【Trojan Virus】What is it and How to Protect Yourself? ▷ 2022

Cybercriminals use Trojan viruses with the intention of stealing any type of private data, as well as to access any type of system or spy on people.

Regardless of how you want to protect your devices, you must maintain good security on them before installing any other type of app, since it is essential that you protect them from Trojan viruses that cause their effectiveness to decrease significantly. It should be noted that although these viruses do occur on computers, also your Mac, Linux, Android and iOS operating systems may be at risk.

Having seen the above, and with the intention that you can fully understand what we are talking about, you should know what a Trojan virus is and how it can affect your computers and even your mobile phone. That is why we explain everything to you below.

What is a Trojan virus and how to identify it?

East is a software that takes care of infect each of the files found on your computer or mobile device.

When you download a file or program that contains a virus, it can affect your computer and infect it, being that once you have access can do any kind of thing. We could say that they have permission to cause damage or they can even take full control of it, which is a big problem.

That is why each activity that you carry out on the infected computer is saved and transmitted to the Trojan server, which is why it is a dangerous circumstance when you want to carry out any type of banking transaction, because the trojan takes all your account information with the intention of using it or even selling it to others.

Now, the guys that send Trojans can hack your computer or phone completely. It can also make use of your Internet connection, all with the intention of use it to carry out any type of cyberattack.

What are the main types of Trojan viruses known to date?

Trojans usually look like ordinary files, so the user runs it normally, thinking that it is a safe program. When you give it access, it carries out its activities as normal in the world, but what it does not know is that it is are carrying out hidden and malicious activities behind themwith other types of purposes. Usually their goal is to steal information.

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Among the best known we have:

the downloader

This is a Trojan that can be downloaded to install any type of malware on infected computers. You can even automatically start the same. So once you get what you need, you don’t do anything else.

the banking

It is designed with the intention of steal any type of data contained in bank accounts. It is generally used to access them and replace the identity of the original user. Also to take screenshots in the account. Nevertheless, this does not happen in case the user uses the virtual keyboards.

This type of virus can record any type of video when the user accesses bank pages, in order to take note of each of your data and host it on FTP sites.

the clicker

They are created with the intention that Whoever executes it can access the web pages. It can be done when the commands are sent to the browser or when the files that the system has are replaced, with the intention of obtaining the Internet addresses that are executed.

the back door

With this function you leave a back door open, so that the person carrying out the attack has remote access to each of the files on the computer. This type of remote connections sare frequently used in computing.

the back door It is done without the user downloading any type of contaminated file. That is why once it accesses the device, it can send emails, modify and even delete files, format the computer or install any type of harmful program.

the bot

Through this program, computers stop. This with the intention that all user information can be stolen, including their bank accounts.

The attacker handles the computer in the way he wants, in order to carry out any type of criminal act, attack any type of service, send spam.

How can a Trojan virus affect my computer or smartphone?

Trojan virus can affect your computer or mobile device infecting it. Its damage is quite significant, although it will always depend on the object with which it was installed.

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Also, you can:

Damage the operability of computers and networks

As usual damage to your computer or network can happen accidentally. However, when they have a Trojan, they delete the systems and even inadvertently disable the OS permanently.

Hardware Failure

In general, today’s hardware is very modern, so it is somewhat reliable. Though when they are affected may cause the complete failure of the computer or mobile phone.

Theft or Loss of Data

When an attacker installs a Trojan you can delete the data or steal them. That is why when a personal computer is attacked the damage can be low.

But when it is installed to steal some very important information can cause further damage and cause a lot of information, correspondence or files to be lost. The best is perform a backup of them whenever possible to avoid losing them completely.

There may be no visible damage

Various Trojans are usually not noticed on systems, due to the fact that can be installed silently on computersso the system in general works normally without the user being able to notice.

when it exists in a business network a virus is a very serious difficulty. Sometimes managing to behave like a zombie that sends any type of spam, so the infected computer can send mass emails that have not been scheduled by the user.

What are the main ways of infecting my computer with a Trojan?

Seeing then that it is a Trojan virus, You should know how it infects your computer because there are many ways to do it:

  • When a program is vulnerable it can be installed through it.
  • When you download a file and open it, so you can install a code where a “rootkit” is installed in just a few seconds.
  • For presenting faults in the hardware and drivers, achieving with this that the attacker can take control of the equipment and send packets to WiFi or Bluetooth. So when you enter manages to get the option to act as administrator and do what you want with the system.

Tips to avoid being a victim of Trojan virus attacks on the Internet and keep our computer safe

So that your computer or smartphone does not get infected with any type of Trojan virus, You should follow the tips below:

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Beware of suspicious links

One of the ways for the user to access this type of virus is through links or hyperlinks. That is why it is essential that you take precautions when accessing web pages that have some type of threat.

At the moment you are going to open a link or attachment in your email, any type of message on social networks or even when you are chatting, You must analyze each of the messages they send you and even more so if they come from strangers or some kind of sender that is not trustworthy.

Do not enter disreputable websites

There are many web pages that have advertisements that attract the attention of users. Try not to enter them when you browse, and above all things Avoid accessing these types of pages.

Update the operating system and applications

Try to keep your security systems, software and operating system up to date, so that you avoid sharing information or any type of threat that can make your computer vulnerable.

Download apps from official websites

When you go to download some type of program, verify that you are doing it from the official pages, because there are several websites where you replace the versions and they contain viruses or where you download any type of code that is malicious for your computer when installing it.

Use all the technology you can to provide security for your team

There are programs that provide protection to prevent your computer from being contaminated by Trojans, being these antivirus, antispam or firewall which are applications to protect the same and avoid any type of threat.

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