Storefront Course #3: WooCommerce – .com

In the third class of the Storefront course we will see its compatibility and integration with WooCommerce on multiple devices, and its great advantages.

3 – Storefront and WooCommerce

You will love this class. It’s time to see the integration of Storefront with Woocommerce, which is complete. From the store page to the checkout, going through the customer area, the products, and even the plugins.

Without a doubt, an all-terrain theme for any online project based on WooCommerce, let’s see it.

As you can see, everything is designed so that WooCommerce looks good. So today’s homework will be nothing less than installing WooCommerce and adjusting the new elements that have appeared in the customizer 🙂

And if during the implementation you have any questions, you already know: For any questions, here I am. See you in the next class. Until then!

Remember that if you will have access to everybody the courses and you can also enjoy everything from .

All chapters in this course:

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