【 LOG IN to WEBMAIL 】▷ Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Having an email is already an essential requirement to be able to use the internet. The vast majority of platforms that provide services or products require users to go through a registration process that involves entering an email address with which all information is managed and to which, on more than one occasion, they are also sent. notifications and other data on a regular basis.

Not just for that. Mail has always had as its main function the sending and receiving of messages and audiovisual content., like an advanced version of traditional mail. In this sense, it is a tool that has gained special importance in the last decade due to the digitization of both platforms and supports and methods, which has also led to the most professional fields have corporate emails.

And it is that the usual thing is that a user creates an email account through providers such as Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook. However, when you work for a company, it is normal for them to give you a corporate email address with which to separate the personal from the work, and this is where Webmail comes in.one of the main platforms offered by hosting and from which we are going to explain an essential process to see professional email: how to login to webmail.

Steps to login to my Webmail email account from the Cpanel

If you don’t know how to use this platform, much less how to log in to your corporate email Through it, we are going to solve it by explaining step by step the process that you must follow thanks to this guide. In addition, to also solve other problematic situations related to its use, we are going to explain Solutions to the most common problems that appear to users: those error messages that seem incomprehensible, forgotten passwords, excess storage…

Cpanel is one of the standard panels to access all the options of a hosting after contracting it. Among this fan that opens, the user has the option to log into their Webmail email account, and here we are going to explain the steps they must follow to do so.

1 – Enter your cPanel

Open your web browser and enter the CPanel menu through its web address. Since it is something that depends on the domain you have contracted, we cannot indicate an exact URL, although we can remind you that you just have to add “/cpanel” to the address of your website. E.g.: www.webdirection.com/cpanel.

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2 – Activate the login of your mail

  • Once in the panel, go to the section “Mail” and click on it to open the main mail management menu.
  • Then click on “E-mail accounts” to see all those that have been created after contracting the hosting and the domain.
  • On the right side of each of them, in addition to seeing the quota and having several options, you have the button “Plus”. Press it, and then tap on “Access Webmail” within the dropdown menu that has opened.

3 – Choose the client

Immediately afterwards, a new window will appear with three options to choose from: Horde, Roundcube and SquirrelMail. They are different clients from which you can choose to enter your email. Click on “Read mail using (customer name)” in the option you want.

4 – Login

Now, you just have to complete the small form that appears, entering the password for it. With this, you will have entered your mail and you will be able to use it with total normality. Clever!

FAQ: Problems and errors when accessing Webmail

I forgot my password. How can I recover my Webmail account password?

Since we have already talked about Cpanel, we are going to return to it to explain the solution to this problem. Enter as a user in this control panel and look for the section “Mail”. Once inside it, you just have to click on the option “Email Accounts”.

Now, you will have in front of you all the accounts that have been connected and created. Look for the one that you cannot access due to the lack of a password and access its options. In those that appear, you have to click on “Change Password”.

You have the opportunity to create a completely new one on your own or simply tap on the generator to create a completely safe and random one. Choose the method you prefer and move on. You have already changed the password and you can now log in to said e-mail with your new passwords.

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Security Certificate is invalid

Sometimes, although it is not a very common errorThere will possibly be a problem with the webmail security certificate. If, when trying to access your email account, you receive a browser message indicating that the security certificate you are trying to use is invalid, you just have to accept it.

Most browsers only need you to carry out this small step to be able to proceed and log in to webmail to use your own mail.

In case you have accepted and the message continues to appear, the best thing you can do is contact the support team of your domain and mail provider to help you solve it.

You cannot connect to the Webmail service through /webmail or port 2096

In most cases, this is due to a block from the router itselfwhich filters that port so that it is not accessible for security reasons.

In this case, what you should do is access the router settings through your browser. Once inside, go to port settings and enable 2096which is the one destined to connect to Webmail.

If, despite this, the problem persists or you are simply using a restricted proxy connection, you can opt for use dedicated email software such as Mozilla Thunderbird or and configure the account to access via IMAP.

Secure connection failed

This problem is usually caused by a session that has expired. If it’s been a long time since you last logged in and you’re trying to access your inboxes and outboxes directly, your browser throws this error message because it’s simply you must repeat the login process.

The first thing you should do is press the “F5” key or the “Refresh” button of your web browser. You need to reset the information to let you reach the entry form and, thus, be able to enter both your email address and the access password to enter as usual.

If, despite continuously refreshing, you still can’t log in, try clearing your browser cache with any utility dedicated to it (such as CCleaner), close it and reopen it to try again. It is also possible that there is a problem with your internet connection. that prevents you from navigating fluently and safely. Go to other pages and, if there is also a problem with them, you will have to restart the router or simply wait for the connection to stabilize to be able to use it normally again.

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Internal Server Error 500 Webmail User xxxxx is over quota

This error message appears when any of the users registered in your domain to have their own corporate email have exceeded the maximum storage size for content and emails. The solution to this situation is as simple as doing a good cleaning or hiring additional space.. If it is impossible to do the first, since all the information with which this limit has been exceeded is necessary, you will have to find another plan with your service provider to access a greater amount of space.

In these situations, the process to follow is simple. Go to your user panel in the hosting you have and go to the email section. Once in it, go to the option “Mail accounts” and take a look at those profiles that may have exceeded the limits enough to get the 500 error message.

Clear your trays from this panel if possible, do so without compromising important information. Otherwise, the only option left is the one we have explained before, expand mailbox space if your host can afford it or else pay to upgrade the plan and forget about these problems.

On rare occasions, it may happen that despite this you continue to receive the same error message. In this situations, the most useful tool to solve it is the technical team of your hosting. Contact them through the support platform, present your case and let them take care of it.

SMTP Error -1

In these situations, the quickest and most effective solution is, directly, contact the service support department that you have contracted for the mail and the host so that they can see what happens and remedy it.

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