【 Fix Upside Down Video in Zoom 】 ​​Step by Step Guide ▷ 2022

Zoom is one of the platforms Pioneers in providing video call serviceswhich has allowed more than 300 million people hold daily meetings using this platform.

Despite the fact that the user interface is very friendly and the browsing experience on this platform has been excellent for the majority of users who have left their opinions in company groups or forums, there is a small problem that has become a pattern and it has happened to many people that while they connect with other people by video call, notice that your screen is upside down.

This can cause concern when having to explain graphics, numerical exercises or texts on the screen and believe that other people will not see it the way you want to show it. In this guide you will know what is mirroring in Zoom video calls and how to solve it, just as you will also know what are the oafter applications that have this default option.

What is mirroring in Zoom video calls?

Video mirroring is a tool that companies like Zoom, Teams, and have included video calling services in theirwhere the person who sees himself in the video will notice that everything around him is upside down, both texts and objects are in different positions to how they should beIt’s like you’re looking in the mirror. The question that many ask is why was this option created?

It is important to clarify that only it is you who is seeing things backwardsso if your concern is that the other participants in the call are seeing everything flipped, the answer is no, they see perfectly and in order just as you see them. This tool was created with the objective that you you can see yourself as you usually see yourself when looking in a mirrorwhat you are looking for is that you can be much more natural when you feel like you’re talking to yourself.

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However, this tool can be annoying for people who are already used to talking on video calls and they don’t need mirroring mode to be on. If the image of your video call is upside down, it is because this tool has somehow been activatedso you should go to deactivate it to avoid this discomfort.

Before you think this function is useless, I suggest you see this example: If a teacher is teaching virtual classes through this platform and needs to tell their students to look to the left, everyone will look to the right of the teacherso if he has video mirroring turned on, You will be able to have the same position that the students have.

don’t commit the mistake of writing your texts backwards or flip the images or videos you want to show, since the only person who has the screen in reflection mode is you and not the others, so they will not be able to understand what you want to explain.

Learn how to remove video view upside down from Zoom

Disable video mirroring option It is very simple, you just have to follow the following steps, depending on the operating system that your mobile device or computer has.

Let’s see next:

On Android and iOS

  • On mobile devices you only have to enter the Zoom application, If you do not have it downloaded or updated, you must go to the Play Store or Apple Store to download the application and once it is available on your mobile, you can enter and .
  • Once you have successfully logged in, you will need to Look for the “Settings” option and then “Video Settings”.
  • click in option “Duplicate my video” to be able to disable the option if you have it enabled by default.
  • Make one test video call and doneproblem solved.
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On Windows and MacOS

If you are using the computer, you must perform the following steps:

  • From your Zoom conference window, you must click on the up arrow, on the video button.
  • Click on “Video Settings”this will open the settings window.
  • Click on “Duplicate my video” and ready.

Other applications where duplicity exists

Nowadays, there are few applications that allow you to disable mirroring or video mirror mode.

Here we present some of them:


Microsoft Teams is a group messaging and video calling platform, ideal for companies. One of the advantages of this application is that is integrated with Microsoft Office 365, so you can share documents, presentations, and other files while you’re in an audio or video meeting. Teams is available for mobile and desktop. Microsoft, the company behind this company, has announced that is working on the option to be able to remove duplication mandatory video.


Another of the most famous video call companies and also owned by the giant Microsoft, created in 2003, has become the favorite application of many for its ease and comfort when making video calls, without neglecting the quality of the service it provides. Skype comes with the default mirror option and you will see the tools “Horizontal Mirror” Y “Vertical Mirror”, which you can enable or disable as you wish.

google meet

Last but not least is Google Meets, which is Google’s videotelephony service and was created in 2019being one of the most recent applications, has stood out for the great variety of functions and tools that it provides users with.

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Among which stand out the capacity of people connected to a video call, the encrypted calls between users to protect your privacy and the integration with different Google applications such as Google Calendar and many more functions. on google meet you can enable or disable the option of “Mirror Mode” downloading a program extension.

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