【Install and Configure WhatsApp Business】Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

The versatility of an application allows users to feel comfortable in it. In the case at hand, has a range of interesting options, but we highlight the one that is possible install it on different operating systems, both on computers and mobiles.

For some months there has been talk that the company will make available to its users the possibility of use the account on multiple devices simultaneously, with open sessions in each one, which will provide greater comfort. When available, it will allow the application to be used without having the mobile turned on.

But for that we still have to wait. For now, we want to show you how to install Whatsapp Business on Android, IOS, on the computer with and BlueStack together with good recommendations so that you can get the most out of this application.

Learn step by step how to install WhatsApp Business on any device quickly and easily

Next we are going to show you how carry out the installation of Whataspp Business on both mobile and desktop devicesso that you can manage your company account from any of these computers.

Go for it:

On Android and iOS

The WhatsApp Business installation process in Android It is very simple.

The steps you must follow are the following:

  • Open the Google Play Store or the Apple Store on your mobile.
  • In the search bar type “whatsapp business”.
  • Once the app is found, select “Install”.
  • Now you just have to wait for the app to download and that’s it, It will be installed automatically on your mobile.
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On the computer with WhatsApp web

In order for the application to work on the computer, it is necessary to have it downloaded to the phone and then do the following:

  • open address https://web.whatsapp.com in the browser and when loading you will notice that a QR code appears.
  • Then, open the application on the phone, display the menu with the three dots located at the top and select the option “WhatsApp Web”.
  • To end, scan the QR code and you will notice that the application already appears in your browser WhatsApp Business.

Use WhatsApp Business on the computer allows you to access files immediately, communicate more fluently and is a good tool to coordinate the work of the company.

On the computer with BlueStack

Now, let’s see what we must do to have this Android emulator on our computer, but also to use WhatsApp Business quickly and safely:

  • we start downloading and installing BlueStacks on our computer.

  • When the application is ready, you have to in order to have access to the Play Store application store.
  • Once logged in, we look for the WhatsApp Business application.
  • When we find it, we click on it and select “Install”.
  • Just like on mobile the app will be downloaded and installed automatically.

You must add the telephone number that you are going to use for the installation and in seconds you will have it available to carry out operations just as you would from your mobile.

Discover how to set up your WhatsApp Business account from scratch to get the most out of it

Once you have installed WhatsApp Business on your devices, it is time to configure it to get the most out of it:

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customize profile

After what we have downloaded the application on our mobilewe must follow the steps that are placed on the screen and if you are missing any, no problem then you can finish configuring it.

Let’s see:

  • The first thing is to determine the name of the company. This is important since this information is like a username that must be unique and if you take too long, others could come forward and “steal” the generic name of your company.
  • Now you must select the 3 points in the upper right corner of the mobile screenand select “Settings” and then “Company Settings”.
  • Now we select “Customize profile”. At this point you will have to complete the fields defining a photo or logo, physical address, description of the company and of course the website.

In this section you can also see the statistics, which shows a reflection of the exercise held at certain times. Here is also the option share the profile without giving the phone number, so they can contact us through social networks or the website. In this part you can also configure automatic messageswho will answer the queries made by customers.

set up auto reply

The steps to configure this automatic response option are as follows:

  • Enter in WhatsApp Businesschoose “Setting” and then You go to “Business Tools” and then “Quick Response”.
  • At the top right, select the “+” symbol which will lead you to create a new quick response.
  • In the message section click to write the content you will have the quick answer.
  • it is vital set a keyword to locate it quickly. This is especially useful if there is more than one answer since the application gives the possibility to put up to three keywords for each edited answer.
  • To end, click “Save” And that’s it, you already have it available to use.
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