be able to extrapolate the knowledge acquired to all social networks since the use of their advertising tools are similar to each other.

Let’s remember that the objectives of advertising campaigns on social networks are very simple, despite the fact that social channels do not want to tell us that way.

We are now going to see the main advantages that advertising on social networks gives us compared to other channels, both online and offline. Let us begin!

Doesn’t look bad at all, right? Indeed, advertising on social networks is quite peculiar and unique, and in certain cases a strategy that can make a difference.

So, on this occasion we propose you to optimize your campaigns by following the five basic steps that we have seen, and you will see how conversions will begin to improve.

And again, remember that if you have any questions about your advertising campaigns, you can contact us in the support section. We want you to get the most out of it! 🙂

See also  Business creation - .com

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