【How much does Amazon Prime cost? 】Prices and Comparison ▷ 2022

Amazon Prime, formerly called Amazon Premium in Spain, is a subscription service offered by the famous Amazon online store. To use it, annually or monthly, you must pay a fee that will allow you to benefit from all the advantages that it brings to you. It should be noted that the cost and what is offered will depend on the country where you are.

The most attractive hook this uses to get people to buy it is its flat shipping rate, something that for many is beneficial, since they are fast, free and unlimited; this for when you shop for products. But, in addition to this, it offers other charms such as streaming, reading, priority access and much more.

If you are interested in knowing the price you must pay to have it, you just have to read this article where we not only tell you how much it costs, but also We reveal the reasons for having it and the benefits that you will obtain at the time of its acquisition.

Why contract Amazon Prime? Benefits

If you already know and you are a recurring buyer of this store, it would be good for you to purchase Amazon Prime services, since you will have multiple benefits that you may not find in another store, These range from free shipping to the ability to use their book, music, video and other platforms.

At the time of subscribing you can enjoy the following:

Free and faster shipping

The first benefit it offers is that when you register you get a gift. this membership gives you 24 hours of completely free and unlimited shipping on products that have the “Prime” label, and others at no additional cost.

best offers

Another point is exclusive access. Particularly on this page if you are a Prime user, you can go to the section of “Offers with Prime priority access” and buy first of all. The offers usually have a discount of 20 and 30%, so you can take advantage of the bargains that this website offers.

In addition, we must mention that the subscription It is perfect for those Black Fridays or Prime Day, the latter is an event that takes place every year only for Prime users, where offers are held for 30 hours straight.

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product show

At the time of subscribing you can decide which products interest you according to the categories it gives you. This will cause the store to eventually send you free demos of a specific product, which can often help you decide whether to switch to a new brand next time. Yes indeed, this has no tech product testing.

VOD video

This platform is a bit like Amazon’s Netflix, it deals with a streaming service where you can enjoy series and movies that you can see on your TV and mobile devices. It is also possible to see it from the computer by accessing the web or by devices such as the Google Fire Stick.

In particular, this has nothing to envy to the one mentioned above, since it also You can download files to any computer so you can view them even when you don’t have Internet access. So if you have a Prime subscription, you know you have access to this.


With Prime Reading you have access to a number of books that are constantly being updated. If you have an Amazon account You can access this and find eBooks of all kinds of genres, from suspense, science fiction, to novels, fantasy, etc. If you are a Prime subscriber, you only have to enter the works and click on “Read for free”.

With it you can purchase up to 10 books at a time; when you reach the limit you will only have to return one to be able to use another. The advantage is that you will have a library with your favorite books, but without a delivery date or additional late fees.


For its part, this is a kind of in it you have access to 40 monthly hours of music and about 2 million songs, playlist and selected stations, according to Amazon without advertising. What will allow you to listen to what you want through streaming from your computer or any equipment, thanks to its special application.

Just like you can do on Prime Video, you can download the songs to listen offline to network.

Prime Photos

If you have little space on your computer, with this you can make a backup in the cloud and thus free up the internal memory, since you can enjoy up to 5 GB of free storage to optimize your device. This in turn will allow you to have online access to your photos and videos to organize and share them whenever you want and with whoever you want.

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Twitch Prime

In particular, this service is included with Amazon Prime and Prime Video. It is based on the transmission of our favorite video games. So if you are a fan of this, you will surely like to share your games with the rest of the world or interact with some gamers through a chat. You can do this on your console or PC and connect to .

What are all the payment methods that Amazon Prime accepts?

As we know, this is an Amazon fee, so to use it you must have an account in said online store. Users who want membership can use branded credit and debit cards Visa, Visa Electron 4B, Euro6000, MasterCard, American Express and International Maestro.

If you are concerned about the security that they may have, you can rest easy, because This company uses technology with high levels of security that allows you to encrypt all personal information provided to you before completing an order.

It is important to note that Amazon.com gift cards, prepaid cards and the Amazon balance of Amazon Cash do not enter as a payment method.

List of prices and rates to contract Amazon Prime easily and quickly

Undoubtedly Price is a fundamental aspect when contracting a service, regardless of the attractions it may have. For this reason, we must know what the rates are offered to know if we want to acquire it or not.

This service offers two different prices that depend on the method we choose to pay. Premium service It has a cost of 36 euros per year. But, if you do not want to pay it annually, you can opt for the monthly fee that is priced at 3.99 euros. Although, if we calculate the bill by paying in this way, we will see that we will lose more, since per year it will cost us 47.88 euros.

If you are in another country, here is a list with their respective rates:

  • USA 119 dollars equivalent to about (105 euros) per year and 13 dollars (11.5 euros) per month.
  • United Kingdom 79 pounds (92 euros) per year and 7.99 pounds (9.3 euros) per month.
  • Germany 69 euros per year or 7.99 euros per month; the same in Switzerland.
  • France, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland 49 euros per year and 5.99 euros per month.
  • In Italy, the prices are the same as in Spain.
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These markers tell us that in Spain and Italy they are the most accessible in Europe and one of the cheapest in the world. But is it useful? At least Spain is not among the ranking of the 10 countries with the best quality-price ratio. This is because the service offers more advantages where its price is higher.

Will I be able to cancel my Amazon Prime subscription at any time without penalty?

The company has made it very easy to cancel your subscription, even This allows you to obtain a total or partial refund as the case may be, that is, depending on how much you have used it and how much time is left before its expiration date.

If you used this service for a short time but paid in advance for the entire year, you will see a higher return. If the date is close to the renewal it will be less. In any case, this will also be reflected in how many benefits you obtained from it.

So if you have not benefited, you can get a full replacement of the money. If, on the other hand, you have already taken advantage of it by buying a product or acquiring a service, you will be charged and you will have to pay for it.

Said cancellation process it usually takes about 2 business days to be effective. You can do it whenever you want without any penalty, you just have to be aware of those explained above.

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