【 Duck Duck Go vs Google 】Which is Better? + Differences ▷ 2022

Duck Duck Goit is search engine that has focused on collecting and studying all the alternatives that are necessary to provide them with greater privacy to its users. And thanks to this, it has been growing and consolidating itself as a company for many years. additional alternative to traditional search enginesas they are Google or Bing.

Duck Duck Go, is ideal for all those users who do not want their Internet searches to be tracked, that is, they are looking for full privacy. Y Duck Duck Go is that search engine that values ​​and respects privacyso it does not allow it to be violated.

And although if we compare it with Google, which is one of the largest and most influential companies in the world, DDG, is simply a small project which has become a quite viable alternative for all those people who want keep your information safe.

What is Duck Duck Go and how does this Internet browser work?

Currently, Duck Duck Go is considered as a Search Engine alternative to the big search engines that exist in the market. understanding how Search Enginethose search engines that are configured on web pages or in browsers, to obtain the information we need at a certain moment.

An example of these is of course Google and now this platform that continues to grow and that despite being a relatively new search engine and that does not have many resourcesenough the figure of 1,000 million searches per month. This growth of Duck Duck Gois mainly attributed to the fact that he offers his users greater privacybecause it does not customize search results based on your preferences or historythat is, it does not collect the information that you obtained in each search.

Also, it’s a search engine that works under the Perl code. That is to say, it uses a nginx webserver and which also runs on . It is even considered a hybrid search enginebecause it uses your own tracker and in turn, the API used by the main search engines found on the Internet.

In short, when you do a search, the results you get are the product of the search for the internal crawler from DDG, called DuckDuckGo, in addition to the results you get from at least minus 400 other sources. sources including Wikipedia and search engines like Bing or Yahoo.

Duck Duck Go vs Google Which is better and how are they different?

DuckDuckGo as already mentioned, it is only a small project when compared to Google’s infrastructure and track record. But there are many other differences between the two. And many of them favor the new search engine, which is why it continues to grow as a Search Engine and will probably soon be positioned as one of the best.

Among the most outstanding differences we have that:

Regarding the IP address

Duck Duck Go, it is characterized by do not store the IP address of your userswhich if you do google. This then means that this search engine does not save user informationthe only thing that it stores are keywords used for each search.

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Duck Duck Go does not share data

Another of the characteristics of DDG is that does not share the data of the searches carried out by users on web pages. That is, if you enter a page from the new search engine, it will have no way of knowing what terms were used in the search engine to reach it. They will know that you entered the page but not how you did it.

Something that it does not happen with commercial search engines that we currently handle including Google. Because although they offer the user the possibility of entering to the browser in private modeyou too the criteria you used are stored in search. In addition to being shared with the pages that are visited.

Web encrypted with HTTPS

DDG has another peculiarity, and that is that it is in charge of automatically force the version of a website that is encrypted with HTTPS. via plugin Firefox HTTPS Everywhere.

your history

East new search engine does not store search history. Therefore, there will be no record of them. And this is why they can not personalize your results, no third party will have access to your searches and if the law requires this history to carry out some kind of investigationthis will not be available.

Of course, this is not to say that Duck Duck Go does not save searchesbecause if they do but internally and without any ID Typeso it is not possible to know who performed the search.

A broad ecosystem of services

Now it’s time to highlight the benefits of googleand although when we we refer to the searches we can say that both provide the same service. google excels, because it has a much broader ecosystem of services than the one offered by DDG. That’s why it’s still the most used search engine worldwide.

However, DDG has always made it clear that does not want to surpass Googlethey just want provide privacy to those users who need it. And another important thing is that as regards to the design and interface of the two search engines there is not much difference. So you will have no problem going from one to the other.

What are DuckDuckGo’s “Bangs” and which ones are the most important?

the bangs, are a command system that allows you to Duck Duck Go, use third party services and thus be able to compensate the lack of a much broader ecosystem of services. Also, Bangs are also considered as small shortcutswhich allow you the user saves time when accessing the internet, since through them you can perform specific searches on specific websites.

We can then say that the Bangs work as direct links, through commands that start with a exclamation mark. These are commands that once enter them into seeker They will take you to the place you want.

