【+15 Websites Download Free Stock Photos】▷ List 2022

With the great rise of the Internet, many entrepreneurs, brands and companies have decided create a blog, a web page or a project of this type to offer their services and thus attract more customers. In this sense, one of the most important aspects is its legal illustration or decoration. As, eye-catching images are an incentive for usersIn most cases.

But well, almost always, being able to find a quality image that is completely related to the subject you are dealing with, it is clearly complicated. Above all, for the amount of time that must be invested and of course, this is unprofitable for those who manage the particular website.

However, today there are the that allow you to download stock photos. What some time ago, was completely paid and fortunately, it can now be achieved free solutions that they manage to completely solve that requirement. So then find out the best web pages where you can get excellent images free of licenses and copyrights.

What are the advantages of using an image bank to download stock photos free of licenses and copyrights?

In view of the fact that a large number of network users choose to use image banks to obtain stock photos, the benefits of using images with this origin are distinguishable. Therefore, it is precise and important to take into account the greatest advantages of using these types of web, today and these are the following:

They contain a variety of dimensions and resolutions of images

Whether you use the free or paid solutions, both alternatives guarantee a full number of dimensions and resolutions that even, in some cases, are suitable for printing.

Which means that, if you plan to use photographs that occupy the entire width of the screen in your web design, these image banks They make the process easier for you because they do not have any type of limitation to access images of a considerable size. Even if the resolution of the photo you like is higher than what you need or ideal for your website (72 dpi), you can easily adapt them in editors like Photoshop.

The quality obtained is exceptional

One of the most special reasons why entrepreneurs and even designers say they use image banks, It is because of the quality that they ensure in the photographs that they offer to the public. This happens mainly because the authors make their best creations available and even more so when it comes to a paid site.

Added to this, image banks focus on providing the best content and that it comes from people who generally know very well how to control the light and give them the best appearance to your compositions. With which, your website will have a unique design and you will be able to convey the message you want in the best way.

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You avoid the use of common photographs

Whenever you choose to upload an image that you quickly get on any web search engine like Google on your blog or web page, it can be show the lack of originality and in this way, you will make the website look like another one of the bunch. Being a point against because if you want to attract customers and position yourself among the first places in your field, the most essential thing is make you stand out from the rest.

On the other hand, when you use the content published in these image banks, you will see the great selection that they offer you and all of them of the highest quality. With which, in addition to locating an image that perfectly fits what you provide on your website, it also You are acting and offering something different from the rest of the similar solutions that the network shows to users.

You don’t have to worry about license issues

Since these are stock photos free of licenses and copyrights, you can put licensing issues aside. Since, usually, when you use free photos downloaded from any site, you must take into account the license under which they are distributed on the Internet. What, in addition, forces you to include the credits in the page in which you are using said photo and does not allow you to make any edition to your liking.

On the other hand, when you use images downloaded directly from image banks, licenses and rights are more flexible and because of it, you can use all the content you want regardless of how you decide to distribute it to promote your brand or business.

Easy to use

In the vast majority of solutions of this type, it is very simple to search for an image and get it quickly. Since, in general, what you have to do is locate yourself in the search engine of the image bank, enter the theme you want to find and press the corresponding button to start the search. Also, just enough press another button to download the photograph and proceed to use it as and where you want.

List of the best websites to download free and paid stock photos and images

Now, you need to know the main web pages that allow you to download photos and stock images. Thus, detailing the particularities of greatest interest to web designers and users interested in starting to make use of these image banks, some of them being free and others paid.


To get started, we recommend this completely free image bank that works under the Creative Commons CCO license and basically, it is the same photographers who upload the images on their own profile and make them available to the public. One of its most relevant characteristics is that is in spanishunlike many other sites that are only displayed in English.

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However, when you search in English, the results returned by the web page they are much more varied. Among other things, Pixabay provides you with images of all kinds and gives you the freedom to do whatever you want with them. Additionally, add illustrations, videos and vectors.


It is a free image bank that can be used both personally and for commercial use. Added to this, it is a relatively new solution where you can get high-resolution photos with remarkable quality, which operate under the CC0 licensebut with some modifications.

In reference to said modifications, they refer to a limitation to be used on criminal or pornographic websites. Among other details, Gratisography It is easy to use, since once you locate the image you want, all you have to do is make a simple click and it will be downloaded in its maximum resolution. Also, all options show nice editing job and very original visual effects.


It is a free Spanish image bank that has the best content available for any kind of web project. Thus, it has a wide variety of photographs and illustrations that are considered the most optimal graphic resources in jpg, psd and ai formats. This, especially, to be able to your liking the multimedia content downloaded through Freepik.

In addition to this, once you download all the images you like for free, you can use them without any limitation. However, it is necessary that you grant the required credit for each case. Finally, it is worth noting that today, this website has millions of users worldwide.


It is another free solution that offers extensive royalty-free multimedia content. In this way, it is based on a completely ideal platform for lovers of high resolution and high quality images. Taking into account that it has a library that integrates all types of content and thanks to this, it always manages to satisfy its users.

However, this website is not completely open. Since, does not allow directly selling editions of downloaded images within the platform. But, even so, it is considered a good alternative to obtain original images.


It is one of the most famous image banks and for this reason, it is considered one of the best and most complete that operates under CC0 license. Regarding its operation, it is based on offering a total of 10 new images every day and with it, it ensures a complete variety that is worth seeing and using for any purpose.

For its part, all the content it offers for free, guarantees high resolution and thus maintains the quality of the photographs in each publication. Likewise, it allows you to do whatever you want with each image, including editing it. In short, it contains a section called “Made With Unsplash” where, if you are lucky, you can get some publicity at no cost.

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It is another free alternative that integrates all kinds of high-quality content into more than 800 updated images. Thus, it is in charge of merging excellent resolution images that add a remarkable diversity of themes, such as people, city, landscapes, nature, abstract images, among others; with a powerful and fast search engine. Thanks to this, it is confirmed that its operation is quite simple.

In this way, the web works freely under a Creative Common license in the public domain. Which means that, it allows you to give personal or commercial use to the multimedia content that they offer there and, as if that were not enough, it is possible to modify them in your own way and distribute without permission or attribution.


More than 500 thousand creatives who offer their creations, this website is a rather new image bank that offers a free subscription to be able to receive all kinds of free images. In this way, during each month, the web makes sure to deliver more than 20 new photos and fully updated to their customers.

Added to this, it guarantees an excellent design on your blog or website, making them look with great originality and authenticity, through the photographs that are added. It also allows edit and modify the illustrations in your own way.


is an alternative 100% recommended because it has a large and certified community of photographers who update the content offered on the website every day. In view of that, 5 new photos are added daily. Added to this, Pexels operates licensed under Creative Common Public Domain 0 or CC0.

In addition to this, it is necessary to clarify that the present bank of images It is a free and paid solution at the same time. Since, although it offers a wide variety of high-quality images totally free, it also presents a section known as “ShutterStock” that provides paid images and perhaps they are a bit more original and with better resolutions.

Superfamous (images.superfamous.com)

It is based on an image bank that shows the work done by a single photographer, who is identified as Folkert Gorter. Because of this, it is not a website with as much variety, since the resulting catalog is very small and only contains a total of 81 photographs. Among these, he brings together abstract photos ideal for backgrounds, as well as natural and landscape images.

But still, it’s a great…

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