【 +101 Google Drive Tricks 】Secrets that will change your Life ▷ 2022

Although it is true, cloud storage tools have gained remarkable power over time and today, they have a large number of users around the world. However, although there are a variety of such tools, the truth is that Google Drive is considered the most famous of all.

Thus, Drive emerged at the beginning of 2012 as a file hosting service which was introduced by Google. Since then, it is estimated as one of the applications of said American company that is best received among its users and especially, for the great features and tools it offers to store documents and digital filesin order to have access to them from any device with Internet.

But well, despite the fact that it has many users, not all of them know how to manage this storage service in the best way. Therefore, we believe it is necessary to point out The most optimal tricks to get the most out of Google Drive And so, below, we indicate a list with all of these. Also including, its advantages and tools.

Why use Google Drive to store your documents in the cloud? Advantage

To start this post, it is very important to detail What are the main and best benefits that you can enjoy when using Google Drive?. Given that it is one of the services of this type most chosen by the public when saving documents in the cloud, guarantees excellent advantages and here we detail what they are:

  • It is a completely free tool: Both Google Drive and all its integrated tools are free and thanks to this, you will not have to pay anything to take advantage of all its available functions.
  • It is a multi-platform service: Luckily, this tool works on all platforms, thanks to its being web-based. So, you only need to have an Internet connection on your device to work on your documents from wherever you want.
  • Provides auto save: Another of Drive’s greatest advantages is that it has the ability to save all your work automatically. Because of this, you won’t have to worry about losing what you’ve done in case your computer or mobile crashes, for example.
  • Allows you to send large files: If you need to share files of a considerable size, Google Drive is the best tool you can turn to to send them to your family, friends or colleagues. Which is often complicated if you do it from your email account.
  • Supports collaboration between multiple users: Fortunately, through this service you have the possibility of working on the same document with several people, simultaneously. In other words, it facilitates the fact of collaborating with each other and inserting comments.
  • Provides a very efficient built-in search engine: Google Drive contains an added search engine that makes it easy for you to locate different types of files, such as: folders, images, videos and Word documents. Additionally, you can undertake the search from keywords.
  • It is ideal for opening and editing various types of documents: In case you are using a computer that does not contain specific software from which to open a certain type of file, Google Drive solves this for you. Well, regardless of the device, the service has the ability to open any existing file (Word documents, spreadsheets, Adobe files, etc.).
  • It has optical character recognition: It works as an optical character recognition technology with the ability to scan the search for the word or a certain name, through the documents stored by other users. If you are doing research on a historical topic, Drive can be very useful for it.
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What are all the Google Drive tools?

Regarding the tools that you get in this service, it is opportune to delimit which ones are treated and what each one of them consists of. Which, as we already indicated, you can also use for free and Drive allows you to access them very easily, from the same application. In this way, we detail all the tools of Google Drive, below:

Google Docs

Basically it refers to a word or word processing toolwhere you have the opportunity to create text documents with total simplicity and onlineso you don’t have to install any software for it.

In this sense, it is an option similar to the well-known Microsoft Word. It is necessary to distinguish that, in Google Docs you can create your text files right from the start through a blank page or also using different templates what you will find there

Google Slides

It is considered an alternative tool to services such as PowerPoint or Prezi, since it offers the possibility of create documents in the form of presentations. That is to say, through it, you will be able to make a slide presentation and in these, present various concepts and ideas in a precise and graphic wayat the same time.

Google Sheets

When you use this tool, in addition to create and edit text documents as in Google Docs, you can also create spreadsheets and different templates, without any complications. With this, it stands out as a totally efficient and essential Drive tool for users who work with formulas, numbers and are usually organized.

google forms

This can be defined as a Google Drive tool that simplifies the creation of different types of finds or forms. In such a way that, it is a very useful option when collecting information through the Internet to later use it in order to carry out an analysis of the data obtained.

google drawing

You also have at hand this Google Drive tool that consists of an application with the necessary functions to create various types of graphs and draw pictures with different shapes or even freehand. It is appropriate to note that Google Drawing is very similar to the Windows Paint application.

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Finally, based on the tools offered by this Google storage service, it is important to highlight that you can add more, in case these basic tools are not enough for you. In other words, the service allows you to obtain an experience with a much higher level and make this a super multifunctional tool.

In this sense, you can visit the applications and tools explorer that contains Google Drive, from the following procedure: Access “My Drive”, click on “More” and then click on “Connect more apps”. With this, you will locate an infinite number of options to add to your virtual disk, such as: video editors, audio editors, design tools, PDF creators, note applications and online reminders, among others.

List of tricks to get the most out of Google Drive

Now, we have reached the section of the post where you will be able to learn about the best tricks that exist, to this day, to manage all your files stored in Google Drive in the most optimal way and well, get the most out of this cloud storage service.

With that said, let’s get started:

Move and manage files as if they were on your computer

It is possible that you did not know it, but in Google Drive you have the possibility of moving and managing all your folders and documents just as if you did it from the file explorer of your operating system, that is, with the same gestures.

That way, you can hold down the left click to select multiple files and these will not open immediately, it is also possible to right-click to display context menu or double click to open any stored file. Likewise, it will be possible to use the keyboard to delete the selected folders and well, everything will be managed the same as you do on your computer.

Generate a link to share a document

To easily share a document with as many people as you want; you can make use of this trick. which is based on generate a code with whom you are going to share the document and send it to the users you want, the process to follow consists of:

  • Access Google Drive and find the file to share.
  • Once the file in question is located, right-click on it and a pop-up menu will appear, among all the options shown, click on the one that says “Get Shareable Link”which is in the fourth position.
  • Now, a window will be displayed with the link that you will have to share to the other people so that they can see the document. which, you can copy it and redirect it to where you want to send it.
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Edit Shared Document Link Permissions

In case you want to get a bit of privacy regarding the link you have already shared, it is possible adjust to what extent you want the document in question to be managed. So, it will be possible to define if you want the person who received the link to only be able to see it, comment on it or edit it.

Next, what you must carry out to specify those parameters according to your preferences:

  1. Within the cloud hosting service, locate the document to which you have shared the link and right click on it.
  2. Later, among the options that are displayed, press the one that says “Get Shareable Link”.
  3. In the window that will now appear, you have to click on “Permissions”.
  4. Following the above, in a new window, you can enter emails emails from the specific people you prefer to have access to the file.

Additionally, you will also be able to use the selections found in the dropdown menu of “Any user with the link can”; in order to define who has the right to:

  • Edit.
  • Comment.
  • Watch.
  • If you click on “Plus…” you will have the possibility to mark the option “Deactivate” so that the link does not work for users who are already invited.

Change the color of your folders

Whenever you create a new folder in Drive, You have the possibility to customize it to your liking through colors. Since, in general, when creating it, it will appear in gray automatically. So, to modify the color of each one of them and apply a color code To improve the organization of the content you save on the service, you will need to do the following:

  • Locate the folder you want to change the color of and right click on it.
  • Subsequently, press the option that indicates “Change color”.
  • In conclusion, select the color you want from the list you see and immediately, that color will be displayed.

Use Google Drive searches

Although it is true, the Drive interface has a search bar at the top, from which you can quickly find documents or folders by indicating their name or even a keyword. But apart from that…

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