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The most important and used Bangs are:

  • !a: East bang used with the command !I finish it and allows you to make a search on amazon.com.
  • !ames: Is a Bang used with the command !ames name and allows you to perform a search in Amazon Spain.
  • !ali: This Bang is used with the command !ali term and allows you to make a search on aliexpress
  • !b: Is a Bang used with the command !b text and allows you to make a bing search.
  • !bi: This Bang is used with the command !bi term and allows you to perform a search in bing images.
  • !bang: Used with the command !bang text and allows you to perform a search in the internal Bangs search engine of Duck Duck Go.
  • !bookings: Used to apply the !bookings command term and allows you to perform a search on it is
  • !chrome: Used with the command !chrome extension and allows you to perform a search in the Chrome Web Store.
  • !ccc: Used with the command !ccc finished and allows you to perform a search in CamelCamelCamel.
  • !gives: This Bang is used with the command it’s over and allows you to perform a search in Deviant Art.
  • !decathlons: Used with the command !decathlones product and allows you to perform a search in Decathlon Spain.
  • !drae: Used with the command !drae term and allows you to perform a search in the Dictionary of the Spanish Language.
  • !drive: Used with the command !drive term and allows you to perform a search in Google Drive.
  • !and: Can be used with the command !e product name and allows you to perform a search in eBay.
  • !eees: This Bang is used with the command !is product name and allows you to perform a search in eBay Spain.
  • !etsy: Used with the command !etsy product name and allows you to perform a search in etsy.
  • !F: Can be used with the command !f term and allows you to perform a search in CamelCamelCamel.
  • !faces: Can be used with the command !fnaces product name and allows you to perform a search in Fnas Spain.
  • !fb: It is a Bang that is used with the command !fb term and allows you to perform a search in Facebook.
  • !gh, !git: Can be used with the command gh text and allows you to make a search on Github.
  • !ges: This Bang is used with the command !ges text and allows you to perform a search in Google Spain.
  • !gi: Used with the command !gi text and allows you to perform a search in Google images.
  • !gmail: This Bang is used with the command !gm location and allows you to perform a search in Facebook.
  • !gm: Must be used with the command !gmaps term and allows you to perform a search in Google Maps.
  • !gwes: is a bang is used with the command !gwes product and allows you to perform a search in Games Workshop webstore Spain.
  • !hb: Typically used with the command !hb game name and allows you to perform a search in Humble Bundle.
  • !ia: This Bang is used with the command the term and allows you to make a Internet search.
  • !ig: Can be used with the command !ig term and allows you to perform a search in instagram.
  • !imdb: Must be used with the command !imdb text and allows you to perform a search in IMDb.
  • !keep: It is a Bang that is used with the command !keep term and allows you to perform a search in Google Keep.
  • !kindles: Must be used with the !kindles book name command and allows you to perform a search in the Kindle Library Spain.
  • !shake me: This Bang is used with the command !wag me text and allows you to make a search in Meneame.
  • !nf: Used with the command !nf title and allows you to make a Netflix search.
  • !outlook: Must be used with the command !outlook term and allows you to perform a search in outlook.
  • !p: It is a Bang that is used with the command !p term and allows you to perform a search in pinterest.
  • !ph: Can be used with the command !ph product and allows you to perform a search in Product Hunt.
  • !r: This Bang is used with the command !r text and allows you to perform a search in Reddit.
  • !rt: This is used with the command !rt title and allows you to perform a search in Rotten Tomatoes.
  • !rae: Used with the command !rae term and allows you to perform a search in the website of the RAE.
  • !spt, !spy: You must use it with the command !spt text and allows you to make a search on Spitify.
  • !stack: This Bang is used with the command !stack term and allows you to perform a search in StackOverFlow.
  • !steam: It is a Bang that is used with the command !steam game name and allows you to perform a search in Steam.
  • !tpb: Ready to use with the command !tpb torrent name and allows you to perform a search in The Pirate Bay.
  • !ttv: Used with the command !ttv text and allows you to perform a search in Twitch.
  • !tw: You can use it with the command !tw and allows you to perform a search in Twitter.
  • !w: This Bang is used with the command !wes term and allows you to perform a search in Wikipedia.
  • !wes: You must use it with the command !wes term and allows you to perform a search in Wikipedia in Spanish.
  • !whois: This Bang is used with the command !whois URL and allows you to perform a Whois on a URL, with the help of DomainTools.com.
  • !Y: Finally, this bang must be used with the command !y text and allows you to make a YouTube search.
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